24 Reviews
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So exciting to see something fresh
27 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Loved this episode and the risks the writers and actors have taken to make something really adventurous. I've watched every episode of every series and this is one of my favourites. At first I thought it was a bit cringe but it quickly won me over. The music was actually really good, and I couldn't help but smile at ensigns doing choreography in the corridors. When the Klingons were approaching I said to my partner (with some glee) "I bet they will sing!" I wasn't disappointed. The ending where they all have to sing together was also delightfully predictable but so is the dramatic end of every broadway show. They used the tropes to their best advantage and the result is creative, fun, and just a chance for ST fans to let go of expectations. If we can't allow the writers to experiment, is it really sci-fi? Solidifies for me that SNW is the by far best since TNG.
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Slow and boring, ridiculous ending
8 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was slow and boring. Long scenes were just filler, like the crew singing. Some of the ways people acted made no sense, especially the end when two characters sacrificed themselves and likely the human race's genetic diversity for nothing.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Rosetta (2022)
Season 4, Episode 11
Unbelievable amount of pointless talking
17 March 2022
No really point to this episode. The central plot is not that interesting, and of course it relates to feelings as emoted by lots of whispering. It's amazing they even manage to rope the unknown aliens into this feelings-fest. I really don't think it's an exaggeration to say 70% of this episode is just talking about feelings.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Rubicon (2022)
Season 4, Episode 9
So much nonsense
3 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why did Book trust Tarker again and again? Why did they stop the cat and mouse of jumping and blocking the attack to have a chat in the ready room? So much whispering and feelings and acting sad. I can't remember who anyone is. My partner said "I don't like either of those characters" about Book and Tarker. The scene switched to the Discovery bridge and we agreed we didn't like anyone there either, except Saru. They expect us to remember the backstories of forgettable characters like that security officer. I have seen every episode and I had hardly any memory of her except she had a breathing thing. The people are either unlikable or forgettable. It's really sad as I enjoyed previous seasons.
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Star Trek: Discovery: All In (2022)
Season 4, Episode 8
Let's all talk about our feelings
25 February 2022
Nothing interesting happens. Everyone shares lots of feelings. The doctor who is now also the psychologist shows that is is unqualified by breaking down over things his patients do. The whole show unfortunately continues to lose the plot. There is no core topic of the episode, and I can't muster any feeling for the characters or excitement for the story arc. No action at all. Such a disappointment. It's as if all the writing staff were depressed due to Covid and it came out in the scripts.
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Star Trek: Discovery: The Examples (2021)
Season 4, Episode 5
Every the computer will need a therapist now
4 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode made no sense. So much time in emergency situations spent talking about unimportant things while ignoring the emergency. There is a moment with Rhys who has been on the bridge for a while now and I actually thought "who is he again?" I can't imagine being 4 years into TNG and not knowing who the bridge crew are. The show focuses on the feelings of a very few people and treats everyone else as background. Also, prisoners making demands when being released? That was nonsense and it was silly that Michael and Booker didn't just turn around and say fine, stay here.
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The Wheel of Time: A Place of Safety (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Everybody cries
3 February 2022
There are so many tears in this episode. Every scene it looks like the actors have drops in their eyes. It features Rand who is probably the most irritating of all, and a lot of him crying. Not enough story, too much looking deep into each other's eyes. Also, why is it that the powerful women in this show all have to be accompanied by men as their "warders". These women are so much more powerful. It defeats the point of the show to have women need men's protection. I was hoping they would just leave Rand behind. The special effects are great as usual and despite my critique I am looking forward to the next.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Choose to Live (2021)
Season 4, Episode 3
Space nuns yes, Adira and Gray - snooze
20 January 2022
I thought this was the best of what so far is a terrible season. The most cringe I feel is about Adira and Gray. We hardly got to know them so I can't muster the feelings to care about what happens. I'm also confused how a trill is transferred to an android, and why they would want to be when the whole culture has been build on symbiosis and the privilege of joining.

