
270 Reviews
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American Hunt (2019)
A bunch of James Hunt's.
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think the true genius of this film is the fact they managed to squeeze 1hour and 20 minutes out of it.

Indeed, that's the only positive about this film.

The acting was shockingly poor, the editing was a joke - to explain. There were 2 or 3 moments where a gun was fired, the action would then cut to another location where someone was walking, talking to themselves, a minute later, we'd hear a gun shot, and they'd go chasing after it. Obviously, this was their attempt at trying to show the same event from two different locations. It didn't work.

After around 40-45 minutes, this film could've ended, and no one would've complained too bitterly about it. As it was, they managed to spin this out for another 40 odd minutes, which is absolute genius in my eyes.
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Back to Black (2024)
2 June 2024
Sadly, this film just strengthens my opinion of Winehouse, that being, she was one messed up lassie well before the drugs and alcohol got a real grip of her.

The actress portraying her does a good job in all fairness and the supporting cast all do their jobs admirably. Unfortunately, it seems Winehouse simply wasn't a nice person, and as mentioned before, was already well and truly messed up long before fame hit and the drugs and drink got a hold.

She had a decent voice, and recorded a few good songs, but i always felt she was a fad. Were she alive today, she'd have been akin to a cabaret act, occasionally touring clubs and pubs repeating the same 5 or 6 songs night after night.

It's tragic that she died so young, and may she rest in peace, but this film is a pointless exercise, a biopic of a flash in the pan.
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Death Count (2022)
A very poor rip off of SAW.
2 June 2024
Clearly, someone watched SAW, and thought they could capitalise on the relative success of the franchise. Let this be a stark reminder that piggybacking on the success of others isn't always a good thing.

This film is awful. 10 minutes in, and i'm just wanting all the characters to be killed, and for clarity, i'm not just talking about the characters involved in the 'game', i mean literally ALL the characters. None of them are likeable, the script is poor, the acting is embarrassing, and as mentioned previously, it tries far too hard to be SAW... and by the way, it fails even at that.

I watched 25 minutes of this and had to switch it off. It's truly awful.
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Draw a line under it and move on.
27 May 2024
This is where the franchise should've ended, and it would've been a decent conclusion.

This is a very good sequel, carrying on from where the first one left off, and following the 'Creeper' on his 23rd and final day of feeding before his next 23 years of hibernation.

There's subtle moments of comedy, particularly when it's sniffing out it's next 'victim' on the school bus, picking through the pupils until it finds the one it's looking for.

The ending of the film should've been the ending of the franchise though, as the films i've watched since have been nothing more than films thrown out to fleece the punters.

Jeepers Creepers 3, or perhaps more accurately, Jeepers Creepers 1.5, should've been a franchise killer, as that truly was an awful film. Poorly thought out and poorly made.

This film though, was decent, and is definitely worth a watch.
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Be Afraid (2017)
Tired and cliché ridden.
24 May 2024
Imagine that. A Horror film about 'shadow' people/demons, and no one believes the child when he says that he's seeing 'a Man' in his room at night?

Who would've thought that such a premise could ever be thought up and put onto celluloid?

It's just such a tired old cliché, and stopped being clever midway through the first film it ever appeared in.

It's time for film makers to use a bit of thought when making films, come up with something even approaching original and it might just prove to be successful.

This film is actually quite annoying in how it wrings every ounce of this trope (and many others) completely dry. It's lowest common denominator rubbish. Not one tiny aspect of this film was smart, or interesting.
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Offender (2012)
Is this meant to be gritty?
23 May 2024
So our Protagonist spends the majority of the time walking around like he's holding in a big keich.

Our Antagonist spends the majority of the time walking around like he's just swallowed the Protagonists keich.

This is an abysmal film on every level.

Most of the cast go about just trying their best to act as natural as possible, the Protagonist and Antagonist must've had a bet to see which one could do the worst acting job in the history of film, and to be perfectly honest, it's been declared a draw.

This has no redeeming features what-so-ever. It's trying too hard to be gritty and edgy and just comes across like a bunch of early teens taking the huff because they weren't allowed to stay up past 9pm.

A truly awful film with two of the most unlikeable characters i've ever had the misfortune to view.
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Relegation looms
21 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Absolute rubbish.

The story itself isn't a disaster, it was the execution which let this down. With a bigger budget, better script and an entire new cast, this could've been a decent venture. As it was, it was an utter disaster.

There was a few things i had to laugh at.

