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True Detective: Night Country: Part 1 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 1
11 February 2024
This season was filmed in both Alaska and Iceland so the snow is REAL as is the cold. There are plenty of informative articles on how cold the crew was while filming this season.

The show has an eerie sense of atmosphere and is both spooky and creepy too. The show is dark both literally and in its storyline. There is nothing so far funny about it in the sense of humor realm sometimes used by writers to lighten up the darkness of what is going on in the story.

There are supernatural elements in the show which I am very keen on because it fit right into storyline and works well within it.

I do not see what is coming, but enjoy the ride I am on while watching it. The acting is sensational. Jodie Foster and Kali Reis are excellent.

They are both detectives but do not like one another due to a past event but are forced to team up to solve the brual murders of 8 scientists who worked in a remote scientific lab in Alaska funded by mysterious people/corporations for mysterious purposes.

We do not know much about what the scientists were doing/working on in the lab but we do know that right before they vanished one scientist uttered "She's awake!" "We woke her!" and then we find out they are all dead. It is quite grotesque but fascinating in how/where they are found dead.

This show is full of women which I love for a change. Many detective TV series star men as leads. This show deals with issues regarding women and violence. The series also shows the power of women when they come together for one another. I am not a womans libber,off the rails type of person, it is just that I believe women are wonderful and have great power when they come together for each other to change something that is not right.

I wish this show was not part of the True Detective series. It would be great still as a stand alone detective mystery series. This show is getting bashed by so many and I find this to be unfair and unwarranted! This is my opinion!

My favorite season of of TD was season 1 but this is just as good in how the two leads play off each other.

I am totally invested in this show and look forward to the episodes! It is unsettling, otherworldly, eerie and very entertaining!
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Good Documentary About Top-Gun Con-men!
2 January 2024
This documentary made me mad!

This woman who calls herself a journalist (but states she knows little about Catholicism-Really!) is a completely shallow woman. I felt so angry listening to her talk on and on and on. If she had only done her job, instead of collecting so much expensive (actually I bet everything he gave her was fake just like her engagement ring) STUFFING, she could have exposed this absolutely obscene psychopathic narcissistic loon doctor sooner rather than later. Anyway, I did not like her very much. I understand she is a part of the story, but I just found her to be annoying.

The entire medical establishment is to blame for this and it does not surprise me one bit that this doctor got away with playing Frankenstein for as long as he did! Shame on the Swedish doctors at one of the best medical centers in the world for Not taking action against this fraudster.

This doctor, Paolo Macchiarini, is like a lot of men who are super over the top confident that they can run the show. They are great con men! Trump and Netanyahu are similar in this respect. These guys believe what they are saying when they are saying it. I do believe they know they are liars, but they have that flair to bend peoples minds. Its really quite the magic trick. These type of con-men are truly devious and very dangerous!!! Their lies become truth and a sort of reality for the people they reel in and everything goes sideways and upside down. Beware.

Thank you journalist for exposing this POS!
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Stinky Stinky
30 December 2023
I just had to, had to, had to leave a review! This show is STINKy! AND A REAL DISAPPOINTMENT TO A MONSTER FAN! A REAL LEAD ME ON SITUATION HERE HAPPENED REGARDING APPLE TRAILER FOR THIS SHOW AND WHAT AUDIENCE expectations were and what end result was-The Actual show👎👎 !!

1) There are maybe 4 or 5 monster sightings in this show so far!!!!!! What a bummer. I thought it would be full of monsters or at least one big monster!!!! Just watched episode 8 and fast forwarded it every couple of minutes. No monsters at all in this one!

2. This shows target audience must be the tweens. My grandchildren 10 and 12 love it. It is not too scary even when it is trying to be scary/awesome mainy becasue monster scenes so few and far between and when monster does show up it is only on for a teeny tiny amount of time! No real romance in this show. Main characters just too young to be taken seriously regarding romance and/or sex. They actually should act older because they must be early 20's but still act as though they are 16, maybe 18.

3) Main characters are just so young and immature it is hard to relate to them. Plus they tend to get annoying as writers have written them to be not very interesting. Why?

4) The dialog is atrocious. Whoever is writing this is not too good at writing character dialog.

