
36 Reviews
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The Shield (2002–2008)
27 January 2024
I can't find many enjoyable series to watch these days. Series today are just too politically correct. That gives shows a soap opera like quality with simplistic plots that are far too drawn out. It's boring to have to fast forward the show because it's too predictable. The Shield is edgy and daring because it addresses life as it is, no political agenda. Others have compared it to The Wire and The Sopranos and I agree as they were top notch series with complex character development. Drama and action were complimentary rather than one overshadowing the other. The Shield keeps you on the edge of your seat. The writing is top notch with a terrific cast of characters for the most part. Glenn Close was a terrific addition for a season. Networks and streaming platforms are plagued by tanking viewership because of modern shows. Vintage tv is where it's at.
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Love this Series
22 January 2024
This is such a terrific series. The stories are intriguing and take us to a time where we feel right at home with the characters. The entire cast are splendid actors and bring a realism to every plot. This was a time when BBC was making the best tv shows that are about the story and not political views being foisted upon us. When will they get the message? A show is great when you can watch it again and still enjoy it. Series today stretch the plots too far and that's when I have to fast forward just to get through. It's unfortunate that when creativity is stunted. Bravo to creators of this series.
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The Bill (1984–2010)
The Bill is 10/10
21 January 2024
I looked at the dates of this series and thought it might be too dated. I had been watching recent Law & Order SVU and Major Crimes and found them weak in storylines. The writing are so poor. The Bill is amazing. The storylines are complicated, engaging and the characters are extremely interesting. I wish every episode was available but they're not unfortunately. The characters are so convincing, cops and street people are very real. It's a harsh world and the drug problems reflect the the collapse of family neighbourhoods. The police have such a momentous job to do. Geoff McQueen has created such an excellent show. Vintage tv is where it's at today.
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Crime (2021– )
Over the Top
30 November 2023
The writing is over the top with emotionalism. The themes are typical woke themes. We are pushed toward political views instead of seeing something worthy of people on either side. Not crazy about the wild scenes of imagination. DI Ray Lennox's character hasn't got anything worthwhile to say, he's hard to identify with. Too much of a loose cannon. The supporting characters lack substance except for DI Dougie who we don't see enough of and rescues poor writing with excellent acting. Gareth Horsborough is unconvincing as a child molesting murderer. Richie Gulliver is one of the few fine actors that redeems the series. Wouldn't recommend it for adults.
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The Vice (1999–2003)
Spellbinding Cop Show
17 December 2022
It's 2022 and I just discovered this series. It is marvellously written and well acted. No series filmed in 2019-2022 can hold a candle to it. That is because it was not held to the boring constraints of wokeism and political correctness that makes so many series have the same plot and characters. I'm sure many others like me are searching for entertainment that is not part of the get woke or get shamed era. Every episode explores the dark underground world of vice cops. This series is so realistic and touches on the various ways seedy people prey on others to make a buck. The vice officers that deal with it keep you spellbound, shocked and sometimes heartbroken.
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The Rebel (1959–1961)
Every Bit A Hero
7 December 2022
It's 2022 and I'm watching the Johnny Yuma series with Nick Adams. The episodes are so well written for those times. Johnny is a very complex character writing a journal about his travels. Every episode has a compelling story and Johnny always says something I want to remember. He's small in stature but is every bit a hero and someone to look up to. There are not enough series today that are as good as this one. Every episode tells us something brand new about the human spirit. It's filled with ingenuity and excitement. Every gal can fall in love with Johnny Yuma, I sure did. Today's TV has become very predictable and each show repeats the same plot. Thanks ROKU for all your excellent vintage shows when screen writers could write.
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Very Little Story
18 July 2022
There was nothing we already didn't know in the first two episodes. I fast forwarded them. When Victoria's Secret underwear was selling I never wore it as it was not practical or comfortable. They make it sound like everyone wore it. It was not interesting to watch anorexic young women who could afford plastic surgery parading around in lacy undergarments. Very sad that people like Wexner made billions outsourcing the labour to make their products in third world countries by people who lived in poverty. The less I know about these people the better. The real story will never be told and there is no justice.
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Joe Bell (2020)
Thought Provoking
29 June 2022
If Mark Wahlberg is in a movie I know it's going to be a good one. He is fearless on his subject matter and doesn't cater to the Hollywood woke agenda. He plays very authentic roles that tell us a story about everyday people like you and me. We can see ourselves in the characters and sometimes it hurts to look. I ended up feeling that I'll be a better person for having seen this movie.
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Rise (IX) (2014)
Forgiveness & Friendship
19 March 2022
There are many bigger budgeted, special effects, famous actor movies out there. I find myself fast forwarding quite a bit because they all have the same woke content & are predictable. I liked this movie because the characters were authentic. It won me over & kept my attention. The story is original & fresh. I search for more movies like this. I can't watch the stereotyped, boring movies for the mass followers anymore. Hollywood is so over.
