7 Reviews
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Great show of the greatest sci-fi books I ever read
24 March 2024
I love the books. They are the best sci-fi books I ever read! They are among the best books I ever read! Amazing genius work!

I love the show and gave it 10/10. Why? It is not even close to the level of the books, but not because it is a bad show but because you cannot expect the TV medium to deliver on the level of the books. Not possible! So the first fact that this show exists and tries to adapt this material is already half of my rating! Then the story itself is phenomenal and hence the show based on it - doesn't matter how close to the books it is the story is still amazingly great! Thirdly i has nice differences to the books that kept me curious. Lastly, I liked the characters dynamics and the way they were presented!

I liked the show, the courageous elements in it and am looking forward to the rest of it!
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Star wars is about our link to the world
27 June 2022
The story shows the 'training' Obi-Wan had to take as suggested by Yoda in the end of the Revenge of the Sith (I am writing this after the first 4 episodes have been released so far). And the training is called Life. The Force is the essence of Life, you cannot be one with the Force if you cannot move on in Life. Accepting the choice of the ones you care for, despite the hit it does to you; seeing the bigger picture when huge tragedies happen and trying to do your best in it; not allowing for your hope and life-affirming actions being snuffed out by nihilism. This is the Path, this is the Way of the Force.

Star Wars has always been about the deepest aspects of mythology and Obi-Wan conveys this wonderfully in all layers - writing, acting and production. Bravo!
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A cinematic masterpiece
26 September 2021
Watched at imax. Twenty years after The Lord Of The Rings (and post Game of Thrones) this is another excellent cinematic adaptation to an excellent book, only this time sci-fi. World building, cinematography, music, acting, action - everything is magnificent. A rare sci-fi blockbuster that has depth and artistic value. I hope it does good enough in the current situation that the great Denis Vilkeneuve has the opportunity to continue this great cinematic journey!
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Onward (I) (2020)
Movie for boys where the price is love - bravo Pixar
7 March 2020
Doing a fulfilling movie for boys where the price of the quest is emotional wholeness and found love is a rare sight and not an easy task. Pixar succeeded by providing rich brotherly relationship, adventure, magic and finally love. It is much more a common message in movies for girls like Frozen, but I think that the magical combination of all the ingredients achieved by Pixar is important and entertaining at the same time. Wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone :)
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
The best, with one exception
16 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The best episode in the whole series, with the exception of the death of Hodor
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A movie that captures the magic of cinema
16 February 2019
After more than 10 years expecting Alita: Battle Angel I can say that it was more than worth it. I never read the manga so I didn't know what to expect but rarely does a film come around that is unique in its balance of new & classic, meaningful & enjoyable in its fast-paced excitement. For me it is up there with Jurassic Park and Avatar. Bravo, James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez!
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Best Star Wars movie since the Empire Strikes Back
15 December 2017
This is by far the best Star Wars movie since the original except for the Empire Strikes Back. I never thought I would actually sincerely say this ever again, but the The Last Jedi is the best movie I saw this year. Not just the best sci-fi or the best action but the best motion picture! Thank you, Rian Johnson, from the bottom of my childhood!
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