
13 Reviews
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1899 (2022)
a GREAT TV Series !
19 November 2022
Just what I like , very intriguing .. Good balance of acting and story telling ! - I wish it was more :) .

Over the years I watch few TV series that really captivate my mind and I say to my self well this is the last good show that I will watch, but then some weird mind producer and writer come with this masterpiece.

I guess our minds are not so limited after all , and some spark of imagination always brings a whole new story to tell.

I do believe humans are on the right path , tho not everything looks so good right now , we will make progress with every step we fail , is one of the way to learn and evolve.

The only way to go is forward into our future.

Just watch the god damn show ! :)
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One of the worst Marvel movies I've seen
19 July 2022
The worst of the worst .

Stupid script amateur VFX , I know few YouTubers that can do special effects 100x times more better than this movie, and char animations.

Stupid jokes, the jokes are a joke ! :)

Waste of time ! And money ! , I left after half a hour ! Was that bad - first marvel I left the cinema.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
It's so bad that it can be a comedy !
30 September 2021
Why do you spend money on such production :) , the acting is horrible ! , script is close to -0 , FX is a joke , you can hire people from youtube to do better then this - I watched 15 min and laugh so much on how bad is made ! .There are plenty of good shows out there , don't waste your time with this one . But is just my opinion !
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Solos (2021)
simply bad
13 September 2021
I will say in short my opinion ,despite of the great actors in this series , the script is crap ! .I've always had this idea in my mind that even a bad script good actors can make it work , until I so this series ! ...I'm sorry to say but is bad.
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Good documentary ! , as a EU citizen this feels like a propaganda !
20 October 2020
The documentary is quite good not doubt about that, it points the cyber warfare that happened in the past few decades , anyway in my opinion the people that are interviewed have embraced xenophobia entirely ! .China, Iran, NC, Russia are the bad people and US is the poor angel . USA put his fingers in so many pies without consent for sure ! , public disinformation , taxes , control over population with Facebook -Insta- etc .,AI, inside jobs ,vaccines and much more and you know why ...bcs people are dumb ! , and you can control them easy ! every country is doing it ! - I'm sure for those who made a little bit of research you know what I'm talking about ! .I was glad that I live in this era without wars ,and then I realize we are already in it for few years!. This gen of warfare is with cyber attacks , network infrastructure ,AI , and viruses ! - I'm in for world peace ,but we all know that's not going to happen anytime soon !
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To the Lake (I) (2019–2022)
I'm not a bot when I say this tv series is good !
9 October 2020
I've read the reviews , and some of them are rating this tv series 1 star , probably they wanted a zombie fight every 2 minutes ! , if you looking for that this is not for you ! . I watch a lot of movies and tv series , I know when something is worth watching and this is one of them ! - The story is great , sometimes looks like the characters made stupid bad decisions , but if you put yourself into that character you realize that the action they took is quite plausible.

People often make stupid decisions when are under stress or some cases !

The acting is really good I felt every character honorable mention to Polina ,Lyonya , and worked well with the story ! -

I do recomand this tv series , in my opinion is very good !
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I quit after 15 min of watching
14 August 2020
After 15 min I quit , couldn't watch more , the narrator is like a google translate voice - I couldn't stand it ! , same shoots over and over - I've seen moves made by students better then this one ! - sorry but try again
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Mortal (2020)
I like how somone has some bal_s to come with something like this , and not a Haliwood , Marvel production
31 July 2020
The story is a bit sloppy , also I wish it was something to follow like a good damn story not necessary the Thor one , just invent something ! , the actors are ok but as the main char . I think you need a more powerful character( I doesn't even act like a normal person is allays this low self as steam char ) ,the guy has some good acting skills but not the right fit for this role in my opinion ! - AMAZING EFFECTS , you can compete with some top Marvel FX , overall I will give it a 6-7 , but that low just because of the story ! , but I appreciate and encourage other production studios to do movies like this , bcz it's possible to be in the top no matter the country or language is made of !
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23 May 2020
Unique is the word I found for this series , I loved it ! , the 80-90 " sci-fi feel , lots of colors and amazing graphics ,weird , also brilliant in a way of combining this art piece ! - the plot is not hard to understand , is so much visual ! -that you actually don't need a hard story ! .In my opinion is a great piece of art !
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From a good show to a s_it show ! S9 , pff
27 September 2019
I liked most of the AHS series but S9 , is more like a comedy ! - the acting of Emma Roberts is so amateur in my opinion ! - this girl don't know to act ! , I hope it get's better ..because I was a fun of this show !
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Clara (III) (2018)
Great movie , beautiful story !
15 February 2019
I found the acting great , I wish the story was longer ! .Anyway I do enjoyed it more then a typical Sci-Fi movie that you see this days !

Don't miss this one ,is worth every second !
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Green Book (2018)
You can't miss this !
1 January 2019
One of the greatest movie I've ever seen ! ,I can't say more , just enjoy it !
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Great movie , I do recommend , watch it with your family !
22 November 2018
To be honest , I'm not that much into this kind of movies, but ! my opinion is a great movie to watch with your family ! , specially if you have kids
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