
16 Reviews
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How It Ends (2018)
Its a good movie, entertaining and interesting.
13 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I found the show had mystery, intrigue, a good story line, and was enjoyable to watch. A lot of the complaints were that it didn't get into the reason why the world was coming to an end. Good. That means story is more focused on how people react to a situation like this and not the boring details of why it is happening. It lets the viewer imagine a little bit.
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Auntie Duohe (2009)
Great series for binging
11 July 2018
You need to get through the first few shows then it you get use to the acting style. Set in China during WW2, it depicts the story of young Japanese girl who is taken in by a Chinese family, which was dangerous because of the hostility towards the Japanese at the time. The story captivated me because I got to see something new, a different culture, and how people in these different cultures interact. I binged watched it over a period of a week, I felt like I was part of their family. Give it try.
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Great fun movie
11 November 2017
This is a movie aimed at making you laugh, which I did a lot throughout. The humour works, the scenes are well thought out to make you laugh, and the acting is pretty good. The first time I watched it I thought it was funny and OK, the second time I watched it I laughed my guts out. Enjoy this movie it is worth your time.
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La niña (2016– )
Great Viewing
2 January 2017
I thought I would check out this show from Columbia, not sure what to expect. Wow, let me tell you, I watched the first show and was hooked. I mean hooked to the point where I was binge watching 12 hours straight at a time because I just couldn't get enough. I was hoping it would keep on going. I am really hoping for a second season. I liked it so much that I will probably watch the entire season again.

The story is both dramatic and soap-opera which creates a unique experience for the viewer. The story has tense moments as well as lot of fun moments in it.

Highly recommended.
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Pitch (2016– )
It has a good feel to it
23 September 2016
I really liked the first episode look forward to the next one. The show is all about challenge and as a viewer you get to feel that challenge as you watch her pitch. I also liked the way the team is portrayed, to me it seems a lot more like real life, not the predictable anti-women stereotype that I was almost expecting to see in the locker room. Most of her teammates don't mind at all that a woman joined their team as long as she helps them win.

The show also focuses on the coach who is trying to work with the new situation, I enjoyed this character too, and look forward to seeing how he grows as the show goes on. There is a lot of different directions they can go with the show, should be interesting to see how it turns out.
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Sully (2016)
Finally a movie I enjoyed
15 September 2016
Its been a long time since I came out of the theatre thinking I got my money's worth. Sully delivered with a good story about a pilot who had to defend himself against uncaring and unforgiving government agencies and insurance agencies. I like how the movie brought to light the trauma that the pilot was going through after surviving landing his plane on the Hudson. It was a well thought out work that is worth your time. Its been a long time since I came out of the theatre thinking I got my money's worth. Sully delivered with a good story about a pilot who had to defend himself against uncaring and unforgiving government agencies and insurance agencies. I like how the movie brought to light the trauma that the pilot was going through after surviving landing his plane on the Hudson. It was a well thought out work that is worth your time. Please 5 lines is more than enough for a review unless you want me to tell the whole movie to people who are wondering if they should see it. Honestly!
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Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
Great Movie
3 August 2016
Go out and see this movie its worth it. The movie is different because he knows who he is and that he was trained to be a super killer. That drove the first three movies, him trying to find out about himself. So now its time for something different. I liked this movie for a number of different reasons. It was cool to see how the CIA can track a person in almost no time at all. How surveillance and facial recognition technology is making it almost impossible to hide. How software is linking your past life and acquaintances to facial recognition software and so that agencies like the CIA can quickly locate people you have associated with. The scenes where he is running for his life are great. Just one other note, go onto YouTube and watch the original Jason Bourne movie from the 80's, its called the Bourne Identity, this version follows the book fairly close. You will see how different the recent movies are compared to the actual book. I personally like the recent movies better, but the book has its charms too.
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Ardennes Fury (2014)
Great Movie
23 February 2015
I was expecting the worst, but it turned out to be a pretty good movie. I see some complaining about the special effects, but I thought they were not bad at all. I am student of story writing and this story had a lot of good elements that made it worth watching. I further like the idea that it wasn't big budget Hollywood and still was able to put together a good show. A story about a group of soldiers who stand together against the odds is what makes classic war story.

I also like the fact the actors are relatively unknowns and they turned in good performances. If your a lover of war flicks than give this a try.
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Not liking it
3 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin? God is portrayed as a 10 year old boy who is having a temper tamp-tram over how the Egyptians have mistreated the Hebrews. Moses is not humble like in the Bible, no, he back-talks a lot to God. Rameses has got a weird vibe going on, he's kind of distant and not really connected to the show or anything. A lot of story telling ad-libbing going on with really terrible outcomes.

