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Funny and heartfelt
20 April 2015
Fantastic cast, great soundtrack... I liked it the first time I saw it, but it wasn't what I expected. Afterwards I couldn't get it out of my mind - I kept thinking about it for days, wanting to watch it again. I finally did, and I love it. It's not just another reunion movie with bad jokes and gags, it's got something more... something else. It's heartfelt, and very human. The characters are, well, people - people you can relate to, and feel for, like old friends. There were a lot of comments and details I didn't remember from the first time I saw it, that really adds that little something extra. Sure it's got some stupid jokes (it's a buddy-movie, come on), but people can be stupid. And we love 'em for it.

"Back In The Day" - although based on a frequently used concept - captures a certain atmosphere, and creates it's own bubble (probably very familiar to people from Newburgh) and the movies that I feel accomplish that are always my favorites.
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