1. There only seemed to be 5 players in the squad.

2. There was no Manager or Training Staff.

3. The PHYSIO took training.

4. This lad was only seen at 'training' once through the entire film.

5. They weren't even wearing training gear, just Puma trackies.

6. A player in the modern game wouldn't be able to just take £10k out his bank account, in cash, that easily. They've all got accountants, their Agent would be asking questions. It just wouldn't and couldn't happen.

When i saw the lad from ' Green Street' and various other 'football 'ooligan' films was in this, i then really knew this wasn't going to be up to much, and on that front, i wasn't disappointed.

This wasn't well acted, it was juvenile, naive, and lacked any sense that adults were involved.

An awful effort with far too many annoying, unlikeable characters.
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Gunned Down (2017)
Baynd ov Bruvvurs
19 May 2024
So i saw this starred Fairbrass(no, not the ones from 'Right Said Fred', no, this is the less talented one who seems to be typecast as a London 'ard Man, even though he's as convincing as a Gerbil trying to pass as a Lion), and i thought to myself 'Yes. I'm in the mood for a comedy.', so i decided to watch it.

Well, i should've guessed when Fairbrass was Starring, that the other muppets from any other London 'ard Man film would be in too, and here they are, all the clowns he's starred with before in those awful 'Footsoldier' films, and none of them have got any better at acting.

It must be the same people involved in all of these films, it's like a conveyor belt of sub standard nonsense. Every actor in this is laughably bad, overplaying their part as though their life depended on it. The script is once more every bit as convincing as any one of these films which as gone before this.

Please. Someone stop these idiots from making any more films.

I rated this 2 star just for the chuckles it gave me throughout.
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Decent enough film and then...
7 May 2024
I have to admit i went into this not expecting an awful lot and i came away having(for the most part at least) enjoyed it.

I'm not a fan of Stewart, i just don't rate her as an Actress and having watched this, my opinion hasn't changed.

I have to admit i was expecting this to be a film with LGBT+ issues being rammed down the viewers throat, but it wasn't like that at all. It was a film with genuine characters, two of whom happened to be LGBT+. It didn't try to preach anything, there was no Anti LGBT+ Antagonist, it was just characters who were part of a story, and from that point it was actually really refreshing. It's a long time since i didn't feel like i was being preached to, so kudos to the makers of this for that. It shows that good film making can still be achieved without the need for an 'in yer face' approach.

The story was a good one, the relationship between the two protagonists was well handled and thought out. There were moments of violence, but within the scheme of the film, they were justified, there were some limited sex scenes between the two protagonists, which were handled well and weren't too graphic.

The main thing to get down votes was the ending. What was going on there? I get the feeling it was meant to be metaphorical. More to do with how the characters were feeling about themselves, feeling a freedom and an empowerment. I might be wrong, but that was my take on it.

This is a decent film. Definitely worthy of a watch.
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A Haunting in Salem (2011 Video)
What an odd prologue.
6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just have to comment on the prologue and how it went from zero to a hundred in the blinking of an eye.

This opens with the Cameraman slowly climbing the flight of stairs while some guy dramatically turns on and off the taps while running a bath on his hands and knees. The Cameraman slowly approaches said Man from behind and in a moment of sheer drama, drowns him in the bath with what can only be described as inhuman arms, which looked more like an Octopus' tentacles.

Meanwhile a Woman sleeps in her bed. The Cameraman once more sneaks up on said Woman who is risen from her slumber, and met, apparently, by someone she knows, and is promptly suffocated.

Next the Sheriff arrives home from a long shift chasing Witches and for some reason shouts on his Wife. He immediately heads upstairs, into the bedroom and see's his Wife flat out on her back, mouth agape and immediately presumes she's dead rather than in a deep sleep. His next move is 'Z Horror' GOLD...

... He douses the house in petrol, pours a wee bit on himself for good measure and prepares to torch the place... Slight overreaction?? I would say so. Humorously, he then fails to strike several matches, before the Cameraman once more sneaks up on his unsuspecting victim, and hurls the Sheriff out the window onto the garden below, claiming 'his' third victim in as many minutes.

The film then starts proper, and this Cameraman is always there, recording everything, often in extreme close up and the beauty of it is, not one person suspects 'him' of being the Killer. I guess not only do Cameramen always survive, but they're also never considered a suspect.
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Arcadian (2024)
Decent film, but usual issues.
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
For me, the biggest problem with many films such as this which land us in the middle of events which have been ongoing for some time is, that they feel this need to explain to us what's been happening, which, ok, in and of itself, isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the way they always choose to do it, makes absolutely no sense in the terms of their world.

In this, Nick Cage is seen standing in the middle of a field, looking off into the distance. We see one of his Sons running through scattered woodland. His other Son in the house, watching the shadow on the wall, gauging the progress of the setting sun.