I want to give this movie some credit for the effort the actors put in, along with the everyone else involved. And for them I do appreciate the effort...but

The story is about the relationship between God and his chosen people. That's the story! When God speaks to Moses, Moses falls flat on his face. When Moses asks God who He is, God replies authoritatively, "I am", you can say to them that "I am" sent you. The "I am" is one of the most powerful sayings in the entire bible. Wow did this movie ever mess that up.

The 1956 movie the Ten Commandments blows this movie to kingdom-come, watch that one instead.
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Her (2013)
Interesting and weird and worth watching
29 December 2014
How pathetic are we? Theodore is really alone but doesn't realize it. What would cause someone to think that they are actually in a relationship with some programming code? At first its hard to buy in, but as the movie goes along you kinda buy in, maybe, but not totally.

Its the issues that this movie raises is what Spike Jonze is after. Everyone seems to have come up with one or two unique issues that they think this film is speaking to. For me the movie highlighted how technology is replacing natural interaction with empty fantasy. The discussion of how we are not living our lives along with wasting our lives has been going on ever since the introduction of TV.

The movie is definitely worth watching
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State of Affairs (2014–2015)
Its entertaining
14 December 2014
I am going to try to balance out the bad voting here. I like the show, I look forward to watching it. Its got intrigue, drama, and action.

I agree that the people voting here are getting a little carried away with the bad ratings. People are saying, really another one? What planet are you on? How many cop shows are there - 4 million? If your going to complain, then complain about the endless cop shows.

I say give it a chance. The acting is good, the writing is good, the plot is good. I think this show can go two or three seasons.

And the plot isn't old if you like that kind of stuff.

Will the people who edit these reviews please make the minimum amount of lines required 4? Please. What a pain trying to write extra things just to make the 10 line minimum when you have said everything you need to in a few lines.
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Transcendence (I) (2014)
Lawn mower man is back!
10 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Not bad, entertaining, nothing earth shattering, predictable a little bit with a few twists.

What I didn't like is how the movie used the wife as the plot driver. I am referring to the emotional reaction she had to her colleague who tried to prevent her from allowing her husband to access the internet. That was a little lame and stereotypical, playing into the whole idea that woman can't think rationally. I know the directors were trying to build up the emotional bond between machine and man, but this really bugged me.

In real life, if I was the colleague, I would have knocked her over the head and tied her up before I allowed her to connect her husband to the internet.

But I did give it a 6 because it does entertain.
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The Giver (2014)
Worth Watching
1 December 2014
Great entertainment! Nice to see something different for a change. Never read the book or read any reviews before watching. I notice some people give away some of the really neat things that happen in the movie and that is a shame. Reminds me of the matrix, a co-worker couldn't wait to wreck it for me by blabbing about how the matrix was really a computer simulation that people need to be woken up from. If my blabbing co-worker had just kept his mouth shut, then I would been able to enjoy that cool moment. Instead I watched the movie knowing what was already happening, which really ruined the first part of the movie. The point of this rant? when cool things happen in movies - let others experience those moments too!
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The Guest (I) (2014)
Worth Watching
29 November 2014
I have to give this movie 8 out of 10 simply because the first hour of the movie was excellent. Well done suspense movie, good acting, keeps you tuned in.

Watch the movie for the first hour alone. As for the rest of the movie, maybe the writers all quit and the producer had to hire his kids to finish the script, I am not sure. But talk about failing to bring home a perfect 10/10 score, so close.

Dan Stevens (the guest) plays his role really well, as does Maika Monroe (the daughter). The directing in this movie is great, I'll be keeping an eye out for other Adam Wingard works.

I can recommend watching this movie.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Just okay
29 November 2014
At first you are captured by action. The first ten or twenty minutes seems to be setting you up for a great ride, and then... what? Now the action still continues throughout the movie, but it doesn't have the same punch of the initial action.

When watching this I was thinking Keanu Reeves and agenda based movies. Not sure if we're saving the planet here, or just exploring an interesting idea.

Scarlett Johansson is a good actress, she carries the movie. The movie flows and you will be entertained enough to stay tuned to see what happens. Nothing Earth shattering though.
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Predestination (I) (2014)
At first really good then got boring for me
28 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The first part of the movie was very entertaining. In fact, as far as I was concerned, they could have stayed in the bar telling stories for the rest of the movie.

But then came the time travel plot. The problem is this, I have seen too many time-travel based movies. There was nothing new under the sun here. It could have been so much more, but instead it settled into a predictable plot, which for me became perfunctory.

How about some imagination please? Yes we know its a time thing, but please spice it up a little. Maybe the producers are afraid of confusing the audience with more interesting plots? Not sure. Anyways ruined an absolutely brilliant movie up to the mid-way point.

The acting is topnotch, Ethan Hawke and Sarah Snook both deliver. The movie production is very well done. I see a lot of people really enjoyed this and that is good, so maybe you will too if you are not too saturated with the whole time travel thing.
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