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kind of like wrecked...
19 January 2015
But better. The first half of the Apostate plays like the Adrian Brody movie 'wrecked' - same scenario. Man trapped and is bleeding - no memory of how he got there etc.

But. Halfway through, the film changes and it's quite shocking. There's something not right about 'the man' - then we find out why. Jay Bryhan plays the 'man' very well. A physical performance. It's the script and great direction by Andy Dodd that really pulls it through. We never miss a moment and can feel the 'hopelessness' of the mans' situation.

Terri Dwyer (hollyoaks, loose women) - plays the detective, who we see in flashback, trying to coax the true story from the trapped man. There are a few gory bits (well, it's a horror/thriller) and maybe a few slower moments at the beginning, but it always captivates.

The Apostate. Low budget. But very well done.
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