
3 Reviews
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Earwig and the Witch (2020 TV Movie)
This does not count as a studio Ghibli Film
17 August 2022
Studio Ghibli is name that rings out with legendary quality. Films such as Kikis Delivery Service and Spirited Away are films that come to mind, this however is not one of them. This is by far one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The film itself is boring, the only "likable" character is the black cat, Thomas, who is a knockoff of Jiji, a beloved Studio Ghibli character. All the other characters in this film are awful, and on top of that this bears the name Studio Ghibli, witch is why I despise it so much, if this would've been a film from Blue Sky or Sony or even Dreamwork's, I probably wouldn't have as much of a problem with it, would I like it? No not really, but I wouldn't have much an option on it, but since this tarnishes a beloved name, I do, and I'm sure many other people share my anger.
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Should've kept it in the 2000s
17 April 2022
My hopes weren't high to being with, but it was even worse than I thought. Some things are meant to stay put. The proud family is one of them. I couldn't even make it through the first episode. I grew up watching the original, and well it's been off the air for well over 10 years, and now they are trying humor that's nearly 10 years old such as what are those and bae and a few others. Many kids these days never have even seen the original and I would not show this to my children.
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Pickle and Peanut (2015–2018)
Wow Disney...just wow.
27 November 2020
Disney is a company that has been around for nearly a century. They have given us some of the greatest animations in film and television history. From Cult classics such as Alice in Wonderland to action packed TV shows such as tailspin, but Disney isn't perfect, and they have made a few turds here and there, but this one takes the cake. When I first saw my cousin watching this show I was like "what the hell is this?!?!". And turned it off. I couldn't believe Disney would create something so fowl. A company that brought us timeless classics ends up giving us this. Why Disney. You guys can do better. I know you can.
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