2 Reviews
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A love story that is more than just the perfect dream you expect it to be.
26 January 2023
More than Words is a realistic take on the lives of 3 Japanese Characters and the effects of traditional society and life have. This is not a show to watch if you want perfect endings, it is however, a beautiful and inspiring journey through life and very fulfilling! This series was so real and I was completely caught off guard, relatable and emotionally hard hitting.

I should inform that I don't usually enjoy 'just' drama shows but this show kept me up all night and I'm writing this at 7am after completing it.

Story: The Story is broken up into two parts that you can commonly find in most LGBT shows. The good half, where friendship and love is found and no obstacle is too hard to overcome, and then the 2nd part where the reality of life sets in, but in this show they decided to throw down the gauntlet. Dysfunctional families, unspoken words , jealousy, pretending everything is okay. I was shocked and constantly in turmoil as MTW took me down the hole of what life looks like when it gets real!

Cinematography: The camera work was excellent showing the audience what they needed and letting us figure out some of the story through expression and creative scene flow. Emotion was captured and conveyed with the scene. It's so important for cinema to embrace the idea that we don't always need to have everything explained and then shown.

Characters: What can I say, all 3 of the main characters in this show are exquisite. They grow and develop and have friendship and love built out of hard hitting life situations. You will get to see what makes these characters real. You get it all; compassion, empathy, understanding, frustration, impatience, duty, longing, jealousy and grief. Don't expect them to be perfect people, humans make mistakes, they change their minds and feel differently after something changes or after a period of time. Characters with depth written as if they were biographies.

Pros: -Beautiful ORIGINAL story that makes you wonder if you haves friends that are experiencing this.

-Characters are real and relatable.

-Great acting and amazing production quality.

Cons: -Hits very hard maybe a little too hard.

-Emotionally frustrating.

-Not the typical BL love story I thought it would be.

-Some of the storyline is a bit rushed compared to the well thought out and planned bulk.

Conclusion: Watch this show, it's a beautiful story that you don't want to miss out on. It's hard to watch, but you won't be able to stop once you start.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Parker Posey out of nowhere
8 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show has so many twists and turns you can get dizzy but one character you can't count on is Dr. Smith. I could not believe how much suspense that character built up each time she appeared. I had no idea if she was going to betray them for survival or help them for survival who knew. Not me because she's very unstable and portrayed brilliantly by Parker Posey. I hope I see her again in the future with some important roles that do her justice.

After watching all 3 seasons the show does a great job at introducing and growing the characters, some of their interactions can be as bit over emphasized and a bit cringeworthy. Besides this I think the story was paced really well, the acting was great and the camera, visual and sound team did an amazing job.
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