
2 Reviews
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Terrible and creepy.
17 October 2019
I found this movie looking for something weird to watch. For instance, I loved "Safety not guaranteed" and "the Secretary". The trailer sells you this weird misery story with a bit crazy guy, so I got interested. But the movie is not a weird comedy at all!!! ! Its a very very creepy horror story, with some random scenes and dead animals and annoying main character who chews lines and looks like he's on drugs all the time. (And it's rated for 15 year olds - how on Earth!) 20 min of my life wasted, with a light trauma too.
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Wild (I) (2014)
honest, deep, dramatic and beautiful
28 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie.

My favorite part about this movie is the idea - being true to ones feelings, being destroyed by pain to the point of loosing oneself and having the strength to finding it again; having the strength and incredible will to let go and move on. I find it deep and insightful.

I also like the presentation of this idea - in a simple, very honest way. That's why I think, the symbolism they used fits in so well, even though it's a bit obvious - the heavy bag she carries at the beginning of the journey, bleeding feet, getting new shoes that fit, throwing up (as letting all the bad things out) and coming to the gods bridge. All of these are classic, obvious symbols, which are in tune with the simpleness of the presentation of the idea.

This brings me to another point I like about this movie, how it contrasts this very simple plot and very simple presentation to very complicated 'things' inside the main character. I also have to mention the script, because its loooong time since I have seen/heard such a good script - communicating the drama of one's life without overdoing it.

And OK, there are some factual errors in this movie, but they are not so important and Witherspoon did a great job as an actress and a producer. For me it's her best movie so far.

So to sum it up - strong drama, in simple, honest presentation, inspiring to return to your good self, no matter what may happen. The way we deal with our feelings, is the way we leave.
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