
24 Reviews
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Scream meets I know what you did last summer
7 January 2024
I expected a lot more from this movie , from the first few minutes I thought wow this looks a lot like "I know what you did last summer" and it continuously got more and more like "I know what you did last summer" just with phones and computers. Eventually it turned into scream movie or any other slasher from the 90's early 00's and it wouldn't be a huge problem if it wasn't too predictable , I just knew what's gonna happen and the fake blood was also very annoying.

It's a watchable movie if you really don't have much to do or don't know what to watch otherwise I'd say skip it if you're expecting something big or want to watch an unforgettable movie because you'll probably forget you watched this one after a few days or so..
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M3GAN (2022)
M3gan is mad
8 February 2023
I was a little sceptic at first because I didn't know what to expect from this movie it started off slowly nothing much was happening until that one moment.. I really enjoyed this movie and I recommend it to everyone who loves crazy dolls movies.

I wanted to call it "when Terminator meets Chucky" because I'm sure they found their inspiration in those movies maybe also iRobot which is one of my favorite movies about robots of all time.

It's a cool movie if you're wondering what to watch next click on this and I don't think you'll regret unless you're not into robotics AI or anything like that..
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Bullet Train (2022)
Bullet trash
11 October 2022
Honestly, this is one of the worst movies I watched recently, it's not fun at all, and I'll never trust the reviews ever again. I don't know who thinks this movie is good, it's plain stupid. It's just my honest review , and I don't recommend this movie. There's so many good action/comedies to watch so I recommend you to skip this trash and find another movie to spend your time on... acting is bad, plot is bad, the whole movie is bad even Brad Pitt disappointed in this one and he couldn't save this movie from being trash. I bet he thinks the same after seeing this "trying too hard to be fun and interesting" movie.
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Bereavement (2010)
9 August 2022
Nothing to say about this one, it's a stupid movie with a stupid plot and a very bad acting. Skip this one , there are way better slasher movies that you can find and watch, unless you really love bad movies or you don't trust the reviews. 0/10.
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No Exit (I) (2022)
26 March 2022
The novel this movie was based on is much more detailed compared to the movie, this movie ended so quickly and everything happened so quickly it barely touched half of the novel , it seems that whoever made this movie read half of the book and said oh this gonna be a good movie let's make it . And that's it. If you don't know what I'm talking about just grab the novel read it and you'll see that there was so much more to be said and done than what they showed us in the movie. Sorry 4/10.
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My Teacher, My Obsession (2018 TV Movie)
What is this
15 January 2022
This is not a movie, this is trash It's probably the worst movie I watched in my whole life, bad acting, stupid plot, terrible actors.

I don't recommend this movie, I only recommend you to skip this movie! 0/10.
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Behind the Nonsense
13 December 2021
It started of well and I was binge watching it till the very end, wasted my whole day on this and ended up being super disappointed because that's not the ending I was hoping for to see, and not just that, it's just nonsense.

Unbelievably stupid.


Nothing that I expected to see from a psychological thriller.

I'm skipping the season two for sure.
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Just die already!
18 October 2021
It's a bad, bad movie, honestly.

This needs to stop, we already have enough Halloween movies and this makes no sense anymore.

It's boring, it's stupid and repetitive, like the annoying ads on every social media now.

Just die Michael so we get something new to watch for the next Halloween, please!
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The devil made me watch it
5 June 2021
It's a decent movie, not even close to the first conjuring which was a masterpiece, this one is watchable comparing to the conjuring 2 which was the worst of them all, but if you're looking for horror, well, you won't find much horror in this one except a decent plot and some good acting.

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Grand Isle (2019)
19 April 2021
I have mixed feelings about this movie.

It's not the worst but it's definitely not the best movie I've ever seen, Nicolas Cage is an amazing actor, he always was one of the best actors, his acting skills are incredible, he was the only reason I watched this movie and I don't regret watching it, but it's all over the place. This is happening and then that is happening and all of a sudden there is something that's happening that has nothing to do with the previous happenings.

But at the end, it was a decent little movie because I lowered my criteria just because there's so many bad movies nowadays that you can't even find a decent movie to watch so the decent movies are the good movies now.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
We all make bad choices
19 April 2021
I was reading the reviews and I don't agree with those who say this was a bad movie.

