
23 Reviews
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Book of... Mandalorian?
26 January 2022
There is so much heart and soul in this episode... from references and love for prequels and CW to just pure joy of watching characters interact and do simple things.

Bryce Dallas Howard is a really talented director and it shows. The pace of episode is near perfect, lor of it had to do with the dialogue, thats delivered with more energy.

Its only... it didnt felt like Book of Boba Fett episode at all more like pretty important part of Mandalorian sequel.
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Oh Rodriguez...
14 January 2022
That gang with clean bright colors and shiny bikes without a slightest dust on it, is so out of place for Mos Eisley... felt that they came from some cyberpunk universe rather than SW.

Chase scenes felt so slow and poorly directed, with Back To The Future only much worse... But not everything was bad, Rancor scene was pretty good and hope we see more of Danny character in future...
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Episode 2 hits the right spots with flashback story.
14 January 2022
Its basic trope and story we saw so many times but nevertheless, its still amazing and very well done...

I think its great to see how Tusken Raiders are more than just mindless savages, with their culture and way of life... as well as possibility to change and adapt.

Only thing that kinda didnt like , is like how there are more of them after the chase then before, and how they managed to catch up with train immeditely in the end.. but otherwise amazing episode.
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What If...? (2021– )
good animation
7 November 2021
1. What if... They just swapped Steve with Peggy.

Okay-ish first episode but literally same story from Capetan America only with Peggy instead. 6/10

2. What if... Tchalla was Supereme Gary Stew.

Basically if Tchalla was taken instead of Peter, everything would great and perfect even if its full of holes 6/10

3. What if...actually good mystery Really good and intense episode with nice revaletion at end... but ending and last fight was kinda meh 7/10

4. What if... Episode better than most MCU movies One of best if not the best story MCU ever made. Superb 10/10.

5. What If.... Dumb zombie filler Amout of poor writing and lack of logic is doubled cuz last episode had none. Zombie Wanda was only cool thing. 5/10.

6. What if... more Killmonger Interesting set-up but kinda predicting, good message in the end but kinda pushed. 7/10.

7. What If... Whole episode is typical disney comedy.

Nothing to say about episode but that is dumb in all senses. Extra points for public reaction to Captain Marvel. 6/10.

8. What If...Thanos was nerfed.

Good idea but Ultron/vision is just too cringy and boring... and yes Thanos is just nerfed too much. 7/10

9. What If... Watcher forgot to use brain Why Watcher didnt summon different versions of Doctor Strange and maybe some Captain Marvel or Thor, instead of these b-listers is beyond me but okay... Action was good tho. 7/10.
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Dara is in all of us.
21 February 2021
I dont get all the bad press and hate for this movie, they clearly can come from someone who have zero knowledge on this matter and history (no wonder when its never almost mentioned in media).

What to say about this movie, is it masterpiece oscar worthy? No But again worse movies got nominated in past . Is it Serbian propaganda trash? not even close. What is it? its good movie that deals with some of serious crimes from history. Story is full of heavy scenes, that can inwoke strong feelings and make you cry.. Fact that its watered down and not 10% of what actually happened can only make you feel more sorrowful. Production is fine, costumes too but direction could had been better. From artistic side, movie is good. It have impactful Story, strong message and good performances (really Biljana Cekic is Oscar Worthy) but as whole it falls little short, lacking some stronger ending to wrap the movie. I also feel that it should had been more informative with more of data and facts.

All in all important movie and Its sad to see that truth triggers so much hate.
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The Looney Tunes Show (2011–2015)
Update done right
3 February 2021
What you get when you put Looney Tunes in modern society? YOu get Sitcom that hit the spots on all right spots. The base being sitcom inspired was odd choice with lot of possibilites to go wrong, but they just managed to nail it. Episode mostly follows 2-3 plotlines, usually following Bugs and Daffy on same or different journey, usually with dealing with similar message nad theme of episode only from different angle. In every episode there is segment of Coyote and Road Runner that is same like old ones without any update.. but depends on episode its either hit or miss and unlike the rest of cartoon, is 3D. Also there are songs (based on story plot of episode) that are just catchy and well made, again covering as much of different genres as possible. Most suprise is how well Characters are modernised and updated without losing their core and what makes them sepcial. From crazy Yosemite Sam neighboor who do scams to Marvin the Martian being social ackward alone... everyone is so well interesting and well voice acted but most hilarious is definetely Duffy Duck who steals the show. Show deals and makes humor of social tropes and popculture very well mananging to play homage of some iconic things thry comedy. Gags are often hilarious but smart instead of action and violence we got used to in old version.

