
4 Reviews
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The Orville: Electric Sheep (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
I Waited Three Years For An ABC Afternoon Special
4 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yes I'm dating myself, but this was the wrong episode to start back up a series with an episode of the effects of suicide in the same way The ABC Afternoon Special did.. A whole episode on how everyone "feels".

Oh there was a beginning flashback of the battle and a slight battle at the end and a few scenes where panels were replaced on the ships hull, but that's about it.

We used to call these filler episodes, the one that were just ok until another good episode came along. In my book, this was nothing more.

So far, Strange New Worlds is light years ahead of this reboot.
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Evil: E Is for Elevator (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
So Bad Woke I Gave Up My Paramount Account
21 November 2021
Can't you tell a story without going into politics and racism? The annoying kids again to boot.

Those kids are the worst things ever (and I love kids), not to mention to think any mother would put her kids in potential harms way like that is just totally unbelievable.

I'm done with this series and all that is CBS.
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Good Movie But Renters Beware
30 May 2010
Enjoyed the movie. I really like anything with Robert Downey Jr. and Judd Law played the perfect Watson. Mind you it's not the Sherlock you grew up with, but entertaining none the less ONCE YOU GET TO THE MOVIE! I don't like this disturbing trend where the studios are forcing you to watch the previews. You could not skip them at all. Stop or Menu did not work. Also this is the first DVD I have seen where the Menu did not have a Scene Selection option so if you stopped the movie and had to start it back, you had to start at the beginning and of course, watch the previews again. Fast Forward was the only thing that worked and it had to be done a couple of times to get through the 8 previews !!!

We pay good money to rent the movies, we deserve better.
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War of the Worlds (2005 Video)
The Worst movie I have ever seen.....EVER.
15 January 2006
I felt like I was watching an example of how not to make a movie. I think the director filmed it in his back yard! There was no real plot.

Terrible script.

Terrible acting.

The worst production I have ever witnessed. A couple of bad CG effects and then the rest of the movies was spent walking around in what looked like a junk yard.

I don't normally write reviews to movies but was moved to warn everyone about this one.

Life is to short to waste your time with this movie!
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