
3 Reviews
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Hold the Sunset (2018–2019)
Can't believe Cleese signed up for this crap
18 March 2018
Absolute DROSS Showing how pathetic ''comedy'' writing has become in the UK! How the hell comedy legends can pimp themselves for this UNFUNNY DROSS is beyond me SCRAP the FAR LEFT TV TAX
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Revolver (2005)
Biggest load of crap I have EVER endured!
14 February 2016
Despite the all star cast. Jason Statham (One of My favorites) And IMDb suggestion it it is ''Crime,Action,Drama' ?????????????????????????????????????All I can say is that it was written by a smack head, produced by a smack head for an audience of Smack heads! No REAL story, No REAL attempt to tell a story, JUST RIP OFF the film goers, Thank God I never paid to watch this at a movie Theatre. Biggest load of crap EVER in the history of film. Yet the JEWS that wrote and produced this crap are out of their heads on smack from the money they earned!! If, Like Me you are a Statham fan AVOID this crap at ALL costs!!
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A Beer Tale (2012)
Better tthan the average 4.4 score
19 March 2015
Good watchable film with a grounded edge about it. The casting let the film down however. WHY oh WHY did they cast 2 American Jews in the main roles when there are more than enough capable American Irish??? The nepotism in Hollywood killed what would have been an EXCELLENT film. The only casting I would say stood out was that of Zelda Williams mainly because she in certain points is the spit of Her dad Robin. She unlike the two 'main actors' CAN act as well and also unlike them hopefully has a future ahead of her. The Story was Good abut the casting STANK hence i suppose the 4.4 rating!! When will Hollywood LEARN to cast on talent instead of the background of the ''heritage'' of the cast!!!!
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