
9 Reviews
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Sherwood: Episode #2.2 (2024)
Season 2, Episode 2
Dreadfully disappointing
12 September 2024
Boring, mundane and so far a waste of time. Series 1 was excellent but the second installment is just drivel. The acting is wooden and lifeless, but that's not surprising given the flat and uninteresting script and the almost embarrassing fake northern accents that the talentless screen writers have inflicted on the cast. Honestly, I'm struggling to find something, anything remotely good to say about this trash. We struggled through episode 1 hoping that it would get better. We managed to get half way through episode 2 and we've given up. It doesn't get any better, there's just a weak storyline and nothing to hold our interest.
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Fool Me Once (2024– )
Surprisingly Disappointing
10 January 2024
Having seen several series by the same writer I was expecting a roller-coaster thrill ride, instead it's like watching a poor cheesey episode of "Doctors". There's some good acting, unfortunately none of it from Keegan, but the story is so full of holes and glaring mistakes that it's difficult to watch. Many of the supporting actors are wonderful and do their best to lift this drivel into something worth sitting through, but please don't inflict a second series on us. It's one of those dreadful programs that pass the time when there's nothing else on, but I certainly won't ever be re-watching.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Fantastic Thrill Ride, Grip the Edge of Your Seat
11 September 2022
Even though I found the storyline intriguing, I didn't expect to like this movie, I honestly suspected it would be a great plot idea but done on a budget with poor acting. How wrong was I! This movie is fantastic and the acting is simply wonderful. I've now seen this movie 5 times and I can imaging coming back to it again and again Once the main action starts it's like a non-stop rollercoaster ride, and with the superb shooting I find my heart in my mouth more times than feels comfortable. The director does an incredible job of emphasising just how dangerous the situation is for our heroes and the two main stars do a fantastic job of bringing the whole thing to life. Highly recommended.
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Aniara (2018)
15 November 2020
This movie is outstanding, I love it. I've now watched it many times and look forward to watching it again. If you're a fan of space movies and you understand the insignificance of the human race in the cosmos, you just may love it too.

Yes, this movie is based on a space ship. Yes, it's set in the future and yes, it's about people travelling to another planet... but NO, this movie is NOT just a sci-fi film. If you think it is then you've completely missed the point. This movie is about humanity and pointless existence. It's about love, relationships and what, if anything, any of that means. It's about the human curse of being aware of our mortality, and wondering about the purpose of existence. This movie is much, much more than a sci-fi film.
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Wallander (2008–2016)
Good Storylines Badly Let Down
7 October 2018
Great stories and writing. I did enjoy every episode but just one aspect had me very disappointed indeed.

I'd never before seen Kenneth Branagh in anything at all. I'd not avoided it, it just didn's happen for some reason. Having said that I knew his reputation for being a superb actor and I just assumed that was the case.

Quite frankly, I was very disappointed indeed. The supporting cast are all superb but to me Branagh really struggles to seem even partly convincing in the role he was trying to achieve. To be perfectly honest, I actually felt embarassed at times, particlularly when he was trying to portray the quite man who stumbles whilst finding his words. It was completely incongruent and just amateur.

I'd just finished watching 'Hinterland' when I started Wallander. Hinterland is seriously much better in almost every respect.
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The Innocents (2018)
Great Story, Great Acting, Appalling Music
28 August 2018
Very slow start in the first episode but we stuck with it and it really picked up. Sorcha Groundsell is simply superb as the lead, what a talented new actress, I really look forward to many more appearances from her. The story line is much better than I first thought it would be, the series just takes a while to make sense but it does pick up very well as it moves along.

A serious, in fact major downside to this drama is the music. Quite honestly, it's the most talentless and pointless drivel I've ever heard as the backdrop to a TV series. The songs and the lyrics are so appallingly bad that I feel genuinely embarassed for the songwriters and performers. Honestly, if any of this was supposed to showcase UK musical talent then it's an own goal. It is simply dreadful in every respect.

Forget the music, if that's what it's called, and concentrate on the acting and the story line and this is a good series.
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Save Me (2018–2022)
Brilliant Acting, Really Enjoyable, Seen It Before Many Times, Nothing Original
16 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The acting, the settings, everything is really enjoyable. I've read that the writer spent a great deal of time coming up with the story line, which is confusing and surprising, because this is a nothing less than a straight forward copy of many other previous productions, so I'm at a loss to understand the work involved.

If you've seen the film 'Taken' then you've seen this, but with better actors, better scenery, better production and a bigger cinema experience. Even 'Taken' was a copy of other earlier stories. This is like a very cheap version of Taken, but it's quite good to watch.

The whole series is very good except for the last episode, which to be honest is pathetically bad. It's blatantly obvious that the writer came to a full stop in ideas as to how to end it. He doesn't find his daughter, but no matter, he'll sit at the bar smiling waiting for the money to roll in from series 2. Very, very poor. Particularly with this being nothing but a very cheap copy of many other stories, hence no writing creativity required, the ending is terrible.

Usually, with story lines that are such obvious copies, we can expect a different ending to give it some semblance of originality. This one has no ending at all. It's actually the worst form of copying imaginable - a cheaper version that gives you hope, then fizzles out as you realise the writer had no idea how to end it.

I'll watch series 2 because this was quite enjoyable, but to even suggest that it was original is just embarrassing.
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Rellik (2017)
Utterly Terrible
26 September 2017
Such a shame. Excellent acting and typical BBC big screen production but all let down by a mind numbingly boring script and completely ridiculous jumping around the time line of events. It's actually hard to believe that any TV production company took on this dreadful story, but it's harder to believe that they thought it could be a success. The mind boggles. Without question the worst BBC drama I've ever seen
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Dreadful. Two Hours Of Life I Won't Get Back.
1 August 2017
An awful movie from start to finish. The story could have been told so much better even though it is clichéd, tired and simply dreadful, but as it is the movie is disappointing and very badly written. The only thing that remotely saves this movie from the metaphorical 'dog pile' is the acting, which to be fair is very good. With the big names involved that's no surprise. The sad truth is that the movie is so bad it's almost an insult to the actors involved. The entire story-line for this film could have been sketched out in 5 minutes on a scrap of paper, and indeed that's actually how it comes across. I cannot for the life of me stress any more strongly just how poor, old, boring and completely monotonous this movie is. There is not one shred of anything new or fresh. It's terrible.
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