22 Reviews
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Robin Hood (2018)
Give the money to the poor instead
10 October 2019
When i saw the trailer i knew it was a garbage production. But the movie surprise me even more. Ridiculess dialogue, the actors are laghingh in situations of supose stress, the scenarios look like a versace model event. Terrible!!!
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Not comedy, a tragedy!!
24 June 2019
Sandler made very good movies in the 90s but some how he start losing his touch. I think that he doesnt care anymore. The acting is bad, but its a comedy so thats not the important element. Its just not funny at all. Lame and childish jokes, every moment, i didnt smile the hole movie. What are you doing sandler???! Such a waste of money and talent.
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Love, Simon (2018)
An important story for the new generations
20 December 2018
The story is simple but the direction and the performances make this fell good movie in to a gem. Lots of humor and drama, all well balanced in perfect timing. You problably cry in the scene butween father and son. I shore did.
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Diferent and funny
20 December 2018
Lota of twists and turns, the acting is some how a parody of the caracthers. You get shoked two ot three times and laughs aswell. Its like a tarantino movie for kids. Not unique but diferent and that is all we want now and then.
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Searching (III) (2018)
Awsome film
13 December 2018
Very well written and directed, the action and the tension dont stop for a second, leaving you staring at the screen for 1h30 without thinking in anything else. Very good acting, the dialogues are simple and short, you only follow the main caracter and you imediatily identify with his feelings and actions along the way.
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The Predator (2018)
Shame shame shame
13 December 2018
Trying to make jokes every 5 minutes in a movie gender that for principal its not a comedy or a soft action film, its just horrible. Every predator fan like me, must boicote this movie and trashed every time you can. Tell all your friends, family or even strangers how horrible this movie his for the predator franshise. Not a single moment of tension, horror or true acting in a 2 hour movie. Even the guy of this is us pass like a dude who can act.
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This Is Us (2016–2022)
straight from the hearth
14 July 2017
No cgi,no violence,no superheros,no villains. NORMAL PEOPLE,of everyday.Great performances,a complex number of personal histories combined in such delicate way,you think the writers were writing this story's since ever. No forced dialogues,no clichés,the fat girl is not nice all the time and parents suck at their jobs sometimes. Having tree kids its painful and beautiful and marriage can be romantic and stress full. I fell in love with the characters since episode one. After four episodes you feel like a member of the big family,loving them for what they are and not for what they represent. 10
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The Mummy (2017)
Come on Tom...
14 July 2017
I didn't have great expectations but what the hell is this?! Some kind of special trick, it must be, because how can you spend hundreds of millions of dollars in a film and make it look so bad. Forget 5he cgi,wheres the logic, i didn't understand after two hours of movie if i was seeing a drama,horror, comedy or action flick. Empty dialogues,some actors don't now how to address the characters, horrible editing and somebody for the love of god tell Tom Cruise is a fifty's guy now. Is not the awesome stud of Top Gun,is such a great actor so why continue to play a playboy when you can do characters more serious and interesting,like in oblivion. Such a shame.
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Miss Sloane (2016)
very very good
13 July 2017
Very good movie,with great rhythm, you spend the whole time guessing whats coming next. A good and smart critic of today's gun industry power in the us. For those who like public relations story's and backstage media this movie is obligatory. If you watch the movie it becomes obvious why there are some negative reviews. Gun nuts do not like this kind of approach in this critical matter
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visually stunning,but that's it.
13 July 2017
great visuals,good rhythm,but total lack of interest in the characters.

for a non fan,the film could be a little boring to watch.

great performance once again by Scarlett. I think the problem is the director is trying to please Asians and American viewers and that's impossible.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Do Yourself a Favor, Don't Mind The Plot Holes, Just Simply Enjoy This great Movie
29 December 2014
I Know, I know, lots of things weren't explain, yes there is some plot holes, some of them of quite a size, but you most forget all that. This is not a scientific project, its a movie, and the principal reason why a movie is made its for the entertainment of people. And let me tell you, i was pretty entertained during 2 hours. The atmosphere of the movie its perfect, you simple don't know whats coming next.You have mystery, suspense, barely any clues and when you finally see the ending,your not satisfied, you just want to see more and more... I was extremely happy to see a great movie made without CGI or lots of explosions and action scenes. Please, you can have the plot holes, just made more of this kind of movies in the future.