Definetely the modern take that this characters needed, and too bad it got canceled after two seasons. For this show was awesome for kids and even some older ones.
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Delievers epic conclusion but sadly repeat same problem comics have
5 May 2020
Its dark alright. Justice League Dark Apokalips War Justifies its name, its really dark and gory but with just enough of humor and fun not to be too gritty (cough cough BvS) yet not too much of it to ruin the tone of movie either (cough cough cough JLA)

Being the culmination of all previous cartoons, they really made it to be spectacle with everything you expect from such story and characters. Its nice to see that Damian finally matured and grown as character (after dismissing all his progression in previous appearances) And overall there are a lot of subplots and progress among other characters as well. Only Darkseid fall to be intimidating and iconic as main bad guy, instead he uninspiring and bland like in previous one.

Story, tho little predictible, Is full of really good moments that makes you forgive flaws in story structure. Its closest we got to Marvel's endgame and for the most part It did much better job than endgame. Entertaining action and strong endings for characters makes this really fun to watch even if it doesnt really hit the mark with message it tried to make.

This DCAU based on New52 had it ups and downs but it sucessed at ending at high note even if the ending itself may be dissapointing to some.
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After bad filler arc, we finally got what we've been waiting for.
17 April 2020
A great start to the final arc, feels like being written with the pacing of a movie. Opening that was little weak, especially being pretty much the same as Clone Wars Movie (fighting for control of a bridge, a Jedi pretending to surrender to buy time, 501st coming in on jetpacks...) But it soon gear up and blast with emotions and action. Kinda sad that The Night Of A Thousand Tear will be ending instead of Coruscant Invasion but this Episode hits all the right marks and promises good finale.
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Together Again (2020)
Season 7, Episode 8
At least its not as bad as last 3 episodes...
11 April 2020
Did last episode even happened? Episode 7 was probably worst CW episode but it forced some progression upon characters at the end of it, the progression this episode clearly ignores. At least its finally conclusion for this awful arc with probably most annyoing characters in SW, Martez sisters. Storywise its still big waste of time to tell is she still respects the Jedi, they could have condensed the last 4 episodes into 2.
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Dangerous Debt (2020)
Season 7, Episode 7
Getting worse and worse...
3 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This whole episode felt super clunky. It took forever to get out of there once they tricked the guards, no rush or urgency on the run, Artificially raising the stakes,, leading them being back at same spot. Whole point was just to force some ''progression'' of Rafa's character by realizing its her fault, while the episode clearly forget that its actually others ones fault for dumbing the spice... The second half of this season better be awesome. I'm really disappointed with all this filler. I was hoping for more build towards ROTS.
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Deal No Deal (2020)
Season 7, Episode 6
A long step back from the original show.
29 March 2020
Its not bad, but its far from quality of previous seasons...seems like they downgraded whole Ahsoka's progression ,she is back to being naive and foolish... We aren't seeing a strained Ahsoka striking out on her own in the chaos of the final months of the war, instead we are seeing her help two nobodies for no reason. It's very disappointing that they decided to give us boring episodes and arcs for last season, instead Cad/Boba arc and the Ventress/Vos arc.
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Season 1 quality of fillers.
21 March 2020
Overall its not too bad but still waste of episode, would have been a fine if we were getting 24 episodes rather than 12... The voice acting for the two new characters was bad and unipsiring. A too much of ''Disney'' feel to it so far... Introduction of 1313 was nice detail tho.
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Bad Batch (2020)
Season 7, Episode 1
Return of the Clone Wars
29 February 2020
Pretty Good comeback episode. Feels like wasted opportunity for Delta squad instead of this new stereotypical guys but ok (unless they are plannin something specificly with them). Its well written first episdoe, packed with action, and long shots are just joy to watch... So far so good. Only thing thats too much is the clone that singlehandly lift battleship.
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: A Distant Echo (2020)
Season 7, Episode 2
Disney mediocrity strikes back.
29 February 2020
While first episode was good, this was just kinda meh. Bad pacing, To many close quarters fights with no weight, really naive moments thru whole epsidoes. But on good side, improvement in animation (especially face animation) really shows.
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Star Wars: Rebels (2014–2018)
23 September 2019
Coming as Disney's ''Sequel'' to the canceled Clone Wars and with Dave FIloni on the board, she show had much poetnion... but failed to make it even close as good.

