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Grave Mysteries: Texts and Threats (2017)
Season 1, Episode 6
Forgot to add one of the murderers. Where's Justin Soto?
3 July 2024
I would've left this a higher rating if ID wouldn't have deleted one of the main players in this vicious homicide!! Seriously ID--WTF! Justin Soto was the one who tackled Seath Jackson as he fled the trailer! Seath might have escaped if it had not been directly for Justin Soto's involvement. How in the hell could you leave him out of your show about Seath's murder? I'm pretty positive Seath's mother blames Justin, so should ID channel. This show does not give the complete story. Every viewer should actually look up this crime like I did. You'll discover (like I did to my shock) that there was another murderer.
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NCIS: Recoil (2008)
Season 5, Episode 16
WTH is wrong with Ziva in this episode?
21 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm currently rewatching (binging) NCIS from the beginning & I just finished the season 5 episode "Recoil", and I can't help but wonder what's going on with Ziva in this episode! She is acting like a probie on her first assignment after shooting a serial killer (in self-defense, I might add) instead of a Mossad trained assassin. In fact, she seems more traumatized by this event than she did after shooting Ari, her own brother! I man seriously. Does that make *any* sense? Did the writers at NCIS not think it odd that Ziva. Of all people, would develop some kind of PTSD after shooting someone. It's completely out of character for her. I read another review where the reviewer mentioned that the episode was originally written for the Caitlin Todd character. Although, I would still see it as a little odd for Kate to react that way considering she has shot suspects before, it would (at least) be more believable for Kate to react in that manner rather than Ziva. I generally love NCIS, but "Recoil" is definitely one of my least favorites because I just couldn't get past how "off" Ziva is during the entire episode.
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Elvis and Me (1988 TV Movie)
Trashing of a Legend!
19 April 2024
This movie focuses only on the dark side of Elvis. It never goes into how generous & loving & funny he was, instead it portrays him as an abusive rapist!! I know Elvis had a darker side too. Everyone close to him said he had some low times where he was depressed & lashed out to those close to him. He was a complex & flawed man, agreed, but this movie ignores his (for lack of a better term) good side, and instead, distorts his image into some kind of monster. Sadly, this was made back in 1988 *before* Precilla recanted much of what was in her 1985 memoir, but even so, this movie takes some of the bad mouthing found in Precilla's book & turns it into Elvis being a misogynistic rapist! Horrible movie! Watch it if you must, but don't believe most of what you see.
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Perception: Pilot (2012)
Season 1, Episode 1
18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this show on TNT back in the day... I loved it then and, after rewatching it over the weekend, I find I still love this show! The cast is incredible & the premise is new & unique. Daniel's eccentricity and hallucinations adds an interesting layer to this procedural crime show. Moreover, Eric McCormack & Rachel Leigh Cook have terrific chemistry, and I love their interaction, but I have to admit, some of my favorite scenes are with Daniel & Natalie. The connection and back & forth dialogue between them is so real and believable, the realization that she's one of his hallucinations & not real at all is a great twist. This is a terrific show! I mourned this show & I have to tell you, I was really upset when TNT cancelled it.
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True Justice: Family Ties (2024 TV Movie)
14 February 2024
You know, I understand that Hallmark Mystery Movies aren't exactly realistic. I mean seriously, how often does a librarian, an English professor or an antiques dealer really solve homicides before a seasoned detective? LOL Not often & I'm okay with that, however, True Justice took unrealistic past improbable & made it laughable!

There are so many factual errors on court proceeding & evidence handling here, there are simply too many to name. The writers should really do a little research on court trials, sentencing etc... It's obvious they have no idea how a trial is arranged & regulated.

Also, any evidence Casey or her friends touched would be (at best) viewed with extreme suspicion & would not be readily accepted as fact. Or, & this is the most likely scenario, all the evidence gathered would be deemed tainted due to her relationship to the defendant & ruled inadmissible.

The whole scenario was ridiculous & the acting by most of the cast was sorely lacking. I enjoyed Benjamin Ayres as DA Quinn & Nikki De Loach as Professor Ambrose, but their roles were too small to save this movie.

