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Cherries Wild (2021)
More of an Advertisement, Less of an Game Show
4 April 2021
Cherries Wild seems like an fun concept at the beginning, but at the end of the day, Cherries Wild is just an big advertisement for Pepsi Wild Cherry but they decided to add an slot machine and call it an game show. By using references to Pepsi Wild Cherry almost every part of the show, this is not an show that was made to be enjoyed, this is an show that was made to make you want to buy Pepsi Wild Cherry. This show did have a lot of potential, but you are better off just skipping this show all together and maybe just stick to drinking regular Pepsi.
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An Reboot That Is Actually Thrilling.
17 March 2021
If you first told me that there would be an reboot of AMW, I would have said that it would not live up to the original and it would be terrible. But this new version of AMW proves all of that wrong. The reboot of AMW is not only more thrilling with better storytelling through recreations, but it has more involvement with viewers than ever, using new technology such as age progression technology and 3D avatars, it allows the viewers to really help bring the fugitives down. Not only is this one of the fresh and better new law enforcement shows, this is one that does not disappoint at all.
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Whether You Believe It Or Not, It Will Shock You.
5 September 2020
I know there is a whole debate connected to this movie about whether or not Michael Jackson did or did not do the things mentioned in the film, but there is one thing about Leaving Neverland that we can all agree on: it will leave you absolutely speechless.

The depth and detail of each part of the story told by Wade and James with video footage (even some creepy footage) and photos, it will leave you questioning the state of the story and it will leave you wondering which side to trust.
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A One-Time Special (2020 TV Special)
Not a Reunion, Just an hour long commercial for Peacock.
19 July 2020
As much as I was excited for an reunion of 30 Rock, what seemed like an reunion actually turned out to be just an non-stop hour long commercial for NBCUniversal and their new streaming service, Peacock. With constant jokes leading into commercials and the storyline involving new shows on the streaming service, this was not the reunion we were promised and even with the added celebrity cameos and appearances from 30 Rock cast members, I can clearly see that this was an advertising plot for Peacock and it was a reunion that could not be enjoyed whether you had Peacock or not.
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Too Hot to Handle (2020– )
Reality Show Stupidity At It's Finest.
19 April 2020
We have seen a lot of unique reality shows from Netflix but Too Hot To Handle is the stupidest of them all. Think of it this way: If you took Tinder and you decided to turn it into a reality show, you would have this. Not only is this a show that will make skip all the way to the last episode to see who won because you do not care but this is a show that will make you cringe to the maximum. Netflix, I love you, but you really gotta take a minute and think of actual GOOD ideas for reality shows in the future.
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It's Drag Race but it's Bloody. And way better than Drag Race.
23 March 2020
Dragula is a fun and horror filled drag competition show that knocks Rupaul's Drag Race right off their feet. This show takes the underrated queens of horror and fantasy and puts them into a competition show that is more raw and more entertaining to watch than Drag Race.

Dragula is a show that all drag race and drag queen fans can watch one episode of it and be hooked automatically. It is that much better.

If you need a good show that is similar to drag race but with more blood and more elements of horror and a show that is better than drag race, Dragula is for you.
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Cheer (2020–2022)
Cheerleading + Emotions= PERFECTION.
20 February 2020
I had interest in watching Cheer after hearing a lot of positive praise from family members who previously watched the show so you know I had to check it out and I will tell you, I was not let down at all. Cheer is a show that combines all the emotions possible: happiness. nervousness, heartbreak, sadness and motivation along with a heartwarming story about the Navarro College Cheer Team. a cheer team from a small town in Texas who are beating all the odds to prove that they are here and they are here to win.

Cheer is a show that you can watch one episode of and you will and I repeat you WILL get hooked on it instantly, it is just that good. I loved every single second of this show and I honestly hope that Netflix gives this show an season 2 because we just crave more and we want to have more stories from the Bulldogs.

Overall, Cheer was a very fun, emotional and heartwarming show from Netflix and Even if this show lasts one season, I know that one thing is for sure: we will remember to Navarro College Bulldogs for years and years to come.
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Weathering With Beauty and Perfection.
21 January 2020
Weathering With You was a film that I only knew such little things about but I will admit, I myself do enjoy foreign films and I was very excited that this film from Japan and created by the always incredible Shinkai Makoto was arriving in the United States. So heading into this, I had very high expectations for this film and they did not disappoint at all.

Weathering With You was a film that captured the essence and power of falling in love through an adventure-drama-fantasy film that left your heart feeling warm every second and at some points, made me cry with awe because it was just that amazing. But it wasn't only the story that made this film remarkable: the actors, the visual effects mixed in with an magical soundtrack made Weathering With You a film that uses real world examples (a country with constant disasters) and turns in into a film that if you ask me, should receive every single award in animation possible and is one that leave you feeling happy and give you an heartwarming feeling even after the film is over.

