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Professionals (2020–2022)
Surprisingly decent, 10/10 for incredible effort put into it.
3 May 2021
There are many negative comments on here about this show. The thing is, this was clearly made with a very limited budged and it is obvious that most of it went to the location shoots. Filming in Dublin is not cheap, Ireland is an expensive country. Yet, they did it. Imagine moving the whole team to other countries, the cost of logistics. This gives far more authenticity to the show and what I liked about it.

Something one cannot say that for many big budged productions, who come out with bad CGI and even worse script, acting and storyline, while they pretend to be set in diferent countries and cities around the Globe.

This show picks up after the pilot and it is obvious that the filming and acting crews became more comfaratble with the job at hand and better with each epsiode fillmed.

Even the combat scenes, wepons handling was much better than in most action TV shows and even movies.

It delivers and more, given the budged it had. The mains cast actually is not bad. I also beleive, they had loads of fun making this easy going TV show.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Another Cliched Borefest
1 May 2021
IStarted watching the show, since it has 8.0 rating here and it received very positive rewives.

After strugling with the first episode, which is boring as hell, gives zero explanation about anything, especially in regards to the war they are fighting. The generic "enemy" is beyond lazy writing.

This is clearly written by a teen for teens. Full stop and whomever approved this for filming should find another line of work. They have zero taste, no common sense and could not chose a good TV show if it kicked them in the arse.

I advise you to skip this. Give it a wide berth. Fantasy shows about magic should be interesting and gripping, and not some politically woke fest for those who want to feel important.
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Waste of time
22 April 2020
The title says it all. This is the dullest, dumbed down carton I have ever saw and there are many such cartoons out there. This isn't even a "Quarantine" worth watching when you don't have anything else to watch anymore. You will be better entertained by watching the paint dry.
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Playing with Fire (I) (2019)
This movie had no fire
23 January 2020
I was struggling to watch this "family fun" movie. But I stopped watching the moment they came out with a poop joke.

That is a clear sign, besides colossally dumb kids, jumping into a fire without breathing and safety equipment and zero storylines that a movie was a colossal waste of time and money.

I suggest you give it a hard pass.
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The Resident: From the Ashes (2019)
Season 3, Episode 1
12 January 2020
I understand one has to suspend reality in this kind of shows.

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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
This was NOT Jack Ryan
22 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I read every book in the Jack Ryan series, three times in chronological order. Tom Clancy shows what America should have been and what kind of a president it should have. They are that good.

Then came the movies, which somehow follow the books, at least as far as giving you the feel of the books.

Them this series happened. Season 1, maybe 5 stars. They took the names from the books, but went a bit too far with the poetic freedom, like making James Greer a spook, not an admiral and moreover, making him a Muslim.

Then Season 2 happened and it went downhill with their obscene, false representation of Venezuela, turning it into Trump's America really and coming up with idiotic plotline.

This show has the title "Jack Ryan" to sell it to the masses, but it is NOT the Jack Ryan any of us who read the books know and love.

I loathe this political messaging in shows like Jack Ryan, Madam Secretary and the list goes on.

It might appeal to brainwashed Americans who know nothing of the world or even basic geography. But these things are watched by millions beyond U.S. borders and these shows are an insult to human intellect.

I would give it zero if I could. Now instead of watching that insult to Tom Clancy, I am readi.g his books again.
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Pinky Malinky (2018–2019)
Shows are increasingly dumber
21 June 2019
I would rate it 0 if I could. There is no way, that all the 10 star rates are genuine, because if one watches the show, one becomes dumber.

It is obnoxious how less and less reviews are genuine on IMDB. There should be a way of verifying users, so anyone who does post reviews is not doing it from multiple accounts.
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Pretty Little Liars (2010–2017)
It starts out strong but then . . .
2 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I get it, they are teen girls, not wise and common sense is not in their genetical makeup.

BUT after a couple of years of dealing with psychotic stalking, they should have picked up some self-preservation skills and should be making smarter decisions.

However, they make dumb decisions, rushing from one obvious trap into another, they keep making decisions based on high, dramatic emotions and did not even figure out to put hidden cams in their homes since A is regularly breaking in and delivering packages. I mean, just with that they could already narrow a suspect pool.

