
9 Reviews
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Cringe factory
15 April 2024
Without doubt worst film of 2024. Director/writer should have spend more time on story, dialogues, characters, casting and direction. Just shows how immature, and inside the bubble this writer lives. Trying to recreate MohanLal-sreenivasan vibes with the same old dialogues was really cringe. Bromance has a limit, after that it simply looks gay. Can't blame as the writer can't write what he doesn't know. Music is without aim, some rampant notes played like a roller coaster without any soul at all. Pranav was really bad. If the director truely loved that character would never cast him. But the character is not important, priority is to get these actors together. Dhyan was amazingly good for a badly written and executed movie that makes his attempts in vain. It's an irony, making a movie about a smart director on screen, by a director who has close to no skills at all. You want to know why nepotism sucks, and why the general public state they don't deserve it? Watch this crap. Dhyan, Pranav and NP pls stay away from Vineeth. Vineeth, you are a great singer, good actor for offbeat characters. Please stick to it. Your direction and script writing is progressively getting bad. Stop wishing for claps, applause and money, wish for respect and see your life change.
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Malik (I) (2021)
Great story, efficient and productive director!
15 July 2021
The story is great, the script is gripping not the dialogues. But had a great time watching this. The kind of movie you don't get to see often in Malayalam, especially because a director has worked his ass off.

Acting is mediocre; terrible slang. Fahad is clearly not up to the mark, the director who is also a professional editor has brilliantly hidden Fahad's face in some emotional scenes because he failed. Well in his defense the 'old man' make-up sucked and someone should have reminded him to not talk and walk in his usual metropolitan style, he seriously needs to forget how he looks in the frame. Disappointed again.

Vinay Fort is way better, maybe because his character has an arc. Nimisha is way better than Fahad. Appani Ravi could have used more screen time since he is better than most of the cast.

I would love to watch more projects of this girth. Expect to see better casting. Still better than most of the movies today.
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Chidambaram (1985)
24 September 2018
G Aravindan master has always tried to separate and define spirituality from religiousness. I think he finally carved out his definition with this movie. The characters are subtle and sharp. There are no confusions about ambitions or about morality. 'Immoral' dosent always mean 'unspiritual' like the way our society has made it today. Presence of Late Smitha Patel makes the movie unique. Great effort and great accomplishment.
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Kanchana Sita (1977)
Some mighty thoughts
24 September 2018
G Aravindan always tried to define and separate spirituality from religiousness. This movie is an absolute example. He goes deep into the psyche of some great mythological characters well known to us and brings in another dimension that may have been totally unknown to us. To be aware of Aravindan master's ambition with film making is really always important before watching his movies. In a way his larger than life characters appears to be totally familiar and 'understandable' to us. And the way he has connected man and nature is not surprising but nostalgic. Worth the Award.
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Thampu (1978)
Film Noir
24 September 2018
The movie is outstanding. 'Thampu' definitely doesn't belong to the conventional format of film making. It doesn't have an incident or an origin or an exclamation. And if you are not used to reading books and observing people and surroundings, the movie might do nothing for you. It is not a 'crowd' or critical or a movie glorying literature. It contains that feeling that inspires a writer to go back home, pick up his pen and paper. It is crude and gives you the feel that it is unedited, but definitely because the film is what a writer may have experienced before picking up his pen. Definitely worth the watch and not for everyone.
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Arike (2012)
For Acting!
4 September 2018
The movie was a total surprise to me. It is kind of sweet and romantic. Direction is really good, but I can't say it was totally brilliant since the climax and the ending scene was totally hasty and unconvincing. But what shook me was the acting, by all the actors. The three lead actors have done an amazing job, and I would totally recommend the movie.
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Veeram (2017)
expected too much, so disappointed
24 February 2017
I was totally disappointed after watching the movie. the technical side of the movie is brilliant, with so much of money, effort and resources involved the team could've made the film more worthwhile. The narration and storytelling of the movie is very vague, and I sincerely didn't feel or care for the characters. lot of scenes and dialogues felt so made up and pretentious, could have been better if more and more time was spend on kalaripayattu training sessions, and the dialogue delivery training. Editing could have covered up many more flaws in the movie.

Visuals and vfx are totally brilliant, great looking cast(not equally brilliant with acting, but could've been lot lot better with time and patience, am sure they are talented), cinematography, music felt good.

Too much expectation could break your heart. The theatrical edition i just watched is not worth the hype, effort, or the crew's reputation.
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Ponthan Mada (1994)
great story and great performance
13 August 2016
One of the best stories ever to be told through a Malayalam cinema! i was moved equally by the acting performance.

Mammootty easily as always turned into the character, flawless acting with unbeatable naturality. Nasurudheen shah, pulled off the character with his usual charisma and ease! Best part of the movie is the story and narration, kudos to the great director, TV Chandra. cheers to some elements of surrealism in it. There might be minor flaws in the editing, but that's all because the movie belongs to an old era and it is definitely understandable!! The feel of having read an amazing novel persists after watching the movie. Loved it and I totally respect the movie!
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Suicide Squad (2016)
10 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is not the kind of movie the "suicide squad" deserved. The last 30 minutes is so embarrassing!

The movie had a good start and good plots to begin with. but soon it all came trembling down. the actors are good but the script is too bad that the actors efforts are pointless. the last fight scenes, i think anyone an average movie and TV series fan could've written better scenes.

Some dialogues and scenes are too pretentious, there is a scene where Harley Quinn starts speaking philosophy, and the final scene where she kills the enchantress!!!!is too embarrassing, i think the crew should've watched some justice league comics. and the joker looked different, but the actions and mannerisms was almost like imitating heath ledger's. and in the comics Joker doesn't actually care about Harley, and that is the truth, but in the movie they are like in love and almost spoiled the character of joker! This movie made BVS look like a classic. with the hype and cast this movie made, it deserved more!! I cant believe DC accepted this script and very very disappointing!! A movie with DC logo and the title "suicide squad" on it, is supposed to be great. In no way are you guys a competition to marvel movies!
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