I won't spoil too much here so all of you can go see the movie for yourself but I will say overall is thank you to GKIDS and Shinkai Makoto for bringing us an film that not only leaves us with many emotions but a film that we can watch for years and years to come and we will still feel all the emotions and love of the characters even after seeing it time and time again.
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A Fun and Heartwarming Musical Comedy!
8 January 2020
As someone who is into musicals and musical shows and movies, I was very excited for the debut of Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. And from watching the pilot, I think this show has very high potential. Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist takes your favorite songs such as "Help!" by The Beatles, "All By Myself" by Celine Dion and many more and it brings this show to new heights in a fun, musical adventure with a story that is heartwarming with the connection of family with the power of music. In all, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist is a show that is fun, unique, heartwarming and will make you want to sing along with the cast when they sing the songs! I see high potential for this show and I can not wait to see what the future holds.
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The Circle (2020– )
It's Basically Big Brother, But for Popular People, But It's Fun.
4 January 2020
The Circle is an unique and interesting original series from Netflix that gives the Big Brother vibe but instead of it being a game with ordinary people, we are treated with contestants who are or who have an social media following (and yes, I did my research on the contestant Instagram profiles) which I mean, it gives the show a little bit of that unique factor to it that makes it fun and exciting to watch. I do like the idea that the cast itself is diverse and have many different personalities where they can choose who they want to be which makes it so fun and overall, if you want a reality show that is different and a show where the contestants never come face to face with each other, then The Circle is one to watch.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Beautiful. Just Beautiful.
23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As an avid fan and follower of space/sci-fi films, I had my doubts of Ad Astra when I first heard of it. I thought of it as the result of if you take The Martian and Interstellar and you put them together and you get Ad Astra is the result. But upon seeing the film, Ad Astra was a stunning visual and audible film that will not only leave you in awe but it will leave you with that feeling that you are space of the space mission. I can understand from some viewpoints that Ad Astra may not be the definition of a perfect and oscar-worthy sci-fi film but one thing is for sure, Ad Astra will not disappoint you at all.
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Jesus Is King (2019)
An $18 Music Video.
16 December 2019
Jesus Is King was what I believe to be one of those hyped up films but when you actually go to see it, you are not given as advertised. The film itself (if it was even a film) felt very rushed as it was only 35 minutes long and for an promised "concert experience" combined with the IMAX experience which in this case, was the only good thing to come out of this, it felt like you sat through a 35 minute, never-ending music video where you had no clue what was going on.

I do respect Kanye West for trying to promote his new album with this IMAX movie experience but if you ask me, I think that he should have taken this "experience" and brought it to YouTube or something as a 35 minute live event or an music video and leave it at that because with all the IMAX films that were out that weekend, this was sure not worth having it take up so many theatres as it did.
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Should Have Sticked To YouTube.
4 December 2019
A Little Late with Lilly Singh is one of those shows that I am pretty sure NBC considered at one point, threw away the idea and then a few years later, had no ideas for any type of content so they took a YouTube star and gave her a late night show. Honestly, it is that bad. A Little Late doesn't live up to the late night standards that Fallon and Meyers bring to their shows every night as "A Little Late" is basically an 30 minute YouTube video that would end up on Lily's channel. On top of that, there are no skits, no sketches, no real fun to the show that should make a late night show great. If you ask me, I think that NBC should take this show, throw it back in the trash and just leave it there.
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It's Jeff Goldblum's World and I am Loving It.
16 November 2019
I was excited about The World According to Jeff Goldblum from the first time I heard about it at D23 Expo and when it came to it actually being released, it provided a unique and hilarious viewpoint from Jeff Goldblum on different topics such as Ice Cream and Sneakers. From a TV series from National Geographic, I am highly impressed and not only does this show provide humor and that documentary-vibe type of show, The World According To Jeff Goldblum is pure perfection and is worth watching every single episode.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
The Mandalorian= Disney Perfection!
16 November 2019
I am not the biggest fan of Star Wars but when I got the chance to watch The Mandalorian with my Disney+ subscription, I felt as if I was in for a treat and indeed I was. The Mandalorian was very well executed and for a TV series directed by Jon Favreau, it was one-of-a-kind and every time you watched, you felt as if you were being transported to the Star Wars universe and you felt as if you were part of the story which is something that is a major plus for any TV series.
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Why The 4.4 Rating?
16 November 2019
I do not really understand why Charlie's Angels got an 4.4 rating because this movie was for sure more than that. I understand that this new version of the franchise may not live up to the standards of the previous films but this version did however, deliver the comedy and action that the original films had which combined with a soundtrack produced by Ariana Grande, Charlie's Angels did leave out some things that could have made the film a little bit better but for me, Charlie's Angels was a film that was very enjoyable and a film that I was happy that I spent $30+ dollars to see in IMAX. So honestly, I do not know why this film got a low rating but it was one of those films that I would see over and over again.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Give Joaquin and Todd Their Oscar Already.
4 October 2019
I have seen many superhero movies in my life and I have seen many actors play the Joker but never have I been so impressed with a performance and a film such as Joker. Joker was a film that not only brought the true origin story of how to supervillain known as Joker came to be as told in the comics, but it delivered the right amount of horror, action and drama/suspense that a perfect superhero movie should have. For a movie that is directed by Todd Philips, someone who I thought personally couldn't pull it off at first, he truly made a cinematic masterpiece that is worth all the Oscars and awards possible.