Moreover, they leave their phones unlocked, easily accessible, they do not back up videos and other information they find on several USB keys, they keep lying and keep secrets, "to protect" the boyfriends when it is clear that the lack of information is the reason they are in danger in the first place and are unable to protect themselves from A.

The idiotic lack of self-preservation is staggering. The girl's characters are not developed, based on their experiences. For example, none of them thinks of taking self-defence classes at least or to take some basic countersurveillance classes. I mean, the market is swamped with such courses. They are dealing with a massive stalking situation for years, yet they are kept in the same "Americanised dumbwille"!

Then we also have the A's Ninja abilities, which are beyond any logic. Seriously, it is a cheap way to keep " suspense" but completely unrealistic. I know this is a show, like 99% of them that dispenses with real-world physics and how things work. But nevertheless!!!

There are many other small things that needed fixing and it would be easily done with just a bit of effort and application of common sense!!!!

This book adaptation is average and like majority such adaptations, this show is an insult to the original writer.

To summarise, the script has its moments but overall, this show is riddled with plotholes and extreme stupid actions of all the characters, which in real life simply would not happen unless they are severely mentally challenged.

To get through this show, after season 2, turn off your brain and enjoy typical dumb teen drama in a convoluted story, which turns into a ridiculous series of events whose sole purpose is pushing the show to season 7 instead of wrapping it up quicker, with solid writing and storyline.
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Dragon Blade (2015)
Waste of tallent
20 April 2019
I know this is a fiction story. HOWEVER, it is set in certain historical period and what ticks me off about it the most, besides appalling storyline, script and acting was a complete and utter disregard for at least an attempt at historical accuracy when it comes to Roman soldiers.

Seriously, the money they spent in this liberal artistic vision of their "costumes" could go into making them at least a bit historically accurate and they would look way cooler than the manure the costume department came up with.
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Code Black: Black Tag (2015)
Season 1, Episode 11
Love the show BUT
11 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Where were the firemen? Where was the police? What were those people, who were perfectly fine doing still there?

Doctors would NOT be getting people out of the cars. Firemen would be doing that, since they are equipped for such rescue. Yet, there was not one seen on the scene. NOT ONE fire truck.

I understand the dramatic effect. But this was way too much. I despise such blatant beyond unrealistic BS, especially for shows, which are supposed to be "realistic."

It is LAZINESS on the part of the writers, directors and producers.
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Madam Secretary (2014–2019)
I liked the show BUT!
16 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Then Season 5, Episode 1 happened.

REALLY!, Hillary Clinton, Collin Powell and Madeline Albright, cue in the election campaign TV propaganda with their speech in the office of the Madam Secretary.

It was beyond cringe worthy. Moreover, I find it obscenely hypocritical that the man who knowingly lied about WMDs in Iraq to UN is talking about Democracy, or Hillary Clinton. They stick those two in the show and from that moment on, I was out.

The whole episode was written very poorly and it was a filler for Democratic party BS. (I am European by the way).

Then I gave the second episode a chance and it just lost me completely. I am done with this show. It is clear that a woman wrote it, but she did a good job up until the Season 5 Episode 1. That ruined it for me and I think for many.
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Bland and boring
24 November 2018
Netflix it seems wanted to get on board with Christmas movie, because everyone else is making them.

The thing is, most of these movies are diabetes inducing, very poorly written, cliche infused peaces of garbage with predictable plots and anything but funny.

This one is one of those movies.

Script is weak. Plot is boring as f. . . . ck. Acting, is bland. The director didn't know what direction to take the movie either. IT was just a colossal waste of time.

I can only assume that all the positive reviews here were paid for and are far from reality. Avoid this movie if you value good cinematography.
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The Gifted (I) (2017–2019)
One of the worst TV shows I ever saw.
13 November 2018
The script is infused with cliches.

Characters are ALL annoying.

Too much teen drama.

Too much drama in every other aspect.

The gifted make extreme dumb and emotional decisions that make this show painful to watch.

Flashbacks are just as annoying.

No chemistry between the main characters.

After the first episode, it went downhill fast.

Avoid at all costs!
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211 (2018)
Bad beyond belief.
10 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What in Hades happened to Cage. His movies are getting cringier and cringier.

Acting is terrible, the script must have been written by a 5-year old that likes action movies.

