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Dead Cat (2013)
What a mess
23 March 2016
This movie could have used a few more whacks at the script, which is trying to be at least two completely different movies, with nothing much other than the lead character connecting them both. The first is a passable "quirky friends in their 20s" light comedy with no real meat, the second is a sharp left-turn into a low-rent Mike Leigh family drama. The actors do fine jobs with the material they're given but the characters are thinly drawn, largely unpleasant people with nothing informing the growth they apparently make during the course of the movie. Its a romance, but the "romantic lead" has no good qualities to recommend him, its a 'growing up' tale but the "before" and "after" for most of the characters are only mentioned and never shown, and small set pieces which probably looked really good in the writer's head just fall with a loud thud. If the writer 1) could have decided on what kind of movie he was making and 2) excised all the character and set beats that didn't fit with the theme, it might have been a better movie. As it is, its close to unwatchable.
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