
7 Reviews
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Cuties (2020)
This is child abuse masquerading as a movie
16 March 2022
The people who did this movie should be accused of child abuse, together with the people who let this happen. As a parent of young girls, this thing is unacceptable.

Its one thing to try and describe underaged children being subjected to sexual behavior, its another thing to actually enact that behavior.

This is simply a movie for perverts who like underaged children, and somehow it got through all checkpoints and got published.

I initially thought that most of the people who where outraged by this movie where exaggerating, as that is the case for a lot of other questionable movies, so I decided to have a look at it, and I am utterly disgusted, did not even make it through the whole movie.
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I Am Mortal (2021)
21 January 2022
This movie is simple in itself, but asks some profound questions.

Do you want to be safe but essentially a drone, or do you want to be a free person with all the risks that come with it?

Is immortality more important that what makes life worth living.

In a way its a depiction of society even now, with a part of the population being scared enough to give away free will and another refusing any interference in their ability to choose. Its a movie of extremes, and one thing history teaches us, extremes are never a good idea.
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Oh, Ramona! (2019)
Very enjoyable
31 December 2021
Its a fun to watch movie, unexpectedly so after reading some reviews here. Nice story and more entertaining that some blockbusters.

The people who rated this as 1 star either have no feelings, do not remember how it was when they where younger, or totally do not have any sense of humor.
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Britannia (2017–2021)
Season 1 and 2 are fine, season 3 is utter rubish
9 September 2021
Besides the fact that this is a revisionist leftist propaganda infused series, seasons 1 and 2 are pretty entertaining, though not historically accurate or logical in any sense.

Season 3 is plain stupid, the plot, the characters, its just lazy writing.

Oh, and the music is completely out of place for such a series...
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Passage to Nasa incompetence
5 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert, this is not about the planet Mars!

So, a diesel engine for a test for Mars..... Nasa newer heard of solar power, the most idiotic test for going to another planet.

Testing and ice vehicle for a planet that has no water or ice we know of...

Having a sonar thingy that can scan only under the vehicle, so sees cracks when your already in the hole.....

Look at the cute polar bear...awwwww, lucky he didn't eat us...or unlucky for the viewers who must go through another hour of fails after fails, stupid ways of doing simple things, and such a crazy lack of imagination on what a Mars exploration vehicle should be, it cries incompetence.

For those who want something about Mars, this is not it, its a team of people who wanna play Mars explorers on ice with a Humvee and that do stupid things every 15 minutes. Amusing in a way.....
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Gravity (2013)
So bad it makes the Muppet's look like a science class
10 December 2014
How this flick got to get Oscar nominations is beyond my understanding. (well, except the visuals) OK, the visuals are very nice, but the story is incredibly inexistent, the characters are terribly non existent (and very annoying I might add), its an affront to logic, science and simple everyday knowledge. I get it, its a sci-fi (or it wants to be one), but you simply can not take every concept we take for granted and trough it out the window.

Its more of a story of mentally handicapped people gathered and sent into space to cause problems and act stupid.

And oh the evil Russians blowing things up and killing Gravity's clown-astronauts.

And of course, one of them miraculously escapes, by freaking randomly pushing buttons in Russian and Chinese....

And that constant moaning, and of course it was a woman who was scared s.....s, and a male who was brave and tried to save her, really??? We back in the 20's ? I half expected to see slaves on the Russian and Chinese space stations :D

NASA should protest, if people believe every idiot can go into space, they might get a looooong waiting line at their door :D

And the ghost coming to provide wisdom at the hour of need...too much :D

Actually its a good comedy if you don believe the hype :D
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Interstellar (2014)
Better than expected
10 December 2014
I got into the habit of reading lots of IMDb reviews before picking movies, and got some mixed feelings after the last IMDb grade fiasco of Gravity (omg omg, that one was just soooo crap). So, after seeing the comments on this one, some very positive, some not so much, I went to see it and was very pleasantly surprised. It may not be the grand masterpiece some say it is, but it is a great movie, and it made me leave the cinema pondering, which happens rarely. It has everything you (or I at least) might want, very well put together, and interestingly I found the story better than the visuals, contrary to some other opinions. Well worth seeing it IMHO. For many reasons.
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