5) In sum this is one of the worst TV shows to hit TV screens. I loved: Foundation. The Shining Girls. It's a Sin. The Offer. Fellow Travellers. The Bear. Squid Game. Julia. The Last of Us. Big fan of British/European crime dramas. Anyway, I could go on and on but I won't.

I cannot for the life of me figure out why Rotton Tomatoes has this at 84% approval/positive reviews. Although I for one do not go by what Rotton Tomatoes rates. I prefer IMDB any day.

Has anyone seenThe Curse? I think this show stinks too! And it also got great reviews from Rotton Tomatoes! Life is a mystery!

My rating: skunk emoji but will not let me post!
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What a BLAST!!!
12 October 2023
This movie was a hoot! I loved it!! I thought it was one of the best in the series. To all those disappointed and complaining about weak plot, underdeveloped characters etc...I frankly don't get you all's. This movie was nonstop interesting, busy with best action sequences and really laid back funny. I felt like these were the characters I have been watching and grown to really like/love since 1998. Yes, older but wiser and sadder as they have clearly accepted their lot in life, but have decided to make the best of it by sticking together. Anyhow I really enjoyed the movie and I am hoping Ethan will not meet the same fate as Bond, in second half of MIDR!
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Foundation (2021– )
Foundation Is keen Intelligent Sci-fi
18 August 2023
This show is excellent. I just finished season one. I almost did not even bother to watch this show because of not so great reviews! BUT wow I am sure glad I did start to watch!

Yes, it is a complicated plot-line but it is beyond interesting. The dynamics are sensational. There is a lot of going on in present and in past; the back and forth into time I have gotten used to so I do not find it as confusing or distracting as I did at the get-go. Showing us through flashbacks the characters when they are young and what has happened to them that has shaped them into the people they are in the present is an essential part of any really good show, book, story, etc.... at least for me.

The show in season one is really in a never-ending process of building up the worlds, the people(s) and the people-kind histories of the vast empire in such a way that all of it has grabbed hold of me and now I find myself fully invested in this excellent sci-fi story.

I am so glad I did not read the books because so many of the comments that are negative mainly are from those who are disappointed in this tv series versus their obvious liking/love for the series of Asimov's books.

The acting is great. I recognize many of the actors because they are mainly Brits. So many great shows are made in Europe!

Lee Pace/Brother Day reminds me so much of Kevin Spacy!

I cannot wait to watch season two!! I hope this show attracts more viewers. It is a very intelligent sci-fi series.
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A Beautiful Voice That Will BE Missed
12 August 2023
Sinéad O'Connor was ahead of her time. That is the truth of all of her. She was a beautiful human being. Yes, she had mental and emotional illness issues, but for me this never overshadowed anything about how I viewed her. If anything she was honest and open about her mental/emotional health issue struggles from the get go. She helped a great deal because she was not afraid to address and help change the stigma surrounding mental illness. Just by sharing her thoughts, fears and concerns she helped make many people feel they were not alone.

She did not do phoney baloney, she was REAL and down-to-earth. She was relatable for so many of us. She was a bright burning shooting star.

She paved a path for so many people in how she opened up about her thoughts and feelings about so many things including issues that were taboo at the time she spoke out and against them; the church, mental illness crisis and there being NO help for people to name a few. She shone a light on how so many women were being abused and how the issue was swept under the rug (long before the Me TOO movement existed). She helped abused women/people, she despised the unfairness of capitalism, the scuzzy music industry (pus many many large corporations that do not care about people ). She ripped up a picture of the pope long before it came to light how many of his minions were sexually abusing little boys/boy/girls!!

She was ahead of her time. She deserved to be treated better by so many in this world of ours.

I know she is with her son. This is what I want to believe and so I will.

One less beautiful soul no longer earthbound. But not forgotten.
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Gut-wrenching STORY
8 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This mini-series packs a powerful punch. I have continuously been on the verge of tears while watching. It is a beautiful, gut-wrenching story about many women/children/child who have been terribly abused and have been helped by another woman whom is brave and very strong.

