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The Town (2012)
Great rainy day viewing - murder and mystery in a small English town
18 June 2016
From the other side of the world, I can honestly say that I enjoyed this 3part series. I found it much more enjoyable that some episodes of Midsomer Murders that seem to be repeating on our local channels interminably, although some of them ARE intriguing. The bewilderment and disbelief of the siblings was extremely poignant, especially Mark's belief that he would be able to return to his 'life' in London and forget what had happened - as if! I suppose if you live in England, some of the action might seem unbelievable, but as an outsider, watching the lives of the people in 'The Town' seemed quite believable to me. But then, I also enjoyed the Harry Potter series and recently the re-run of Independence Day. I suppose you just have to accept that what you are watching is 'theatre', even though it's on the screen, and accept it as that. If you want realism, watch a documentary. If you want atmosphere, pretty scenery and a (reasonably) plausible story line, you really can't complain about 'The Town'. I watched it in one hit after recording it from free-to-air, and I'm glad I did. Go on, make yourself a cup of coffee, put your feet up, and watch the complete series on DVD. You won't regret it - unless you are young and prefer your TV viewing to be full of action.
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A fabulous look at the history of the rooms in the home that we all now take for granted. But where is the video?
20 July 2015
The living room, the bathroom, the bedroom and the kitchen. All rooms that we know well, but that have undergone huge transformations while morphing from what came first to what we have now. Many of the facts will have been known by those who read historical books, but for many of us the changes are mind-blowing. For example, I didn't know that the first pipes laid in London were made of small trees that had been hollowed out. Can't remember the particular tree, but one that didn't warp on exposure to air - because the pipes were above-ground - or deteriorate because of the water being channelled through them. Topping and tailing in Britain was an eye-opener, as was the fact that the whole family slept in one room, particularly in the back-to-back houses that I didn't know about. And don't get me started on the laundry! I've just done 2 loads in my automatic washing machine, and to see that the laundry took so long, mainly by long poles with feet for agitating, to rinsing, then laying out on the grass or branches to dry - well, I know which laundry I prefer! Haven't seen the kitchen yet, but am looking forward to this as I was a Home Science teacher before I retired, and I have a bit of knowledge about kitchens in olden times, especially the ones shown in Downton Abbey. But I'm sure I'll find out lots of new and interesting information when this episode goes to air. I thoroughly recommend this series, and make a plea that the powers that be release the series on DVD.
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Devastated by no 2nd series or DVD
11 December 2014
I watched this show in 2009 and have been looking for it since then with no luck. As a grammatical pedant myself, I felt right at home with Mayo's attempts to correct the speech of some of the characters. Because I managed to record all episodes - except for Ep01! - I have been watching the show again, and enjoying it just as much as the first time I watched it. It was a joy to see Jessica Oyelowo's character dressing in such beautiful clothes and shoes - unfortunately, the shoes in particular did not serve her well in the area in which she was working. I have spoken to friends who also want the show to be available on DVD, because we all know there won't be another series. Why is it that a quirky, intelligent and funny show is shafted because TV show producers believe the mindless majority are all that count? Please, a DVD! Pretty please!
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