But of course, the real star of the film was Joaquin Phoenix. From the first look we got last year from Phillips on Instagram, we could already tell that he was going to be an good Joker but when you see the movie, he turned out to be an amazing Joker. Phoenix is right up there with Ledger as one of the best Joker actors and with all the Oscar buzz going around for Phoenix, I can see him getting all the Oscars for sure. no doubt.
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Hustlers (2019)
A 1 Hour 49 Minute Strip Show.
13 September 2019
I was very excited when I first heard of Hustlers and I got even more excited when I saw the trailer. But when it came to the actual movie, I was shockingly let down. As a fellow journalist myself, I did admire the idea that they took an real life article and turn this into a inspired-fictional movie. But, the whole story behind the "taking down the wall street giants" was not that presented in the movie as most of the movie was just strippers dancing and strippers poisoning drinks and getting money which to me, did not match the movie description which was disappointing. I will give props to the actresses for their acting as they did do a good job with their roles but overall, Hustlers could have shown the main parts of the article and the story and for me, this isn't one I wouldn't go see again.
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A Treat From Fast And Furious Team
7 September 2019
Hobbs and Shaw was one of those movies from the first trailer that it seems interesting and indeed it was interesting. The ratio between drama, action and comedy made for a unique Fast And Furious film that could be enjoyed by all over and over again. The chemistry between Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham was shown once again and it made for a great film. The only thing that was not really enjoyable about this movie was that it did not really match with all the previous Fast and Furious films as there was not much car action in my opinion and I think the storyline could have been improved so that it matches the Fast and Furious story. Other than that, Hobbs and Shaw was very enjoyable and I already saw it twice but I would see it over and over again for sure.
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Perfect Way To End A Classic Horror Movie Franchise.
7 September 2019
It Chapter Two was advertised as a film with horror, drama and romance and the actual film delivered all that was promised. It Chapter Two had a good amount of blood and gore which is what a movie such as It should have. I also do enjoy the aspect of how they added drama and romance as it made for an interesting sequel. The only 2 things that I thought was wrong about this movie was 1) We do not see Pennywise as much as we did in the first film as the film was mostly shown around the kids as adults. And 2nd, I think 2hr 49mins was an okay length for this movie but at some points in the movie, I did daze off because it was a little slow and you did not have any idea what was happening. Other than that, It Chapter Two was an phenomenal movie and is a perfect way to end a classic horror movie franchise.
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They Tried.
6 September 2019
The Banana Splits Movie is one of those childhood ruining movies that will severely damage your childhood more than you thought it would have. The plot was understandable where the kid got to see a taping of The Banana Splits for his birthday but the rest of the movie made no sense where it was like 3 different plots in one independent film. An for a horror film, it was disappointing not because of the amount of blood that was there because there was plenty but the horror part of it just was not there as the film was highly predictable. If you want a cheesy horror movie to watch then go ahead and watch this but me personally, I do not see myself watching it again anytime soon.
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K-12 (2019)
Perfect Musical Buildup to Album!
6 September 2019
K-12 was all that was promised: an eerie enchanting musical film. As a longtime fan of Melanie, I was very excited to hear that she was directing and writing her first feature film for her first album and she truly delivered. The music fit well with the storyline and the acting could have been a bit better but other than that, and the script could have been improved but other than that, Melanie did an amazing job on her first feature film and it is a perfect film for fans and new fans of Melanie Martinez to enjoy along with the new album.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
One Badass Horror Film
25 August 2019
Ready or Not seems like a cheesy horror movie when you first hear of it but when you go to actually see it, you are in for a badass horror/comedy movie that will leave you on the edge of your seat every single second. Ready or Not was not only an one-of-a-kind horror experience but it also had a powerful and badass female lead which made this movie even more enjoyable. Combine that with all the blood and guts in this movie, you get one hell of a horror film for the new generation. So worth the money and so one I plan on seeing over and over again.
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A Concert Movie With Lacking Excitement
24 August 2019
Bring The Soul: The Movie was a unique idea for a movie that takes fans behind the scenes of the bands concert and what they do off-camera as well which is very enjoyable for fans. However, for a concert film from a very popular K-Pop band, I personally thought that the film was lacking the excitement that was advertised. For a concert film, you should expect loud music and flashy lights and excitement but this movie did not really bring that as it was somewhat of a slow film. Other than that, I did find it enjoyable for the most part but this isn't a movie that I regret paying $15 for.
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Hyperdrive (2019)
One Hell Of A Wild Ride
24 August 2019
Hyperdrive was one of those shows that seemed exciting from the beginning and was even more exciting when it started. Charlize Theron produced such an amazing and crazy competition show that will leave you on the edge of your seat every episode. The only negative thing about Hyperdrive is that most of the people that are on the show have stories of sympathy (homeless, not enough money, life is not going their way) which for a driving competition show, is not really the right way to go in this scenario but other than that, Hyperdrive is very thrilling and very exciting and one for racing fans of all ages to watch.
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