The story so far is about love; different types/or kinds of love. It is also a story which tells and recognizes the fact that sometimes horribly abusive people (in this case her son) may have a great talent. In this case the son of the brave savior woman. It has always been perplexing and upsetting to me that people who are incredibly evil have some good qualities/or maybe grand talents and therefore are considered not all bad. However, I disagree. I have never been able to fully accept that any redeeming quality in otherwise wicked people is a something to keep in mind about that person. In my humble opinion, I think evil horrendous deeds done by a person/people deserves severe punishment. I repeat this is just my opinion.

I have not read the book so I do not know where the story is going. I have only watched the 3 episodes released so far, but to date I am enthralled by this show.

The show is slow moving which I really appreciate; it has its own mood and the atmosphere that has been created by taking time to tell this story is absolutely perfect and where I want to be while I watch, listen and dwell in this incredible story.

The love for wild flowers is breathtaking.

So after viewing episode 4 I have to eat many of my words in my previous review of the first 3 episodes. It turns out June is an extremely controlling woman and I mean way too controlling to the point of causing dangerous long-lasting, life altering harm. This does not take away from the fact that she has done so much for so many abused women.

I did not enjoy episode 4. It veered off into silly territory with Alice just doing too much self-pity drinking on finding out about Oggie and the truth behind why he was deported.

It is also very upsetting to see that June could not even say "hi" to her grandson when making the call to Sally. This was a bit too much for me to take in. I knew June had a dark past full of secrets but for the first 3 episodes they had really pumped her up to be quite the decent person even going so far as to taking literal beatings from men so they would end up behind bars to save the women who she was protecting.

So the story has changed quite a bit in a direction that I was not expecting. The mood has changed since Allice has grown up to be an adult woman. I still like the show but I am not as blown away by it as I was before. I am going down from 10 to 8.

I will never again review a mini-series until I have seen the entire show.
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Hijack (2023–2025)
30 June 2023
Really really really now this is so silly sillier than silly can be😊😍

In first episode:

Captain tells controller no prob now and controller takes his word for it without speaking to first officer also. Just takes captain's word WOW Who wrote this because you/them/we/she/he/them needs to stick to or get into comedy

I am in love with Idris Elba as so many of us are but but but why oh why stoop so low?

And how can this be called suspenseful? It becomes so so so boring because of its lack of intelligence.

This show should of Been released all at once. I know I would of been thrilled to be able to have used my fast forward toy and this would've added a whole other level of excitement to this show for me.
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Pagan Peak (2018–2023)
Good show but too many dead animals in scenes
6 June 2023
I really like gritty dark crime series and they happen to be my favourite genre. This show is a copy cat in atmosphere, mood etc... to the danish/Swedish crime series and it is good. The really big complaint I have though is there are too many dead animals in scenes. This seems to be the rave theses days is to sprinkle dead animals into tv series. I find it disgusting unnecessary and upsetting. I get that characters on shows are hunters but IMHO that does not mean writers have to be so tasteless in showing us the results of this appalling excuse for a sport! Hunting for food because you have to eat is a different matter but I still do not want to see the dead animals in the show. It makes me angry and sad as animals are helpless creatures and truly it is totally unnecessary to show them dead and slayed out/skinned/hanging from hooks/being tortured etc...
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Bad Sisters (2022– )
Good Bad Sisters
30 April 2023
I really enjoyed this series. The only complaint I have is that it was 4 episodes too long. It really should of been a 6 episode show.

I loved the sisters, every single one. Great character building by writer and kudos to her for bringing us J. P. a man all to familiar to me. This man is a combination of my mother and father; just absolutely controlling manipulating withholding love, blaming, a sicko misogynist who enjoys inflicting vengeful pain on others. He was a character who deserved to be have it all flung back at him quadrupled plus more!

As I said the series was just too long and meandered off in every plot direction. I got annoyed that it was getting repetitious, but I stuck through it all because the writing was great and the messages in the story were heartfelt and felt very real. I cared about the sisters and look forward to season 2.
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The Offering (2022)
28 April 2023
This movie was boring. I was not scared. If anything I thought it was all rather stupid. The entire premise had potential but whoever wrote this script must have been asleep while writing it.

I am always surprised that movies this bad can please anybody, but there are always people that like what I don't like. So to each his/her own. I am actually glad some people found it creepy and scary. That means that its horror filled purpose.