First We see that it lacks the quality of animation, not being as smooth and while CW had unique cartoonish design and style, this one is just generic. Next is tone and realism being dumbed down, Empire for instance is a joke. They keep saying how terrible and strong evil force it is but they rarely ever show any real threat or danger to back it up... Both stormtroopers and pretty much everyone else ( except the Big baddies) acts like 10-12 year-olds ... And yes there are literaly ridiculous things as lightsabers that rotates and enemies use them as copters to fly.

Main characters are pretty stereotypical with some variation but except maybe Hera and Kanan, they are all goofy and uninspiring. Takes good 2 seasons for some developing and arcs to come but even when it does, it feel forced especially with Sabine's.

Story is not that bad, managed to keep and expand at least some spirit and elements of what Star Wars is. I was suprised they kept some darker elements in such show especially how light and kid-friendly rest is. Force and mysticism are big part of the story, and mostly done well. Also episodes with returning characters from CW are interesting, mostly due to nostalgic effect, even if they are just shadow of what they were. Every main character got an ending, most with loose ends and clifhangers (especially Main one, Ezra) to make you watch futher sequels and stories.

Finale of season 2 is highest point of the show, easily being one of best moments in SW Universe. After that, Season 3 and 4 had some really good and emotional moments too but most was same quality or overshadowed by nonsesne... Overall it have about 10 good episodes in total, and rest is just another Disney's rubbish take on such beloved franchise.

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Not great but not as bad as many believe
29 August 2019
To start with the story, is not great but not as bad as many people say. They surely tried to wrap some interesting ideas and messages bad but failed at execution, probably due to lack of experience and whole Disney buyout problems that left movie delayed.

Flow of the first act was suprisingly good but the rest felt rushed, especially the ending itself, leaving more questions than answers... some events were unnecessary and could be cutted in favor of better character progression but the main problem with the movie is poorly written dialouges and lack of believable motives. They tried to make some characters deeper, forcing character progression but clearly lacked expericence to pull it out, ending with them behaving naivly and unconvincing. .

Another problem is (again) with continuity, as Director/Writter admitted he didnt take events of previous one into account and screwing the timeline again.

Visiually it was well done, its where movie shines. Action scenes are really nice with creative camera work and choreography, in fact action-wise its one of better in the franchise.

Acting was good, at least the old cast. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender yet again nailed the roles, Jennifer Lawrence was good too and even Jessica Chastain had moments to shine. As for Sophie Turner, she was not that horrible but lacked the ability to carry the movie as ''main'' character.

Overall it was okay movie, coming uninspiring and anti-climatic as closure for 2 decade long franchise, but as a superhero flick for fun, its decent. 6.1/10
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Definitely Improvement from Force Awakens but its still missing the Lucas touch
16 December 2017
I never thought I'll have so mixed feelings about Star Wars movie, but here it is. Its both disappointment and not

I am glad it have some originality and depth in it, something that was lacking in previous Disney movies but still doesnt make it so great, there is space for more improvement and changes.

Story was interesting, well written for the most parts. It feels like Empire Strike Back at the moments but its definitely not. Its overfilled with content and characters that are not so important for the main story still manages to be enjoyable and unpredictable till the very end, filled with mini twists and turns.