This is the worst cheese-fest I tried to watch. Could not get past the "Saying goodbye to her young husband after she told him she is pregnant". That was vomit inducing.

Avoid at all costs. You were warned.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
28 April 2018
I have seen many SciFi programs and this one is a good one, even though on the average side.

Like in ALL American shows, the characters tend to do extremely dumb things in adverse conditions, but that is just how American shows roll.

Acting was average and the casting for Robinson kids could have been better. Parker Posey, whom plays "Dr. Smith" however did a superb job. She portrayed ego narcissistic sociopath perfectly. She was so convincing that one would want to strangle here right there and then.

Watch it if you wish to relax with some brainless show with goodish visual effects.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Beyond bad
24 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The concept is good.

Then it happens.

They land. She takes out a map. Looks at it and looks at a distant mountain and knows exactly where they are and where they need to go. I am not even going to go into how much is this stupid. You would think that they would equip them at least with basics, like some form of navigation, and emergency supplies just for the off chance if they land stranded and something goes wrong.

Characters: We got typical pretty do good to all take charge blondy.

A teen with daddy issues and redemption issues.

A bad girl, which is polar opposite of the blondy.

Charming delinquent that both girls start liking. Therein lies the typical teen love triangle.

Not to mention, that the first thing they do when they land is to behave how only dumb ass U.S. Muricans would behave in adverse situation. Wasting daylight, arguing and all around behaving like morons.

I can understand why they sent them down to Earth. I would kick them off the space station too.

Then we come to the technology. 100 years and they could not come up with any kind of tech to measure conditions on Earth and send scientific teams to explore the Earth.

This show is beyond bad. I stopped watching after I saw that crap with the map and beginnings of "Bad kids" vs "Good kids" crap.

Oh and parents perfectly ok with sending their kids into certain death. Seriously!
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The prequels were bad but this. . .
11 March 2018
I did not think these can get any worse. But whomever greenlit the story and script should not work in the movies ever again.

This movie was beyond boring, with bland characters and it was a complete recycle of the of previous movies. This was waste of time.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Another Nolan Masterpiece - Not for stupid people with short attention span.
10 January 2018
Those who are criticizing this movie for one are unable to follow the complex storyline and it takes a bit of time to figure out the storyline.

The movie itself demands concentration and attention span far longer than an average peace of CGI s.h.i.t. that is coming out of Hollywood in recent years.

I really enjoyed the building up of tension and actual dog fights without CGI. I saw this movie right after USS Indianapolis and there is no comparison.

USS Indianapolis is contrived, un-watchable CGI mess with asinine typical vomit inducing back stories so we would "feel" for the main characters.

Yet in Dunkirk if one really gets into the movie, one can feel for the characters.

Those Bitch-ing about CGI not used, grow the F - - UP. Watch old movies like "Battle for Britain" or "Waterloo". Supremely made movies and no CGI.

If anything, CGI is becoming so over rated and bad in most movies that it completely ruins the experience.

This is definitely 10/10.
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Psych: Psych: The Musical (2013)
Season 7, Episode 15
The Musical - Clear sign of "NO IDEAS"
17 December 2017
When any series has a "Musical Style" episode it means that the creators have NO IDEAS and they run with the crappiest idea ever, besides asinine "Fart" and "Poop" jokes, which you can see when they have no comedic ideas in comedy movies.

It is obvious that the show is going down hill and it is a very good show. This final season 7 episode indicates that the Season 8 will be peace of cow dung with no imagination.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Colossal missed opportunity.
18 November 2017
So. . . . As a big fan of Star Trek and especially the future that will be someday, if we do not blow ourselves up before we figure out intergalactic star travel I can only say that this "Discovery" is unwatchable.

Acting: Poor to non-existent. Script: Who the F . . . Wrote it? They should not be allowed to ever write any scripts. Camera work: Subpar. Klingons: Did not see one Klingon. What they wanted to be passed as Klingons was W. The Actual. F. . . Storyline: There was none.

This was beyond disappointing. Star Trek Enterprise is "hated", but still it is far better than Star Trek DS9. My favorite though is Star Trek Voyager after Star Trek Enterprise.

Even when I saw the trailer and the casting, I knew that this will be a Cluster F . . . . of a series. Wasted opportunity.