I get really scared when a movie is scary and I have to get a pillow or I have to go onto the computer to read what happens next to prepare myself. This movie I did not even think about my pillow. It was just a terrible non-scary movie.
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Liaison (2023)
I was not bored
28 April 2023
I do not get the bad reviews people are giving this show. Sure it's far-fetched like most espionage thrillers. I thought this was so much better than the laughable, The Night Agent.

The acting was really good. I love Eva Green. She was amazing and absolutely brilliant playing the character of Vanessa in Penny Dreadful series.

This show was very interesting to me. You get a real taste of Europe while watching. It is such a shame to see what we humans have done to this earth. Nuclear/industrial plants on Dunkirk beach, gigantic monstrous glass buildings everywhere in Europe and in Brussels EU commission headquarters is over the top human trash. It is no better here in the U. S. A, Canada, South America. Everywhere humans have left scars all over this earth. It is shameful.

Getting back to the show I thought it was suspenseful and I like the characters even though they were all very flawed.

These types of shows (unless they are true stories) are not to be taken as realistic or in a serious fashion. They are pure entertainment. Some I like and are watchable others I love, love, love and then some stink. Liaison was a show I liked. I was not bored and I found the plot quite interesting.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
26 April 2023
The UK's Bodyguard that aired in 2018 is so much better than this show. There is just no comparison.

This show is really predictable and main character is not the best actor. Side note: He is obsessed with his father who was investigated by FBI and was found guilty by them. This guy or the night agent man (I am watching this right not and cannot for the life of me remember this guys/characters name. Anyway, he is a very bread and butter actor (IMHO). He makes speeches to other characters about his dad whenever he can--even at inappropriate times. I start laughing at him because he tries acting out all emotions at once: sad/angry/frustrated/unresolved questions/doomed for life if cannot figure out what happened to dad stuff.

This series I will finish but I am on episode 5 and it is not getting better. It is not terrible terrible, but it is not very good either. Watchable for sure.
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Evil (2019–2024)
This Show Is A An Absolute Hoot!
26 April 2023
Hey Ya all this show is really good. It has characters that are crazy bizarre.

The children or the 4 girls in the show always make me laugh out loud. They all talk and screech at the same time. It is really something to behold.

Christine Lahti plays the mother of Kristen (the main character) and does an excellent job playing her role on both sides of the spirit realms of good and evil.

All the characters are interesting. The show is very over the top in exploring science and religion and it is done superbly. There is swearing in the series since it made its way to Paramount channel from CBS and I love it because a show like this needs to have characters swearing and having weird sex with weird demon things here and there.

Anyway, this is my cup of tea. It is super fun and I look forward to season 4.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Farewell Captain Picard & Co You Will Be Missed
26 April 2023
I will miss Picard and his gang. I loved Star Trek The Next Generation. I know that it has not aged exactly well, but I don't care. I have the entire series.

I just cannot believe how time just flies by. Watching this show and saying goodbye to Picard and Patrick Stewart who plays Picard is sad. But I will be forever grateful because this series gave these marvelously created characters a pretty decent send-off. Yes-- it was corny and hokey, but that last scene with them playing cards together like the old days brought a tear to my eye.

One peeve: I really thought that the character who played Picard's new-found son, Jack, looked more like 30 rather than 20.
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The Offer (2022)
The Best
25 April 2023
This show was fabulous. Beyond a 10. Perfect. My favorite show of 2022 this is for sure. The sound-track too was excellent.

There is not a negative thing I can say about the series.

Just watch it. It was every adjective that means super duper and more.

It is about the creation of the Godfather. Starting with the writing of the book to filming of the movie. I did not think that I would be blown away by this show but I was. Who would of thought that the story of the making of the Godfather would be brilliant. When I read about it being made I did not think it would be of interest to me. I was so wrong. It is worth its telling because it is a story that is ballsy, wonderful and so so so interesting.

I loved it!
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Shining Girls (2022)
Something Bright Shiny and New
25 April 2023
Excellent series. It is part sci-fi, part horror. A mystery that is sensationally twisty and will keep you guessing until the very end.