The story between Michael and her mother, and the fight scenes were good. Nice to learn a bit more about Tilly. Overall, meh. They are trying to develop uninteresting characters too much. The Adira / Gray storyline is strained by poor acting and terrible writing. I wish it were better as it's refreshing to see Trek pushing social boundaries again.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Anomaly (2021)
Season 4, Episode 2
I'm tempted to stop watching
14 January 2022
I've watched every episode of every Star Trek show. Until now I haven't been tempted to stop watching. This episode is so cringy. Nothing really happens. Every time Adira speaks I have flashbacks to early Wesley Crusher and wish it was Wesley. Such and annoying character. 4 years in and I still wonder who characters are - Nilsson? She never gets any time so I forget she exists. And the special effects... big budget but the same flame thrower from S4E1 was out in full force in this one. Why are there suddenly regularly scheduled flames on the bridge in every emergency? It's just laughable. Seriously disappointed - this episode was a boring snoozefest. I loved last season. What happened?
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Star Trek: Discovery: Kobayashi Maru (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
Flame machines on the bridge?
7 January 2022
What was with those terrible effects? Regular interval flame throwers on the bridge? It looked like a concert. The cringy dialogue was embarrassing. And why is everyone smiling into the camera?

And how can the doctor and Tilly lift such a huge rock or piece of metal? Sad that I don't actually remember the doctor's name after three seasons. That's the level of character development on this show.

And why didn't the sensors detect the coming problems?

I want to love this as a long time Trek fan. I actually did enjoy all three previous seasons but this episode was painful to sit through. Even the effects were sub-par.
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Murder, She Wrote: Tainted Lady (1991)
Season 7, Episode 21
Too many irrelevant characters
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode should come with a trigger warning. There are a lot of really lecherous men in it. The main problem with this episode is that there are many characters that have nothing to do with the story. It seems like a lot of filler and the character behavior doesn't make much sense.

*spoilers* The arsenic in the water supply premise is stupid. Where did all those volunteers come from on short notice? Why did the water supply contamination only affect two individuals to the point where they would die but other people didn't even feel sick at all? It's just nonsense.
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The first nature documentary I have ever turned off
30 May 2021
The first 10 minutes for interesting and then we started to realize that the whole thing was scripted. The story gets more and more ridiculous, and in the first episode it appears that they terrified the animals intentionally which I think is unethical. I couldn't even make it past the scene with the "cowboy". If you were expecting some thing like the excellent Tiny World (from Apple), you'll be sorely disappointed with this drivel.
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Self obsessed couple buy a farm with other peoples money
25 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm amazed at how many people love this film. On a positive side, the shots of the animals are often mesmerizing. The film is peaceful. Unfortunately the stars of the film come across as entitled yuppies who don't have a clue but still aren't afraid because they know the social safety net will never let them fail.

The premise is that a couple who know nothing about farming manage to get their rich friends to help them buy a farm, because, California culture. They populate the farm with a bunch of starstruck millennial "interns" (cheap labor) and of course they film every moment knowing that their "journey" would be future Netflix fodder.

I have to hand it to them, they convinced a lot of people to go along for the ride, but to me this was just self-indulgent drivel about some people who don't know how to farm. They even have the audacity to express anger multiple times at their friend and mentor who died without finishing his work of babysitting them into having a clue about what they are doing.

The whole thing reeks of entitlement, not reality. These are business people seeing every angle: labor - let's call it an internship program, biodiversity - let's offer tours for $35 a head, products - let's sell fancy eggs to other rich people in LA. Oh and let's be so self indulgent as to film every moment for 10+ years to show off how wonderful we are.
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Silly slapstick, not true to the series
24 March 2021
This episode is too silly and comedic. Doesn't make sense as part of the series. Out of place, annoying sound effects, annoying all around.
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26 December 2020
Terrible writing. Unbelievable characters. Terrible sets and effects. Really cringeworthy. We had to turn it off after 15 mins.
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1 November 2020
And risk taken under COVID to make this wasn't worth it.
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Stretches credibility
25 October 2020
There are too many unrealistic things in this film to suspend disbelief. Inept authorities and Lisbeth letting attackers live to attack another day. It all makes no sense.
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Away: Go (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Interesting but so unrealistic
11 October 2020
Production values are high. Acting is too notch.

