
5 Reviews
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Before We Go (I) (2014)
Beautiful situations that are both real and touching
16 December 2015
I had no idea that this movie existed and i'm sad that a lot of people will not come across it due to it's small release and lower ratings. Both Alice and Chris give fantastic performances and the story is heart warming. It doesn't boast about true love and perfect lives without conflict. Both characters show some low points in their lives and show the hardships one sometimes encounters through their choices.

The movie had me glued to it while curious to know how these two would end up by the finishing of the movie but also after the movie. I would have loved to see more of both Alice and Chris's characters.

Touching movie, great performances and great music.
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A romantic, fun trip through learnings of each other and of love made this a wonderful movie for me.
14 December 2015
The movie moved in a romantic way with comedy sprinkled throughout it in all the cute ways. I hadn't expected the movie to go in the direction it did and was pleasantly surprised with its ending.

Both main characters were relatable and were interesting to follow as they made their way through learning about what love is and what it could be. I found they were both refreshing with their honesty with one another and made me smile knowing that a movie portrays a man and a woman as someone with sense and fault.

Great movie that i'd recommend to friends. But i'm always a sucker for these type of romantic type movies. It's a, seemingly, well done Romantic Comedy to me.
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An Adam Sandler movie with a not so Adam Sandler movie feel.
13 December 2015
I certainly don't agree with the rating this movie has been receiving. I found myself on more than a handful of occasions (perhaps two handfuls) laughing loudly at the small, but random, jokes they throw in. Other than the jokes, the story was nice. It moved quickly and got the whole cast together to go out on their fantastic adventure.

I've already told a few friends about the movie (during the movie) and quoted one joke about how Adam Sandler's horse dies (mighty fine joke) and i'm sure i'd defend its owner upon hearing or reading a not-so-good review. The main cast does great and although some parts the CGI is a bit not up to par, it's convincing and doesn't take away from the story and the action (which some of it, pretty dang good).
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Blown away by a movie I did not have on my radar...
30 May 2015
It seems most have expressed being upset with the ending as it may lead us to ask "What's the point?" or simple frustration with it all. To me, no. The movie was beautiful. There are scenes that I loved the way it was framed. I found myself enjoying the filming and the way it came across. What now feels even more real after watching. The style was on point with the story and its ending.

The characters gave life advice that I felt was great and added to the fact that they helped impact the main character to decide what to do with life.

I'll keep this short but I will lovingly recommend this movie to friends and movie fans alike. I think most will miss this movie but they're only missing out on what seems to be an empty, carefree movie that turns out to be something much more.

I watched on a limb due to someone's recommendation and thoroughly happy I clicked and watched.
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A movie that helped me consider what i'm here for.
30 March 2015
Although the movie came out slow at times (mostly in the beginning) , I felt it was moving as the character did. Peggy was someone that would be quiet and listen often rather than speak first thing. I believe this movie did such a fantastic job at showing how you might feel, being pressured into a particular way of life. As a Midwesterner native myself, it hit me fairly well. The small steps she took in deciding to be someone else were moving.

I prefer a movie that isn't all over the place and keeps you thinking about what the character is dealing with. And this movie coincided with what i'm dealing with and helped me think on life and what we live it for.

Thought provoking, life provoking, and overall splendid watch.
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