So many people found this too complicated to follow. It is complicated and it is hard to follow, but if you put on your thinking cap and read the excellent episodic reviews put on various sites you will be able to put it together. It does have a flow and rhythm to it. It's almost like reading music and if you find that difficult (which I do) you may get lost/frustrated with plot and what exactly is going on in each weekly episode. This is one of those amazing shows that is unique and requires both abilities; to think and to be patient. So many people do not have these when they are in TV land because we have been spoon-fed very simplistic formula TV shows for decades. Every now and then comes something, well...completely different and requires the viewer to concentrate while being entertained. I loved it and thought it was crazy great. So creepy too. The acting was phenomenal and the story was just out of this world!!

Shining Girls and The Offer were the two best mini-series (in my humble opinion) to come out in the year 2022. Both were/are fabulous shows!!
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Where are the Extra's?!!??
23 April 2023
I just finished the first season and had to update my review. My rating is going up from 6 to 8. Even though I found myself exasperated and annoyed sometimes with some of the situations and character's actions I still found it a pleasure to watch. I was bummed that it ended. So I will be looking forward to season 2.

I have one observation that drove me insanely crazy throughout my viewing the series was Diplomat Kate's/Keri Russel's greasy greasy (almost dirty) flat hair. I actually imagined lice could be very happy living in her wet hair-doo.

I am actually liking this series. It took getting through the first episode and half way through second for me to realize that I was enjoying it. What I am enjoying the most is the relationship between Kerri R. And Rufus S.

I also like that Kerri R. Role is playing a woman who is quite sure of herself. It is about time that more shows have strong women characters with bad-ass attributes. I mean this in a positive way.

My main hang up with this series is:

I am extremely distracted by the problem of the background scenes especially those that involve the buildings the characters are always entering, leaving, mingling in. There are barely any people around the actors which really bugs me. I do not understand the lack of extras in this series. It feels as though they are filming this in a studio or very early in the mornings. There literally are maybe 10-15 people in the background within the scenes. This results (for me) in watching this series without being able to lose myself in it. It feels as though this is a show that is filled with actors acting out a good story but none the less it is not real and therefore does not feel like a well produced show/series. But I like it anyway. It is hard to explain but I am very aware of what is going on in the background of films/TV shows etc... If they are done well than I stop noticing. This show is not pulling me into the story as I usually am with shows that have a higher standard of production so for me this entire show feels very unreal which it is! I just wish they had used more extras to create a better feel to this series.

But I still am having fun watching it!
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Beef (2023– )
I liked Beef
19 April 2023
This miniseries is a bit too long for me. It is slow in parts. I do not mind slow movies or shows at all so it is surprising that I found this particular mini-series to be rather redundant in places and I even used my favorite toy, remote control fast forward to get on with it in a few episodes.

The acting is really good from everyone on-screen in Beef. The characters are well developed, but they had to be to like this show. The production is top-notch as is the writing. I am not sure why it had to go beyond 8 episodes and this is really my only complaint; it was overly long and got tedious in some places.
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Obsession (2023)
Embarrassingly Awful Remake of Superb 1992 Movie Damage
14 April 2023
Oh my!!!

Good gracious what absolute garbage this is.

Thanks to my sexy toy fast forwarder I got through this.

This is just as sexy as the thought of getting a root canal.

This series/movie is just so so so so so so so Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad.

It is laughable how this script got made as is and even more bellyaches that it got air time as is.

Cringeworthy is an understatement. It is beyond cringe.

This is worse than it could have been.

Nothing worth watching here other than actors embarrassing themselves.

I agree with critic who said the actors in the supposed sex scenes had stomach-ache faces on.

Poo Poo all over this show.
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Damage (1992)
6 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! Passion gone crazy-insane which ultimately leads to complete damage of entire family. Fantastic movie!


Come on, come on, come on, come on Now touch me, babe Can't you see that I am not afraid?

What was that promise that you made?

Why won't you tell me what she said?

What was that promise that you made?

Now, I'm going to love you 'Til the heavens stop the rain I'm going to love you 'Til the stars fall from the sky For you and I.

Now touch me, babe Can't you see that I am not afraid?

What was that promise that you made?

Why won't you tell me what she said?

What was that promise that you made?