I wish Hallmark would rethink its decision to get rid of entertaining series like Mystery 101 in favor of a sub-par series like True Justice. I don't like to bash, but i can promise you the ratings will show the audience's dissatisfaction soon enough. In fact, if you look at the reviews & ratings, they are already speaking it loud & clear.
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The Good Wife: Battle of the Proxies (2012)
Season 4, Episode 10
1 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't watch TGW when it aired 10 years ago... I recently found it on Start TV, and I have loved it until this episode. In fact, "Battle of the Proxies" almost made me stop watching TGW altogether! I don't care if a lawyer is supposed to defend their client, if you have evidence that a man is innocent, you STOP trying to send him to prison! In this episode Alicia is giving evidence to acquit Will's client (who's guilty) and convict another guy (who's innocent) and she KNOWS this, yet she still gives the prosecutor tips on how to convict the innocent man! I was disgusted! I mean truly disgusted. I know this would never happen in a real-life court case, but can you imagine??!!

The thing that bothered me the most about this episode is after the innocent man was convicted (thanks to Alicia) they brush it off with an "oh well, we'll turn over the evidence to help with his appeal". I found this appalling considering how long appeals take & once a person is convicted it takes a tremendous effort and tremendous new evidence to overturn a conviction. Helping to convict innocent people is NOT an attorneys job! And if it is, then give me Matlock or Perry Mason anyday over Will Gardner!
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10 June 2023
Lacey Chabert has been a favorite of mine since she starred in Party of Five many years ago. I've thoroughly enjoyed many of her Hallmark movies, and The Crossword Mysteries are absolutely amazing! So, naturally I was really excited to see this new movie... Wow, was I disappointed. The script was stale, boring & just plain unimaginative.

I mean, I know these mystery movies pretty much stick to a formula, but the script for this one was so horribly predictable I had it solved almost immediately. Crossword Mysteries, Garage Sale Mysteries, Mystery 101... ALL of these are far superior to this one.

The only thing that *was* inspiring is the location. Now that was beautiful, but I don't have to lose hours of my valuable time to view the breathtaking images of Malta/Italy... I can simply look up images on my computer & save myself the disappointment of watching this movie.
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Love & Death (2023– )
Nice! Let's Make the Murderer the Victim!
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The series is slow, but I was enjoying it until I realized they were going to twist the tale into Candy's self defense BS! Awful! I can only imagine the horror Betty Gore's family (especially her daughters) must be going through with this portrayal of her vicious & brutal murder. The producers should be ashamed to put this out there. I've seen investigative documentaries on the "true" true story between Candy Montgomery & Betty Gore and I've never seen any of the real life people call Betty a disturbed individual. In fact, they say what a sweet, kind person she was. On the other hand, Candy has been called a liar and a manipulator, and let's not forget, she took an axe and hacked another human being 41 freaking times! How in the world can anyone call her a freaking victim?!! Because she was shushed. C'mon. Give me a freaking break!

You know what is truly disturbing here, the producers saying "this is a true story" instead of this is a story based on real life events as it should be stated. I can only imagine that someone, somewhere is going to watch this and actually believe that the victim of this crime was Candy and not the true victim, Betty. I feel such sympathy for Betty's family. It's like they are being traumatized all over again. Ugh! I had to stop watching it .I think I'll go watch the Hulu version, "Candy", from what I understand, the murderer is not the victim in that movie. .
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Halloween Wars (2011– )
If It Aint Broke Don't Fix It
2 October 2022
This show used to be amazing! You had such a great mix of food artists & a great mix of judges, along with a terrific and entertaining host. I looked forward to this show every year... but then Food Network had to go a fix something that wasn't broken!! First, they changed hosts, and added Zak. Bagans (ugh! So fake!) instead of Jonathan Bennett. Then they got rid of the Hollywood horror aspect of judging by eliminating film director, Todd Tucker, as well as the guest judge, who was usually an actor from the horror genre. Those kind of judges always had an interesting mix of reviews for the contestants that added to the show and made it more enjoyable. Now we have Eddie Jackson and Aarti Sequeira; neither of which have any Hollywood horror background. They are both chefs, and while I respect their cooking ability, we already had Shinmin to judge the tasting aspect of Halloween wars, the show doesn't need *three* chefs! I can't believe Food Network is just going to ruin one of their highest rated shows!! I heard they are bringing back the pumpkin carving, however, with the present line up I doubt I'll come back. I'll probably just watch re-runs on least then I know I won't be disappointed!

Also, Food Network has reported the reason they had no pumpkins last year (2021) was due to a seasonal lack of pumpkins, and some fans are buying this, but I say this in response: If pumpkins were so scarce, then how is it they were still able to televise the show "Outrageous Pumpkins" last year? Ryan Anderson won the show last year by carving a 400 lb. Pumpkin! Hmmm. I guess pumpkins were only missing for Halloween Wars, huh?

Yea. Pretty sus if you ask me.

I wish they would just stop trying to ruin one of their highest rated shows & just bring it back the way it was before.
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