All the simulations and plans for any future Mars mission involve strict psychological evaluations for all crew. This show presents a crew who is distrustworthy and unprofessional (and in once case, completely inexperienced). It's totally unrealistic that NASA or any international collaboration would allow these unstable people to risk a multi billion dollar mission.

I know it's all for drama but it's so unbelievable that I don't think I can stick with it after this first episode.
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Pseudoscience and irritating hosts
28 September 2020
I really wanted to like this show. Beautiful scenery and interesting information on geothermal energy in the first episode but the dialogue is painful. Listening to Darin is so "bro", "like" frustrating. I wish he wasn't in the show. He interrupts too often. I wish this show focused more of the expert guests and less on the inane banter of the hosts.
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Will & Grace: Broadway Boundaries (2020)
Season 11, Episode 15
What the hell?
2 September 2020
The show used to be a trailblazer. I'm very disappointed with this episode and the focus on gender stereotypes. I never would've expected Will and Grace to stoop so low as to show a gender reveal party. These parties exclude non binary people and reinforce gender roles.

I would've thought that the show would lead the way in moving past such stereotyping traditions.
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Designated Survivor: Home (2017)
Season 2, Episode 8
Why is Agent Wells everywhere?
22 August 2019
This episode pushes the limits for me about why Agent Wells is always involved with everything important happening with the US government. Suddenly she is running an investigation in Afghanistan? I understand why the writers want to reuse a good character and strong actress, but at some point it just doesn't make sense anymore to have the same character contributing to so many cases all over the world.
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What the hell just happened
31 May 2019
I couldn't understand anything that was going on in this movie. There was no good reflection on the events of the previous movie and the plot was all over the place. So boring I fell asleep.
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Set in the future but the script reads like it's from the past
24 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is interesting, I enjoyed the premise. But even for the time when it aired some of the dialogue sounds very dated. In particular are referring to Riker's wife as "Mrs. William T Riker" - Removing her first and last name, sounds really strange. I realize that it was done for the purposes of the storytelling, since he was not supposed to know the name, but it kind of broke the immersion in the story for me. I can't imagine anyone would refer to a woman that way hundreds of years in the future, because progressive people didn't do it even in 1994.
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So many things just don't make sense
14 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So many things just don't make sense that I just can't like this movie as hard as I tried. There are some cute callbacks to previous films which I liked, and the action sequences are suspenseful. The film CGI is convincing and the movie is generally exciting, but it lacks quality writing and good storytelling.

Dinosaurs bred to be super smart and strong but they can't break through a fake tree in a diorama?? Cyanide gas filling a chamber of dinosaurs in cages. The HVAC system isn't working. The answer to save the dinosaurs? Open the cages AND open the big doors that lead to the outside. Why not just open the doors and let the fresh air in? No need to open the cages and let the dinosaurs out.

A bone from a dinosaur that was sitting at the bottom of the ocean for years but still has viable DNA in it... When they obtain it they have to carry it around in a special glass case with a red light shining on it as if it somehow now fragile after years at the bottom of the ocean!

There are weird unanswered plot holes. Character arcs abruptly end, such as the caretaker for the girl who appears to be maybe her mother who doesn't even seem upset or shed a tear when she finds out that Lockwood is dead. Why doesn't she care? Even if she's just an employee she's worked for him for many years!

11 species of dinosaur get released into the world, and rather than put all the government resources towards rounding them up, we just have to accept that hey I guess we now live with dinosaurs in the wild? Give me a break! Of course the government would find a way to get all these dinosaurs back in captivity.

The characters are very flat in this movie as well. The villains are super evil, the business people all look creepy and borderline offensively stereotypical.

I love science-fiction and I love fresh ideas, but this movie just stretch his credibility so far it makes me sad. Jurassic Park was my favorite movie of all time, and I have enjoyed several of the sequels. This one however is terrible.
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