
7 Reviews
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The Patient (2022)
Very, VERY OK. But the ending
16 November 2023
One of the best series I've seen in a long time. Good story, good actors (Steve Carell is superb! Being Swedish, I've seen a couple of swedish movies where comedians have been cast for lead role is thrillers. It's as "wow, if HE is doing/saying this, it has to be really, really serious". ), good direction and good dialogue (gold star to whoever wrote it). Also, a photo that was simple and clear, completely without "creative" pans, CGI and other things that movies these days apparently must have.

Unfortunately, the ending of the series is really, really bad. It doesn't really "end" at all, neither "happy ending" nor "sad ending" nor "sequel expected". Just left me with a big question mark. "Eh?". Still don't understand why....
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The English (2022)
Good story, but poorly presented
10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Rarely seen something this bad and at the same time being distroyed by ambitious knuckleheads who obviously has been more interested in trying to make themeselves a name in the business by telling a story in such a "new" way that it becomes incomprehensible.

Jumping up and down in timeline has become a common feature in movies the past 20-30 years. Excellent when used correctly. In this one, there's eventually no way to grasp if the scene you're watching is supposed to have occured 15 or 20 years earlier or unknown years later. Or in "present" time.

80% of the dialogue is so factitious, unrealistic and silly that it made me cringe.

When finished watching, I honestly didn't understand the story at all. Why did she leave UK? Why a couple of weird backlashes to UK? Oh, she had a child? Where? When?

And the end: so, she became a freak in some kind of show with a distorted face "thanks" to syphilis which occured from ... I don't know.

Basically, I'm dumbfounded that Emily Blunt, who I have the highets regard for, took this on.

On the bright side: photo is good!

PS: I'm not native English spoken. My apologies for grammar or spelling errors.
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Interesting, entertaining but stupid, amateurish shots
6 October 2023
Liked the plot. A bit hard to grasp from start but eventually became clear.

But those in-a-car scenes cracked me up completely. Haven't seen worse since good old days with Humphrey Bogart.

Point is to make it look as if the actors actually sits in a car that's moving. Throughout decades this have been done in numerous ways. From having real cameras in a car and the actors actually driving to having a "car" on a trailer equipped with cameras and microphones.

Past 20 or so years it's been CGI, computer generated imagery, green room, etc.

I haven't a clue how the producers managed to create these ridiculous "moving backgrounds" to the in-a-car scenes. I tried not to bother first half of the film but since they are several and timely, I gave up about half way in.

I'm baffled. How can producers and others NOT see this?
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Bones and All (2022)
First ten minutes ok. Then turn it off.
19 December 2022
Acting, cinematography and all that absolutely top notch. And the story started out really interesting, with a new, fascinating vampire twist.

But from that, the story just went downwards. No actual plot at all. Just dozens of variations of the same theme. No story goal or anything to understand what the characters were searching for.

And it ended in a major "nothing". You can stop watching the movie at any time, and it'll be the same as the actual ending which is "nothing". So, if you endure the entire 2h 11m or finish watching after 45 minutes, the outcome is the same.

In short: don't waste your time.

Oh, and somebody obviously thought that it'd be great and innovative thing to plaster texts "DN" or "MN" or whatever across the screen now and then. Why? If you're telling a story, why adding irrelevant and confusing texts across the screen?
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Poor story and tons of embarrasing blunders
26 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Highly prententious from start. Like "here's a juicy, heavy for you. Turns out to be far less than mediocre. The plot, which is supposed to be extremely dramatic, is not only boring, but also incoherent and obscure.

10-15 minutes in, an extra passenger is found trapped in a sealed compartment in the ceiling. Since the entire crew only consist of three, his presence will eventuelly make them run out of oxygene and they will all suffocate and die. That's the story.

How this guy could end up unconscious in a box in the ceiling in a spacecraft, unbeknownst to crew and not missed by anyone down on earth remains an enigma and is never told. Maybe they don't keep track of their technichians at Kennedey Space Center or simply don't care if one of them disappears. Sure. Very realistic and credible.

How they're climbing/sliding these 2-300 yard cables/poles outside the craft, freely in the space, without any form of fastener for security. Yeah, right. I'm sure any astronaut would do that.

Or when she's floating freely outside and opens this ten inch thick metal hatch and it turns out that it's not fixed to the craft with hinges or anything but just falls and disappear out in the space. Absolutely realistiskt. Not.

Plus a number of similar, annoying blunders.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
First and second seasons: 10 stars. Third: 2 stars
10 May 2020
Great first two seasons. But the third was like pulling teeth. Have rarely seen any series or movie containing that many extremely long, useless, slow and boring scenes that don't have anything to do with the story or adding anything to the plot.
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Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
Previously ten stars. Now two. Or even less.
11 October 2019
Season 1-4 among the absolute best series of all times. Way better than e.g. Sopranos. I thought that the fourth season was the end. Then I heard that a fifth season was on it's way and I could hardly wait. Now, I've watched the first 6 episodes and I'm very disappointed. It's as if it's a completely different series (apart from charcacters, etc). I appreciate a well made plots and like smart lines, psychological twists and so on, but to a limit. This is waaayy too much of it. They have tried making it "sophisticated" or something but made it incomprehensive and downright boring. And the soundtrack. Who on earth decided to add contemporary hard rock? Watching these six episodes has been worse than pulling out teeth. Because then, you endure hoping it'll get better. And it actually does. Peaky Blinders doesn't. In short, I'm baffled by the way they've converted one of the most fantastic series made into pure crap.
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