
5 Reviews
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South Park (1997– )
let's not get ahead of ourselves, south park is not perfect.
5 June 2015
South park presents a simple premise: "Everyone will laugh, everyone will be offended. No one is off limits." Seemingly, the show delivers on all fronts. The comedy is unrelenting, with hilarious voice acting. The gross out humor is abundant. Yet, when the last component of the premise falls flat. Many episodes suffer from forced and painfully biased satire, which can make some episodes very unpleasant to watch. In truth, some ideologies and political parties are picked on far more often, while some are not mocked at all (Note: to maintain political neutrality, I will not name the show's biases). That said, the show is undeniably funny, and the animation style and voice acting is charming. Not a terrible show, but certainly far from perfect.
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a genuinely creepy, yet sometimes off topic film
22 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Spooky and atmospheric to its core, the town that dreaded sundown is an interesting little journey into a real life murder story. In the film, a masked killer stalks the populace of an idyllic Texarkana town, with a man hunt close behind. With out a doubt, the murderer is the most interesting and creepy character in the film. His simple yet terrifying hood is very spooky and imposing. During his scenes, the tension is often very thick, and the action is executed well. Less, however can be said for his pursuers, the police. With bumbling antics reminiscent of Barney Fife, they often ruin the atmosphere with their forced comic relief. This of course, takes away a great deal from the film. in fact, if they had made the police serious and on topic, then the town that dreaded sundown could have been a classic in te crime genre. Still, I can definitely recommend the film for the killer's scenes alone. They are creepy, atmospheric, and unsettling. I can give this film a solid 6.5/10, and say that this film certainly deserves a cult following.
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cold war insanity at its best
12 December 2014
Without a doubt my favorite film, that in my opinion, is so good that its current rating of 8.5 vastly underrated the film. The characterss are memorable, the pacing is fast, the humor is fantastic, and the satire is sharp and clever. When most people think "classic Kubrick" people think about a haunted hotel (The shining). Others picture a malevolent AI trying to jeapordize a flight into space (2001: a space Odyssey). But when I think "classic Kubrick", I think of an insane General triggering nuclear war. I think of a fumbling president. An over patriotic bomber pilot riding an atomic bomb to oblivion. But that's not all. There are so many fantastic characters, more than I can recount here. That's the thing that made Dr. Strangelove a classic. Not only is it so memorable, but it is always concise and on point. Without a doubt, this film deserves a grade befitting such a fine film. And I believe this film not only deserves a 10/10, but also deserves a permanent place in the history of cinema.
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a disgrace to animation
7 December 2014
Featuring historical inaccuracies, horrible animation, endless contrived plot points, and even shot for shot plagiarism of the live action movie, "legend of the Titanic" is without a doubt the worst animated films of all time. Whereas the dreaded "food fight" (an animated abomination in its own right) insulted the intelligence of its general audience, this stain on cinema insults those who died in a tragedy. The film insinuates that the events of that tragic day never happened, instead claiming that giant octopus and magic were the salvation of the ship. Not only that, but the film directly stole many scenes, shot for shot from the original film. All in all, this film is a disgrace to the medium, and fully deserves the rating of 0.1/10 stars, a rank befitting only the WORST that cinema has to offer.
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Mayberry R.F.D. (1968–1971)
criminally bland
22 November 2014
Without a doubt a waste of a half an hour, Mayberry R.F.D is the absolute worst type of sellout. Oddly, Mayberry R.F.D makes the baffling desicion to bring back none of the character that made its predecessor funny. Instead vying to bring back such cardboard cutouts as goober, aunt bee, emmet, and others. They have also injected a new character (if he could be called a character), sam, who can I have given the friendly nickname of "oatmeal". Sam is played by Ken berry, who already has proved his incompetence as an actor in the television abomination known as "f-troop". Without question mayberry R.F.D can only be considered a profound waste of time. Ultimately, Mayberry RFD is to the Andy griffith show as afterMASH is to MASH: a bad show trying to Ride on the coat tails of its predecessor. All in all, I'd say that Mayberry RFD doesn't deserve the time of day. 2.5 out of 10 stars.
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