
2 Reviews
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
It's all good, man
16 August 2022
Co-creator Vince Gillian once said that his shows don't pull a fast one on the audience. No subversion of expectations or surprise witnesses just solid storytelling that leads its characters to their natural conclusions. Longtime Saul and Breaking Bad fans will likely be more than satisfied with this ending with some insightful flashbacks to previous characters in this world. The same cannot be said about other popular shows (Game of Thrones, Lost to a certain extent). This final episode explores regrets and decisions that have repercussions later on. If this review seems vague it's because I'd rather not give any spoilers away. It's a solid ending to a series that to me wasn't as good as Breaking Bad but better.
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WrestleMania 2000 (2000 TV Special)
1 October 2005
Wrestle Mania 2000 is without doubt one of the funniest things I have seen in my entire life. Wrestlers doing battle with cookie sheets, old ladies fighting, and a small Mexican guy dressed up as a piece of cheese(I am not making any of this up) are just a few of the shenanigans that went on. And let's not forget about the ladder fight. What concerns me the most are the people who take this sort of thing seriously as if the outcome of the who will win will determine whether or not the earth will still spin on its axis. So suffice to say it was enjoyable if not for the reasons of the people who put it on. Truly hilarious. If you are looking for a good laugh find someone with a copy and watch it.
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