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The Turn Out (2018)
Down to Earth & Real
19 March 2022
I expected the usual unrealistic storylines with fake movie characters. I liked that the actors were everyday people. It reflected life as it is. Authentic & not predictable. Very convincing actors. Broke my heart a little bit. Much enjoyed the music & especially the lyrics.
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Much enjoyed.
19 June 2021
Very interesting series. Representative of those times when Africa was under British rule. The British elite & their treatment of the Africans & the brutal hunting of animals in the wild. A well told story.
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How do you fit your head through the door?
5 June 2021
Every time I watch or read something about musicians I end up disappointed, except for the Beatles & David Bowie. I liked a few of The Band's hits. I find it very sad that Robertson couldn't share his fortune from royalties. Levon Helm was right in being upset because without him the songs were only words on paper. Greed is a terrible thing.
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Forget David Crosby
3 June 2021
There are some things I wish I could unwatch & this is one of them. I was always a fan of CSN&Y's music. Revealing their their personal lives is such a disappointment. So many successful artists are simply jerks. Such a lack of character & integrity. I don't think I could ever listen to their music ever again without feeling miserable. I'll do my best to forget David Crosby.
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David Bowie: Finding Fame (2019 TV Movie)
So glad to have seen this.
3 June 2021
This is one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. As a ardent David Bowie fan it portrays his very human heart. He explored the theatre & took risks being true to his talent & not pandering to the mainstream. His work was developing as he matured. I would have loved to have him as a friend.
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I couldn't stop watching.
15 May 2021
I'm amazed at friends who want to visit Africa & have their picture taken on an elephant. This story is about the Congo a country rich in cobalt, copper, diamond, tantalum, tin, gold, oil & rubber. Belgium's King made vast fortunes plundering these resources using the Congolians for slaves. A story that has been whitewashed to hide the crimes against the people. The U. S. & the news have been complicit in denying this brutal history while amassing fortunes.
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More like this please.
13 May 2021
Frances McDormand is one of my all time favourites. She is genuine in her roles. This drama is about everyday life but the characters make us want to see more. Deep down we can relate to them. No special effects or botoxed, heavily made up cast.
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Need more movies like this.
11 May 2021
Enjoyed this historical film about Iran being torn apart for it's oil. Iranians citizens did not benefit from their own oil & lived poorly. Wealthy foreigners were targeted by the revolution & robbed. A beautiful country destroyed by greed vs fundamentalism.
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The Silence (2010)
Very Entertaining
11 May 2021
Great show up until the last episode. Genevieve Barr (Amanda) is so watchable & expressive. She made the series terrific.
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9 May 2021
I am tired of series & movies with woke themes. This has helped me discover gems like this movie. Very realistic & great acting. I loved the story.
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Not bad at all
8 May 2021
I was pleasantly surprised at what a good story this turned out to be. Very interesting from beginning to end.
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I'm Dying Up Here (2017–2018)
Predictable & Bland
2 May 2021
The idea is good but the characters lack depth. When they're not on stage they still seem to be acting. Most of the jokes are not that funny. As I get older I realize how shallow & creepy artists are. I never liked Jim Carrey. A third season would be filled with meaningless soap opera drama.
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Brotherhood (2006–2008)
Worth watching
26 April 2021
Great acting & story. The 80's marks the beginning of nostalgic mom & pop shops closing. Department stores, theatres going out of business. Cities losing everything that gave them personality. Politicians & criminals fighting over the same territory, capable of anything. The violence is overboard & the sex lacks any passion, might as well be dogs.
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John Adams (2008)
Great but too much needless filler.
24 April 2021
The key character was Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence, although this is not apparent in this series. Benjamin Franklin takes much credit for things he didn't do. His personality made him too untrustworthy to be allowed to write the Declaration of Independence. This series could have been shorter as it seemed like a soap opera at times. John Adams turned out to be a very boring character. Abigail Adam's character does much to make up for this. Their bedroom scene lacks authenticity as they were shown naked instead of in nightgown & nightshirt which would be accurate for that era.
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Bessie (2015 TV Movie)
Everyone Is A Producer These Days
18 April 2021
She was no church choir girl, but a foul mouthed licentious drunk. Every song she wrote sounded just like the last one. It was the musicians that made the songs sound better. This movie is filled with hard to like characters including Bessie.
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Just Mercy (2019)
17 April 2021
Very believable movie based on a true story. The story held my interest throughout. The great thing about reality is that the heroes & villains are authentic. Nice change from the strong, lesbian female lead that pervades today's movies & series.
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