Now, I'm going to love you 'Til the heavens stop the rain I'm going to love you 'Til the stars fall from the sky For you and I I'm going to love you 'Til the heavens stop the rain I'm going to love you 'Til the stars fall from the sky For you and I.

Written By Robby Krieger (The Doors)
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Baby Boom (1987)
Diane Keaton Fan
29 March 2023
I have always liked Diane Keaton movies. I have often wondered why she never had children or does she? I will go check right now! Yes, she does have kids!! I am so glad!

In this role she is very maternal and it looks as though her loving feelings /acting towards/ the baby actor are very real. You can tell Diane Keaton is a very tender and caring person. The baby in this movie is an awesome baby. I cannot believe how they captured this baby's cuteness. In every scene this little baby is in she steals the show, but Diane Keaton does not mind at all! This baby is just full-blown adorableness.

I am also a huge fan of Sam Sheppard. I was very upset when he died at the age of 73. He was a good actor and a great play write. I was so surprised he did this move because it is a real chic flick fluff sort of film and I always wondered why he took on the role. I am glad he did. He was a delight to watch as the veterinarian who falls for Keaton's character.

This movie I have seen a few times now and it is a nice break to escape to this sort of beyond cuteness type of movie!
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Notting Hill (1999)
Great Escape Real Life Movie
29 March 2023
Gosh I like this movie. It is one of those feel good movies that If I am being honest I would have to say embarrasses me that it makes me feel so good. It is sappy, totally riddled in romance and untethered from any real reality. It is pure ridiculousness but for escapism it fits the bill and that is why I still like it after all these years. I still can just lose myself in all of its silliness. Nonsense it is, but sometimes It is what I need and I guess because I am not alone liking this sort of drivel as it is a movie that many of us just like we all must watch it just to feel the delight of it we feel when watching it. It's sort of like having a really good treat!

The only thing that keeps bugging me about this movie and I have seen it at least 6 times by now is Hugh Grants character. Don't get me wrong I love love love Hugh Grant! I just have a problem with the way the writers made this guy so passive, way too passive in my humble opinion. It still bothers me that he never really gets angry Julia Robert character even though she treats him horribly at times. He always is calm and soft-spoken. I do wish he had a bit more oomph in him, a bit more bite at times. Not nastiness mind you just not so accepting of her behavior at times towards him. I always wanted him to say something. Even right back atya would of been good! Still will always like this movie!
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
29 March 2023
This was one of the best series I have ever watched! The story, the acting, the action sequences, the romance, the history--all of it was first class entertainment. I was glued to this show for over a week. I cannot wait until the movie(s) come out to see some kind of conclusion for characters in the show.

I laughed, I cried. It was intense and a really wonderful experience to find a show so amazing and intelligent. The story is all about Uhtred and his journey to go back home, but nothing goes according to his plans because he is a man of honor and loyalty. This man has soul, his spirit is unbreakable.

The writing, the casting, the props and the locations are spot on and every detail I found to be top notch. Truly, there is nothing bad I can say about the show other than I cried a lot because of characters I had grown to love died along the way.

I wish everybody could watch this show. It is addicting because it is so interesting in so many ways. I am so glad I happened upon it. I will miss this show.
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Just So Unbelievably bad!
29 March 2023

Oh my this show really stinks for so many reasons. Most importantly there is NO chemistry between stars. The songs are atrocious! The lead character Billy is way too old looking to be young! He looks over 40 but in reality Sam Claflin is only 36. His character Billy for 4 episodes made me nauseous. He is just wallowing in self-pity. Yuk yuk yuk!!

The Partridge family had better songs! Plus it was a better show and that is not saying much!

I was embarrassed for this show. How in the world does this do justice to the books, which by the way I never read but I bet I would of liked the books way better than this TV series. At least my imagination could of been used to figure out what stars I would cast in these lead roles to make the books good to read.

I thought this show would be more sophisticated and more adult, but it is not. It is just junk. It could of been really good if they had found other actors to play these characters. The cast of this show just are not that talented. For sure the only one with a good decent enough voice is Riley Keough but even she does not have the charisma needed to be Stevie Nicks or Lady Gaga.

I am just cringing myself into lemons watching this. Thank god for fast forward!
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