Awesome movie 9/10
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If You Don't Have Nothing To Do......
4 December 2014
...you can watch this movie, its better than the last two Bond movies Pierce Brosnan made, but don't get much better than that. I think the problem is that Brosnan just can get rid off that macho,snob, elegant posture adopted in the Bond series.

I mean the guy just don't know how to make a different character. In the entire movie you can see Brosnan's struggle to make the character lines and posture work's,without using that Bond charm he just cant stop bringing during the film.

Other problem is the story, very predictable, if you usually watch movies you will discover all the plot twists. Lots of clichés and secondary actors that seem lost in the roles.

Please Brosnan, for all of us, enjoy your retirement...
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The Babadook (2014)
Essie Davis, Awesome,Awesome,Awesome!!
4 December 2014
This is dark movie with a good story and a spectacular performance by Essie Davis. I mean she put a new level of horror performance for this kind of gender. She was absolutely brilliant in all the scenes, giving you feelings of despair, fear, psychotic illusions, you named.

Besides that the younger actor makes a wonderful job as well, making a not so original horror story in a much darker human story, where you feel nervous and bad with yourself without the usual jump scares or evil camera shots.

Its just so cruel and cold. If you want to see a great performance and if you are in the mood of getting a small depression during the movie, please watch this picture and you will be satisfied.
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The Salvation (2014)
Best Western Movie in Years
28 November 2014
Great movie, great performances, particularly Mads Mikkelsen, a extraordinary actor capable of unique performances, like Casino Royal or The Hunt. The best thing about this movie is that is a simple western story, without CGI or complicated plot, is just hard, straight and cruel, making you remind off certain westerns made in the 70's, but this one has 1h30 minutes, it doesn't borrow you with landscapes or infinity long horse rides. The only bad thing i have to say about this picture is Jefrey Dean Morgan performance, its just bad and incapable of captivating the audience. Just imagine if Mikkelsen was the bad guy, what villain it will be. So please, do this European guys a favor and watch this movie, not only you will not regret but you will enjoy a movie made in 2014 without CGI, naked Girls, catch phrases or dumb script.

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The Normal Heart (2014 TV Movie)
Great Film!
25 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie, it as good story line, lots of historical facts, great performances and a good rhythm. It tells you the story of the gay community in New York city, in the beginning of the 80's, when AIDS started to appear and nobody know how the transmission of the virus was possible, how to prevent and at the same time deal with the terrible anti-gay atmosphere in every street and place of the city. Mark Rufalo makes a wonderful job, great performance, the audience can actually feel the anger, the anxiety and despair of a man fighting for his partner who caught AIDS. I think its one of those films everyone should watch, besides every creed or religion, to remind us all that prejudice and ignorance are the main keys for a detached and sick society.

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The Most Important Documentary Since Zeitgest
21 November 2014
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Everyone should see this movie, because its that kind of documentary that will definitely change your life and world perspective. Lots of my friends who seen the movie start to develop healthy behaviors about food, and that means something. A movie that actually push people around the world to change their way of thinking. A very good job from the leading project team, combined with lots of powerful testimony's from people off different backgrounds, giving you the most truthful perspective of how the world is coming to break point.

Please see this movie, pass to your friends,to your parents, to your brothers, everyone who can, because this documentary is a wake up call for everyone, and the least we can do is to give this wonderful masterpiece the attention it deserves.

10 of 10
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Tammy (2014)
A script written between a burger and a driven lesson.....
18 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This kind of movies are the reason why i don't go anymore to the cinema to watch a comedy, besides TED or Milion Ways to Died in the West, because normally its such a rip off, like this one.