Clearly what is happening here is, his 'running Son' is rushing to get home before nightfall, and Cage is waiting, worried, desperate for his Son to arrive. When he eventually shows over the crest of a hill, is excuse for being late is that he 'lost track of time'. Now, this would make sense to the likes of you, or me (the viewer), were we to be suddenly dropped into this post apocalyptic world, as we wouldn't understand the danger(s) we were potentially in. However, these people have been living this way for the last fifteen years, and are therefor fully aware of the dangers surrounding them and so would know when they have to be heading home.

I feel that it's better if they don't talk us through and allow the viewer to figure things out for themselves, and in this particular film, it really wouldn't take all that long to figure out.

The film itself is decent. The premise is good, the acting is good, script good. I like the cinematography, the location is excellent.

There's far worse post apocalyptic films out there to be watching. I'd certainly recommend this.
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Standard fare.
3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Once you've seen one film about people being stranded at sea, surrounded by Sharks, you've seen them all, unfortunately. There's very little can be done with the sub genre, which makes you wonder why these films keep getting made.

The acting wasn't bad, the script and plot were lacking though. At times it was all too obvious that this was being filmed in shallow water, as not only could you see the seabed, but one of the actors (the annoying character who arranged this excursion), wasn't dipping low enough in the water, meaning the vast majority of the times, her shoulders were fully exposed out of the water, something which quite obviously would never happen.

This was so reminiscent of other films. I got definite 'The Descent' vibes from the character types. The one who set up the excursion was the 'Juno' character. The rebel without a clue, who sets up a trip without taking the appropriate safety precautions, the main protagonist was 'Sarah'. The one who had suffered in the past and was now on a redemption arc and is thorough in everything she does...

It's not an awful film to be honest, but it's just a copy paste of many other films which have gone before.
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Baghead (2023)
Potential was there.
1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film frustrates. It reminds me in many ways of the awful film 'The Door'.

There's a set of rules to be followed and ofcourse those rules are broken flagrantly. The worst thing being, the rules are very simple.

In 'The Door', the Security Guard was told not to open the door. When a 'delivery' was made by two other security guards, and they had to go beyond the door, he was told that if they hadn't returned within a certain time ( i think it was 2 minutes), then he shouldn't open the door under any circumstances. Ofcourse the rule is broken and he opens the door after the 2 minutes is up.

In this, she's told that people can speak to the dead via 'Baghead' for only 2 minutes. No more. The number of times the timer goes off, signifying the 2 minutes is up, yet they keep on talking is incredible. She's also told not to go beyond the hole in the wall. Ofcourse, that rule also has to be broken.

There was potential for this to be a somewhat groundbreaking Horror, something which leaves the audience stunned. Unfortunately we ended up with this film which stumbles along breaking simple rule after rule and seems to enjoy doing it.
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I deserve a medal for lasting 15 minutes.
30 April 2024
Well, these two gave me a headache. Their constant high pitched whining proved too much for me, i'm afraid to say. They were like to ultrasonic Banshees trying to outdo eachother and i'm afraid it did nothing for me whatsoever.

That ends the review.

I still have 350 characters left...So

A Glasgow lass went to the Dentist. He asked her to sit in the chair and before he began he said 'Comfy?'.

She replied 'Govan'. (ask a Scottish friend to explain that one).

The Girlfriend told me she wanted peace and quiet while she made dinner. So i took the battery out of the smoke alarm.

Bob Marley wasn't a big fan of Doughnuts, but he did like the ones with Jam in.
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Clearly a College project...Surely?
30 April 2024
Within 30 seconds you could tell this was going to be absolutely brutal, and it unfortunately doesn't get any better.

Things which are or could be good about this is the plot. It's a fairly interesting idea for a premise. The camera work is fairly well done.

Things which are brutally awful about this, is everything else about the film. The script is abysmal and was clearly written by someone with only a basic understanding of English. At one point we have some guy ( i think he's meant to be an Archaeologist because he's wearing an Olive coloured Keffiyeh as a face mask, and all Archaeologists wear Keffiyehs...Right?) actually utter the words 'a dead corpse', as though there is such a thing as a live corpse.

We have some of the cast stumble over their lines a few times, no doubt embarrassed that they had to speak these awful lines.

I suppose as a College project, it's not a disaster, but don't release it, keep it to yourselves, share it with friends and family, not the wider world where it ends up on Amazon Prime.

I only gave this a 1 star purely for the effort they put in to make the film.
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No Way Up (2024)
Not a disaster
29 April 2024
This was a lot better than i was expecting, in fairness to it.

There was a bit of scene setting and then it was right into the action with passengers one by one getting munched by the over grown Goldfish of the deep.