Direction is slightly better than Force Awakens but it still jump from scene to scene too fast. Its visually stunning as expected, action scenes are best in Star Wars yet but should had been little longer. The biggest problem is probably too much jokes all the time, added them in scenes that should be serious, killing almost every chance for tension, somethings thats becoming trend is such movies.

Acting was mostly good or at least bearable, even tho it feels younger ones were close to the line of being bad, especially Daisy Ridley.

Movie is trying to be fun, emotional and inspiring, just like original Star Wars was but again fails to deliver the full essence. It can be seen that Rian gave his best to continue the franchise with things he got from Force Awakens but failed to build new the tension instead just wrap up the previous one . The way it ends didnt leave anything interesting nor exciting for next movie. 7.4/10
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Solid action comedy and nothing more.
21 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There is nothing too interesting nor spectacular about this movie, characters are fine, story is fine, action is fine but that's just it, just fine. Its lacking some key elements they tried to make in previous films Like strong messages and philosophy, there is also almost no depth at all, no characters progression, no some greater revelation, Its just going one way and that's it, when it comes to it, you don't even fulfilled by outcome.

BvS was criticized by fans for being too dark, so they made it as "light" as possible with as much humor as they could, the problem is that they focused too much on it , there is almost not a single serious moment of League leading the movie to feel more like comedy than action.

Acting was good, I was worried about Ezra Miller and Ray Fisher at first but They weren't that bad.

action scenes were fine but nothing too memorable still Way too much CGI as usual.

For a movie where story is basing on fighting one main villain, They didn't made effort to make him interesting at all. its done pretty poorly and uninspiring especially the way he was defeated.

It can be seen what they cut from the trailers, feels like there should whole segments of Supermen brought back alive and his struggles leading him to probably refuse joining the fight at first, building the tension how would league defeat Steppenwolf alone. there is nothing of that in the movie. Hope it will be in extended cut.

Overall its watchable movie, slightly above average, fun and enjoyable at the moments but nothing special. Like watching cartoon or reading comic, Kids will love it.
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Not the Spiderman we all grow up with.
6 October 2017
They are trying to make their adaptation of Spiderman much different from all previous ones by skipping origin and changing character traits and personalities. The problem is that they changed some core elements of them, especially Peter Parker who is nothing like one we all know and love from comics. They dumb him down and adjusted too much to be appealing for today's younger generations. Most of the times, he is just too immature and childish, even for a 15 years old kid, totally ignoring fact that he should be genius and outcast.

Story have some good ideas here and there, They add at least some responsability elements to the character so its not completely shallow. Its trying to be mix of comedy and action but often ends being just too cheesy and naive . Beggining of third act is the highest point of the movie where they turn the table and finally build needed tension. There is that one dialouge driven scene in the car after the ''great'' revalation that slow down the tone and set the climax of the movie perfectly. Sadly the following was returned to first gear again rushed thru final comfortation and conclusion, without delieviring the fulfiling end.

I expected better character development and little more focus on main villain. Which is disappointing because they really waste good potential with Keaton as Vulture, he nailed the role. Other than him, there was Shocker, two of them actually, the first one was fine but second was just uninspiring and bland.

Acting was good, Tom Holand is good actor and fine for the role, fit more than Andrew or Tobey. Action is decent, but not even close to the Civil War nor last Spiderman movie (Amazing Spider-man 2)

Direction is where it really fails. Like most others Disney/Marvel movies its too fast phased, They jump from scene to scene, and location to location too fast, Not giving enough time of scenes and acts.

It shows that movie is trying to be original and unique, it have same good moments and most important they didn't completely miss the whole point of Spiderman. So its not that bad, kids and young ones will love this movie. 6.3/10
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Death Note (I) (2017)
Another American teen drama with supernatural elements.
28 August 2017
Light is typical high school student who gets mysterious notebook that has power to kill other people by writing their names. The note have many rules and is owned by Death God named Ryuk who supervises him. With such power Light Decides to start killing bad people with that and create new persona called Kira very soon he shares the secret with his crush Mia, and they end up together in all these. In meantime L, the so called greatest detective in the world start pursuing the Kira.