I suggest that the series would be cancelled immediately and that if they want to reboot Star Trek, which would be great to get enthusiastic creators who understand Star Trek Universe.

If you value your time, avoid at all costs. This "Star Trek" wannabe creation is a disgrace to the whole franchise.
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Pretentious tripe
17 October 2017
This is a movie that is trying to be a gangster movie, same as "Snatch" or "Lock Stock and two smoking barrels".

This movie failed on all accounts.

Casting: Failure, especially for the lead.

Script: Failure, boring, clichéd drivel.

Directing: The movie was very badly directed and it was not even fit for a background noise. The gore and violence was very badly done.

Story-line: Non existent. It was very hard to watch the movie and the story-line was boring, clichéd and narration was just as boring, which was accompanied with flashes of violence, which did not contribute to the story at all. If anything, those fist fights were poorly made and timed too.

I am all for violent gangster movies and all. But it has to be part of the story and well made. In this movie it was just there for no good reason and it made the movie even more boring as it already was.
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This movie has nothing to do with the Legend of king Arthur
19 September 2017
So, I have seen the movie and the only thing good about it was the trailer.

The acting was wooden. The choice for the lead role of King Arthur was woefully miscast. The man knows only how to yell for "dramatic effect" and that was the least of his problems.

The direction of the movie was non-existent.

The script had 2 – 3 moments and that was about it.

What the hell was that with "Hockey face masks". The rest of the costumography was atrocious, especially when it comes to the time period when the movie was supposed to be set.

Was anyone else reminded of the "All Seeing Eye" from Lord of the rings?

The whole movie was remarkably underwhelming and the only thing in common with the actual "King Arthur Legend" was the title of the movie.

I have read amazing 4 books, which was written by a historian about the "King Arthur Legend" and the original material has more than enough substance. Why would you want to re-invent the whole legend?

If Guy Richie wanted to make a "deep artistic movie" he came out like a pretentious ignoramus. I loved his movies but this one was a complete 0.

I give it 0 stars. Nothing can beat the original "Excalibur" from 1980's. Remake would be difficult to make for it to achieve the darkness and amazing scenery, battles, armour, weapons. It is possible IF Hollywood will not be allowed to get near it.

Oh and Excalibur, looked like a cheap kitsch you sell to stupid tourists.
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Hannibal (2013–2015)
Great - BUT
20 July 2017
Very few crime dramas are well made and this is one of them.

However, there is one thing that is extremely annoying and it ruins the while watching experience.

It is the background music, especially in season 2. That ticking morbid sounds are distracting, mind numbing and they do not add anything to the overall darkness it intends to portray.

Whomever thought this is a good idea, was very much wrong.
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The Pinkertons (2014–2015)
Remarkebly moronic show
17 April 2017
I started watching this show because it seemed to be interesting due to the nature of the title.

The Pilot gave me impression that it will be about the immediate post war situation, that offers many interesting plot lines due to emotions running high after the South lost the war.

Duck me I was wrong.

1. Script is bland, boring and unimaginative. There are few weak attempts at humor, they fall flat.

2. Character development is non existent.

3. Direction - bunch of monkeys could do a better job.

4. Acting is average at best.

5. Everything is repetitive and it gets old after episode 4.

6. I am no expert on wild west, but nonetheless this show looks way to clean and stunningly unrealistic. (I know it is just a TV show, but for ducks sake, make a ducking effort).

7. Filming location in the vastness of the American landscape is always the same old quarry that we can see from different angels. That is it. I can understand limited budget but nonetheless, they should have at least tried to find more diverse filming locations.

Avoid at all costs, unless you are on a night shift and you need a background noise.
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Lame and unrealistic "I am manly man" John Wayne movie.
26 December 2016
To begin with, this has nothing to do with the historical events movie was based on.

Now we come to the "Southern Bell" Spaying and how she was treated.

Any self respecting commander with a battalion behind the enemy lines, discovering a spy would first and foremost have the responsibility towards his me.

She would be shot on the spot. She would not be dragged with the company. Then she tried to escape. Again, she was not being dealt with. Then she tried to warn the Southern patrol, nothing again. Seriously. .

Now about John Wayne's "Tough guy" character. His representation of an army officer in all the movies I saw him in such a role is totally over acted, unrealistic and down right stupid.
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