I really enjoy Melissa Mccarthy , but she's so unfunny in this movie, all of the acting its just embarrassing and annoying. The story is so boring, she act's like a spoil fourteen old girl, and its just a waste off talent of actors like Susan Sarandon, completely lost in the role.

I don't know what the hell they tried to do, but the result its one of the 2014 top ten movies to avoid. I was watching the movie with my wife, and we simply gave up after 30 minutes. YES, ITS THAT BAD!! I only finished next morning when i was having breakfast, and honestly i had prefer to watch the news about a plague and avoid this one...
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The Usual Rip Off
13 November 2014
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Since the 90's where great extraterrestrial movies were made, there's not a unique movie of this theme i can say its a good one, and I'm not talking about alien or predator movies made since then.

I talking about the kidnapping subject,body marks or even people traumatize by experiences . Its always the same things, spaceship accident, they came after the people o saw them, shots, people dying along the way, and if they miraculously survive the horror there's always an American secret agency to kill every witness involved in the incident. Like this one, it ends with a ridiculous imitation of the cigarette man from the X-Files series....Come on...what rip off
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Hercules (I) (2014)
Sunday Afternoon Film
13 November 2014
Honestly, i don't understand all the critics about this picture, what the hell were people expecting,a film like Troy? The leading actor is Dwayne Jonhson, not Brad Pitt. I think it did his best, this movie only care about muscles, lots of screaming and good fighting sequences. That's it. No more, no less. Of course the story could be a little more profound, and the secondary actors could be a little more interesting, but its a Brett Ratner movie, so you cant expect much more I'm my opinion. The movie have good special effects, a decent soundtrack and is short for this kind of gender, just 1h40 minutes thank the lord, more of that and it will be unbearable.So if you don't have nothing to do on Sunday afternoon, and you have kids in the house, you can play this movie, it will entertain all the family and allows you to do something else at the same time you watching it.
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It Deserves Two Hours of Your Time
11 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, great cast, i love Michael Caine and Ben Kingsley because they have such a powerful presence, that can elevate even a mediocre production. I think this movie is quite good, with a dark atmosphere, good dialogs and very entertainment, doesn't get boring after a wile like most of this kind of asylum movies gender.

And the plot is not so predictable as so many people said it was, you will have some surprises along the way, better than most of the thrillers released since 2010.

Give this picture an opportunity, with popcorn's and low expectations and you will be surprised.
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Horns (2013)
What the hell is this?
3 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly i don't know were to start. First the good things. The acting was god, especially Radcliffe's performance. The special effects were great as well as the soundtrack. But thats it. The movie starts with a gender and than finishes with another. Honestly i don't understand if the movie is a comedy, horror, thriller or fantasy, because the way that the storyline is put together give us a sense that not even the director have a clue of what the hell is doing. I did like some parts, specially the parts were is supernatural powers give him the possibility of knowing every secret of every person in town. But that's it. Were is sense of growing up horns? Why did it happened? It was God or the Devil? And is it possible for the dad not knowing her daughter had a cancer? Please... And besides that there's no explanation for Radcliffe's character parents didn't like him. Why, because he couldn't play music like is brother?! Come on...The merchandising of this movie was way better than the movie it self.
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Predator (1987)
Fantastic Movie
21 October 2014
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People normally see this type of movies with a certain kind of arrogance, something to make fun off. I don't. If you want action, tension, a good old 80 movie, you have to see predator. The soundtrack is phenomenal, good performances, for me the best performance of Arnold, you have mystery, lots of action and cool phrases that make this film a action masterpiece. We cannot fully compreend the 80's action gender if we don't see films like this, along with die hard or rambo. Of course there's lot of exaggeration, supernatural abilitys and unlimited bullets, but is all that mix that makes good old action movies awesome, you know the good guy is going to win in the end, but you know he will have to kill a lot of people along the way, always with a smiley face and lots of sarcasm.
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