
3 Reviews
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13 January 2018
Firstly, this movie has some great credentials. Experienced writers who know what they are doing. But these same writers also directed and that's where this thing falls flat.

Jack Black, while not a favourite of mine, is usually so on point with his comedy that it even makes me laugh. Jenny Slate is bland as Marla and Jason Schwartzman is so beige in his performance that he might as well be invisible.

The lines were delivered without much emotion or finesse, which is strange and unexpected from these talented folks. The lip synching to the songs was so off, you could tell it was Black's voice but his lips were slightly ahead or behind on the songs.

This was flat. Flat as a pancake.

If I could give it no stars, I would. Avoid this movie and tell Netflix to get better material.

Oh, and John Candy and Eugene Levy did this schtick years ago on SCTV and it was hysterical and funny. They will always be the Polka Kings to me. This movie was an insult to their comedy.
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The 100: Nevermore (2016)
Season 3, Episode 11
Great Episode - suck it haters
15 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Well, the haters who apparently have the mentalities of 12 year olds who want nothing but teen love story, teen drama and other teen activities and who can't get over the death of two characters, one which was good and one which sucked donkey tail - Lincoln=good, Lexa=donkey tail, just don't get what this show is about.

This episode was exactly what this show is about, SURVIVING, whether it's surviving the harsh environment, surviving the choices we have to make, surviving our emotions, surviving outside forces that are against us, this episode had it all.

Lindsay Morgan continues to chew the scenery in a good way by showing how much she can act and make it believable. Christopher Larkin had his own rock it moment when he had to choose to shoot his mother and his realization that he had made an uninformed choice by shooting her, especially after he saw how they were able to cure Raven.

The bad parts are Jasper's continued teen angst drama crap that is going on way too long. When is someone more mature going to talk to him about this? Bellamy at least told him to get it together, which is something from someone who is also self absorbed in his own pain.

Sinclair got a nice moment and a vague acknowledgment of what he's lost, he did mention he had a wife when they were on the ark in space. I assume she died during the landing.

Great episode, and nice refocus to the original cast back together. Sometimes you have tear things apart to make them appreciate what they had.

All in all, a powerful episode.
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The 100: Fallen (2016)
Season 3, Episode 10
Better and Better
10 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen and read the backlash over the deaths of two popular characters and frankly, I'm disgusted at the lack of maturity. I will try to post a mature review of what is becoming a show that is more than angsty teen whining.

We see Kane and his supporters continue their quest to do right by everyone and counteract the xenophobia that Pike has introduced into the society.

We see Bellamy, the black sheep from the start, struggling to find his place in the world and a path that runs between being too establishment and too rebellious.

We see Octavia continue her angsty teen over reacting; like a little girl playing grown up, never liked her character though felt sorry for her considering how she was forced to live for most of her young life, but her relationship with the much older Lincoln was repulsive to me.

We barely see Clarke as she mourns the loss of another lover, first Finn, then who knows who else she's been with and then Lexa - another character I despise and the Heda wouldn't know loyalty if you shoved it in her face.

We see much of Jaha and his cult building but frankly I'm not sure of the motivations of A.L.I.E. who could be good or bad as her lack of humanity makes her very unstable.

We see the luscious and wonderful Kane who has progressed from severe autocrat to a caring human being with only the best in mind for his people.

And Raven, played by actress Lindsey Morgan, give a stunning dual performance as her self and then possessed by A Lie (sorry should that be Alie?) And last but not least, show bad boys John Murphy and Jasper Jordan redeeming themselves through doing what was needed to survive so they can do the right thing.

I have seen objections to the themes in this show but frankly, young people as young as 11 and 12 have dealt with these themes in their lives; suicide, rape, death of loved ones, oppression and the like. Perhaps adults who have kids who like this show should investigate it before allowing their children to watch it. Ratings aren't perfect and parents need to parent. As for the rest of us who over 18, we can decide what we like and don't. And if you don't, don't watch it. There are other shows to see with much less violence and sex! Try the Disney channel.

This episode was one of the best of the entire series and all the whiners who are too immature to handle a CHARACTER dying, no matter how beloved, should either move on or well, just move on. Go find another obsession until you grow up. I'm so tired of immaturity! This show is amazing and deserving of praise!
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