It was well shot, at times the script was a bit lacking, and most of the main characters were decent enough, though the lad who broke his arm in the crash was one you just had no interest in as he was far too obnoxious in the opening scenes.

It did a decent job in building a bit of tension, though, for me anyway, it was obvious which characters were going to survive from early on, so although it succeeded in the tension, it did lack in suspense.

It's certainly better than some of the reviews would suggest. It's not going to be an 'Oscar' nominated film, but it's by no means awful.
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The Camp Host (2024)
28 April 2024
I'm not entirely sure what this was meant to be. Was it Horror/Thriller? Or was it a Horror/Comedy?

It ended up being nothing, really.

The poster itself tells us far too much by itself. We know exactly who the protagonist is and who the antagonist is, so there's absolutely no level of suspense or intrigue before we even watch the film.

Onto the actual film, and it's just not that good, and it's full of that overly annoying trope of 'stupid people doing stupid things'. It could've been an average film, had the part the characters were to play in this not been signposted before we watch the film.

It was just all too obvious how this was going to play out, though they attempted a twist ending, presumably with the hope of setting up a needless sequel. They need to leave this alone.
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Incredibly poor.
22 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Less than a minute into this film and i'm wanting to switch off.

Some woman approaches a house, hears a noise, looks round the corner to see a bucket being filled up with blood from an outside tap. She reels back in shock just as the blood stops flowing. She dips her finger into the bucket and looks at the blood, just then a head pops up inside the bucket. Shocked, she picks herself up and walks round the corner to the front door. She looks at her hand, and no blood...

Now, i'm not easy scared, but i have to admit, if this happened to me, i'd be back in my car and out of there as quick as my wheels could take me.

She notices the house door is now open, takes keys out her pocket(notice the blood on her coat at this point), and continues to enter the house, where upon, a creepy mirror thing happens, which once more sends her scrambling across the floor in sheer terror.

Surely she decides to leave the house now? Nope.

It's just awful.

The second story looks no better in all honesty, so i think i'll be switching off and checking on the grass seed i sowed last week, to see if there's any sign of it germinating yet... It'll be more exciting that this utter nonsense.
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Scare Us (2021)
5 silly stories
21 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just on the first story as i start to write this, and the usual frustrations arise.

So it's set in a storage facility and some dumb Woman encounters a Priest whose coughing up blood outside a locked unit. She approaches asking if she can help. The Priest of course tells her to stay away, and to get out. Does she?

Don't be silly, this is a horror film, and so she's going to act like a complete imbecile and approach the Priest.

Soon his eyes roll in his head and he appears to be possessed. What does our highly intelligent horror film character do at this point? Run, perhaps like any normal person would? Of course she doesn't. She stands there looking gormless.

Then she hears a 'girls' voice coming from the unit the Priest was standing outside of. Does it even enter her tiny horror film characters head that something isn't right? Come on, you know the score by now... She unlocks the thing, then finds a locked crate. Surely at this point she'll at very least run and get help? Are you new to to badly written horror? Of course she doesn't, she unlocks the crate, releasing a literal Demon from Hell.

I mean, i know not everyone can be a great writer, but can someone start using even a tiny bit of thought when scripting a Horror film, because all of this utter nonsense is really making it difficult to enjoy any films in this genre anymore.

Onto story No.2. And no doubt more of the same utter dross.
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Bio-Dome (1996)
Typical 90's 'try too hard' alleged comedy.
2 April 2024
From the soundtrack right through to the acting and script, this film stinks of the worst aspects of 90's film.

Each line delivered by the 'moronic' friends is a pitiful attempt at a joke, and each one misses the mark by a distance.

This is the kind of film which was parodied to death in 2000's-2010's, and it actually gives one a whole new found respect for those awful films, which is a sad indictment of the quality of these films.

I feel like a deserve a medal for getting 30 minutes in before turning off this effort. It really is that bad.

For me, it's a really poor attempt to recreate a 'Bill and Ted' ,or 'Wayne and Garth' double act that they hoped would spawn a franchise.

Terrible film, definitely best avoided.
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A true story 'horror' which isn't true... How original.
1 April 2024
What could have potentially been a good film was sadly completely ruined by the abysmal acting. I don't know if it was dubbed, or if this was actors actually voicing the dialogue, either way every line from every actor was delivered with a total lack of emotion or tonal change.

The story itself was interesting and had huge potential to something worthy of a 7 or 8 star review. It would be interesting to see a big name look to remake this with a bigger budget and better cast, as i think in the right hands this could've been something special.

As it is, i'm giving it 4 stars purely based on that potential and the overall story.

