
2 Reviews
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Monarch (2000)
The Haunting of a King
22 April 2015
At a time when special effects are king it is good to see some old fashioned story telling at work here. That's not to say the approach or the subject are in any way stale. This re telling of a final days of Henry VIII is done with much aplomb from director John Walsh. This is the first big screen outing for this director who was only twenty 26 when he wrote directed and produced this mini epic.

The film had been lost for some time and recently it has be found, cleaned and given a modern HD rebirth, all to the good. This is one to watch late one night (stormy preferably to get the full effect.

For many small budget first time efforts, it is a gore fest of young people bed hoping or gangsters swearing, spitting and fighting, so good to see John Walsh here making the effort and enlisting the considerable talents of the great T.P. McKenna playing a thunderous Henry and Jean Marsh playing an exquisitely restrained Queen, but which one?

Suffice to say if you have any interest in this period, this is worth a look.
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Can TorBoy Be The Next US President Please?
22 April 2015
A political punch in the face for us all here. To read the summary of the political corruption and gross dismissal of local vulnerable people you might be mistaken for thinking this was set in the Third World. No - this is in one of the oldest and most admirere3d democracies, the United Kingdom.

What is revealed is all credit to double BAFTA nominated film maker John Walsh who quite literally amerces himself in the political subject here and becomes a candidate in the general election. Only to find a town that has been ravaged by a member of parliament who has taken the town and its people for granted.

Despite what sounds like a grim premise, this was a highly entertaining, funny, poignant and exhilarating film as it reaches it finale. This left be somewhat dazed for a few hours. Watch it and ask yourself, why do we not have more brave souls like Walsh putting themselves forward?

If John Walsh stood against Hilary Clinton or Jed Bush he could really upset the apple cart, shame he's a Brit!!!
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