
3 Reviews
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Pitch Perfect (2012)
Good for a chuckle
20 October 2015
Just finished watching Pitch Perfect. Had no clue what to expect. It was highly recommended from a friend, but not given any insight before watching. Must say I was pleasantly surprised. I mean, I wasn't bowled over in tears laughing, but it certainly was funny. Slapstick comedy with physical humor and the singer's voices were pretty good. Long and short of the story is a bunch of college kids competing to win every singing competition. Winning seems to be the most important thing in life. Ironically, the only link to the college is the campus setting. We don't see them attend even one class. It's all about outdoing each other's team. Don't expect any moving life lessons, but it's a fun, light mix of college pranks, comedy, sarcasm and guy gets girl. I'd recommend.
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Home & Family (2012–2021)
An embarrassment of a show
20 October 2015
The show is kind of an embarrassment. Let me count the ways: The banter is uncomfortable and sometimes borders on rude. The crafts are not original, but often claimed and celebrated as the original genius of the "expert". These "experts" come across as very self-absorbed - looking to start or revamp a career on television. Show segments are so rushed, they feel like they're trying to keep to keep the attention of an ADHD audience. Sorry, feels too much like a three ring circus. Can't imagine a huge audience for this show. Makes me wonder who's been paid to write positive reviews here, or trying to keep their career afloat. Not really worth the airtime. I'd rather watch reruns of Martha Stewart!
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Incredibly Bad
27 December 2014
A waste of time. Not only is the music bad like everyone has said, but the audio levels are inconsistent and just as annoying as the tunes themselves. The theme and story line are horrible and predictable. Totally over-acted and the script is quite possibly the worst I've heard. Frankly, I'm surprised to see this on the shelves. It makes me optimistic that my 10 year old can pick up a camera, shoot something in a day, and get it produced.

It was quite apparent that there had to be some sort of relationship between the writer, producer, actors and crew. That's how we came to check out We had a good little chuckle, scrolling through the credits and seeing the same names pop up throughout the list and deciding who might be related to whom. True crapola, but hey, they have a movie out and I don't, so kudos to them for just going for it. Sadly, I wouldn't and couldn't recommend this to anyone.
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