I usually don't compare movie to the original source much but they pretty much miss the whole point and philosophy of the original. They really trying to make it original and different as much they could, keeping just the basic things. so they change almost everything, from the characters and their motives to story and even basic rules of Death Notes.

It feels the main character are rewritten to be appealing to the teens. Light is stereotypical generic guy, without any brilliance he suppose to have, Mia is edgy and arrogant. and L who suppose to be greatest detective and to differ from others surely end up just like another ordinary teen, It surely doesn't feel like he is genius nor detective at all.

Acting was decent I guess, nothing too bad. Nat Wolff acting is weak and goofy at the moments but it is tolerable. Lakeith Stanfield on the other hand, I think did very good job,The guy really tried and done fine performance with the script he got.

There are a couple of flaws and mistakes especially in the beginning like when Mia somehow see the name Death Note even tho she is on Light's right side while by how Light is sitting and holding note, its written on left cover making it technically impossible to notice just like that. Or after Ryuk first appear by making such a mess in classroom and nobody mention that, i mean it surely is big deal especially the assets that was broken.

The best thing about the movies is Ryuk, Dafoe did excellent job by giving voice

Ending is left uncertain by intention, leaving the possibility for sequel

I must admit, It have some cool scenes especially with Ryuk. But overall nothing worth watching. Tho It probably will be interesting for teens who are unfamiliar with anime and manga.
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For one Marvel movie its actually pretty good.
15 August 2017
When first movie came out everyone was crazy about it yet I wasn't that impressed, Even tho the story was descent and characters more or less likable, Overall it was nothing special but It had same problem of uninspiring forgettable villain, typical for marvel movies.

Now for the Vol 2 it really surprised me.

Characters are better written,they actually have some depths this time, Actors really did good job portraying them, it can be seen how much fun they had on the set, Visauls are very good as always, story is well written full of humor, it actually made me laugh few times. Plot of the movies was already seen but it do the job. And villain is pretty cool as well.

On the other hand, The problem I had with movie is that it tried too much to be funny the whole time, some jokes are forced and unnecessary, There are scenes where they really cross the line and made it too goofy. Yet again it was naive at the moments, and some dialogue could be better but Overall its quite enjoyable movie, one of the best marvel have to offer for now.
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Improvement from the last one , but is it worth watching?
15 June 2017
The movie is set 10 years after Kira and L's conflict ended, Six notes are released to the world. The movie follows three main characters even if it feels like two. A special task force member who pursues all 6 death notes, Ryuzaki the successor of L who helps special task force and Worshiper of kira who want all 6 death notes.

The acting is decent and story overall is not that bad either,they surely had some good ideas, but fail to deliver it.

Third act is full of plot twists and revelations that just complicates the story, it seems they wanted to apply same formula for the characters here like in the original. Even forcing similar relationship L and Kira had.The problem is that characters does not have enough building till that point for what they wanted to achieve.

Those who are unfamiliar with whole death note franchise may find the story hard to follow especially with all the rules and backstory it have.

There were few mistakes that bothered me like some scenes where names are written in the Death Note and people are immediately dying instead in 40 seconds. Which means its breaking the rules of Death note.

The thing that I like the most was new Shinigamis, Cgi was improved and their design are great as well, I find them more interesting than main characters. Also it can be seen how are they trying to recreate the complexity of the original story but the main problem is that the characters are lacking depths.

it can be exciting at moments, I say give it a try only if you are a fan of the series and movies, if you loved first two movies you may also enjoy this one.
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Enjoyable, action packed movie, one of better from DC in last few years
9 April 2017
Another movie in this continuity based on new 52 but doesn't disappoint.

The story is little predictable thru second act but still nice and thrilling. Its filled with slight humor enough to make you smile here and there. Titans and their relationships are quiet enjoyable just like in previous one even if some voice acting could be better.

Action is same like in any other DC movie, not much improvement but it do the job right.

The one problem I have with this whole continuity is Damian, in the every movie It feels like his character progressed very little or not at all from the previous one. He is always that edgy kid that is grumpy and mean to everybody, It kinda feels wrong to me because he kinda started to connect with the titans especially Raven.

There are few minor details that bothered me but nothing too much to ruin the fun.
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