Is it worth a watch? I would say so, but please, do not expect anything of any real standard.
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Hillside Cannibals (2006 Video)
As an actual descendant of Sawney Bean, i am offended by this
28 March 2024
I'll say one thing about this film, it wasted no time getting started, and there ends the positive aspects of this 80 odd minute affair.

As an actual descendant of Sawney Bean, this film was actually rather insulting. No descendant of Sawney ended up in the USA, and just because he and his clan were alleged cannibals, it doesn't mean his descendants are. This is a silly, lazy, trope that we see in a number of films.

If your ancestors were Vegetarian, does it mean you are too? Of course not.

So immediately upon introducing our protagonists, i knew there was going to be the obligatory 'stoner'. Sure enough, less than 30- seconds of dialogue and we have the "Did you bring the stuff?" Line, and a big bad of parsley was revealed. Something strike you as odd about this? EXACTLY. They've very clearly been travelling for a fair number of miles and a number of hours. So would the time to ask that all important question, perhaps not have been before they set off, rather than once they'd arrived in the middle of nowhere? What would've happened had she forgotten the parsley? Would she have had to drive back for it and catch the gang the next morning? Would they all have gone back for it, and the Cannibals would've spent a lonely night chasing their own shadows, forlornly reminiscing about the 'good old days' when package trains and wagons used to come rollin' on through full of Pilgrims or the cast of Little House on the Prairie?

Had she forgotten the parsley, this would've been a far better film, in fairness. It could've switched back and forth, from them being chased by a psychotic truck driver, intent on annihilating the lot of them all because they pulled out in front of him at a cross roads some way down the way, to the Cannibals sat on rocks, picking their toenails and playing their mouth organs while howling at the moon, back to the 30 something teens, now booking into the dodgiest looking Motel on the trail, run by an incestuous Brother and Sister who take a troubling liking to the bloke with glasses and force him to breed with the Brother, while the Sister sits a strokes her...shotgun...(please, people, lets keep this clean here!!). Back to the Cannibals who are now sat in their hot tub, drinking hooch and smoking cigars, waiting for the Domino's Pizza to arrive.

Incidentally, i'm not a descendant of Sawney Bean, but i bet that story was more believable than this film was.
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Oh dear.
27 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Why do i keep putting myself through this?

I'm barely 10 minutes into this and it's already ticked off so many tropes.

1. Cartoonishly evil Killer goes to the chair, but not before rattling off a monologue about how evil everyone is and how they'll all die horrible deaths, before managing to kill a guard.

2. During said execution, we have a thunder storm.

3. Next we meet our 30 somethings portraying teens, one of whom is of course a stoner. We also have the overly macho Jock and a bunch of silly wee girls.

4. Next up. Hand over your mobile phones. No phones this weekend, so we now know they're going to need them and they won't be available.

5. Now we have them travelling along a dirt track at around 10mph. One of them(guess which one) doesn't hold their breath when passing the grave yard(i've never heard of this urban legend), somehow the stoner pipe jumps from his hand onto the drivers lap, so the driver stops the car, right? No, don't be silly, he speeds up for dramatic effect and almost crashes.

I really can't wait for the rest of this film and the 'tick off the trope' game.
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Laughably bad.
27 March 2024
Apart from this just being a terrible film with a terrible script and terribly acted. They actually want us to believe that this guy who looks like he smokes 20 a day and chomps down on a diet of Kebabs and Curries, is a Professional Footballer.

They'd have been better casting his mate, the dealer in the lead role and this guy as the dealer. At very least the dealer looks a bit athletic, particularly when compared to our podgy Ice Cream Man.

This is another in a long line of 'Sarf ov Englund' (usually Essex) alleged hard Man films with lazy dialogue and all too predictable scenarios of violence for violence sake, and expletives for expletives sake.

To be honest, i only ever watch these films to get a laugh, as they offer very little else.
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One Love
21 March 2024
Bob Marley was one of those 'once in a generation' artists, he encompassed a movement, inspired millions and brought people of all backgrounds together.

This is a lovely tribute to the Man and his music.

I'm sure i wasn't alone in dancing in my seat every time one of his songs dropped throughout this film and i'm sure that's what Marley himself would've wanted people to do.

The film is basically covering a two year period, from Marley leaving Jamaica to avoid the troubles, arriving in London and the recording of 'Exodus', the supporting tour and his return to Jamaica to then perform at the 'One Love Peace Concert' in 1978.

It's a fascinating watch and has what must be considered one of(if not the) best film soundtrack of all time.

If you love Marley, then this is a must see. If you're unfamiliar with him and want to know more, this is a must see.
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