No it wasn't.

Imagine yourself in scenarios like this where a psychopath is chasing you, would you make rational decisions?

I don't think so.

It's a good movie, yes it's not perfect, it's far from being perfect but it's worth watching.

I don't remember when I flinched while watching a movie, neither jumpscares can't make my heart beat fast, and this movie did it. So, I'm giving this movie a 7/10 because it's entertaining, it kept my attention till the very end and even with the imperfections it has, it's still a movie to add on your watch list.
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Host (II) (2020)
Don't play with ghosts
14 March 2021
Cliché or not, I liked this movie much more than I liked the other low budget cyber horror movies. It's fun, it's amusing, and it's creepy, I'm a huge horror fan and I barely can find horror movies that fit into the good horror movies criteria and this one made it to the list.

Some people won't like it, some will I like it and if you like good old jumpscares give it a try.
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A True Story
9 March 2021
Some will like it some not, personally I loved it, it kept my attention the whole time. Yes it's based on true events and everyone who types in "Elizabeth Fritzl" or "Fritzl Case" will understand what was this movie about without criticizing how cheap it is or who wrote this bla bla... It's a true horror movie, I cried I smiled and I was worried the whole time, this movie made me feel strong emotions, it's heart breaking it's insane and it's a well made there's no doubt about that.
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No just no
28 February 2021
Why would anyone think this was a good idea? If there was a lower rating I'd probably give it to this movie, that's all I can say.
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Saint Maud (2019)
Saint What
15 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It left me with questions, what was that she did that her ex coleque is talking about, what did she do, we saw some flashbacks but is that it, or is it more to it? Nothing much is explained, she returns to Amanda that quickly shifted from a normal woman to a devil, was that all Mauds imagination or? And at the end, when she sets herself on fire at the beach we clearly see she's mentally unstable, but there's no background story, we need much much more to see to understand this. I really wanted this to be a good movie but it just didn't meet my expectations.
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The Lie (2018)
Mixed feelings
9 February 2021
I don't know what to say about this movie, it started off well, kept my attention till the very last moment but the last moment just fall flat and I was like whaaat the... It could have been a good movie, still it isn't so bad but just the last few minutes of the movie ruined everything!

I both recommend and don't recommend this movie, if you're curious go watch this movie and if you're looking for something that will blow your mind, just skip and watch something else.
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Come Play (2020)
Come Watch
12 November 2020
Fun horror movie of 2020, while there are not many good horror movies nowadays I'd kindly recommend this movie to everyone who'd like to watch something new, it's not a 10/10 movie but it's a decent little horror kinda fantasy movie that will keep you entertained.
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#Alive (2020)
Very Alive
18 September 2020
One of the best zombie horror movies I watched in years! I definitely recommend this movie to everyone who's into zombies, a bit of action, interesting plot and a bit of goosebumps as well 8/10
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Waste of time
24 April 2020
I'm a true horror fan and I enjoy a good movie but this wasn't neither a horror nor a good movie, it was just screams and runs and it made no sense at all. Another lame movie which you should skip, it's a waste of time.
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The Grudge (2019)
19 March 2020
Why would you even think about making a remake of The Grudge that was perfect on its own, this doesn't even make any sense at all! The beginning was promising but only the first 2 minutes, the rest is just bad, stupid, predictable jumpscares and lame plot. Why would you change the whole story? I'm a huge horror fan but please stop making lame horror movies because nobody appreciates them at all. Make a good story, even if it's a cliche just make something good with less predictable jumpscares and some plot twists that will keep our attention till the last second. This was painful to watch and I couldn't wait for the end.
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Dark and funny at the same time
5 January 2019
It's not as great as the first two but it's fun to watch, I recommend. It'll keep you and your family entertained , and you might start dancing La Macarena again - just like in good old days, ah don't give me that look, we all did it ;)
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A good start..
5 January 2019
It started off well but the last 30 minutes just ruined the whole movie. The computer-generated imagery is pretty bad , it looks cheap and someone who has very little knowledge in creating CGI was hired for these effects in this particular movie, don't get me wrong, it's not the first and probably not the last horror movie with bad effects , we've seen it in many new horror movies, poor CGI makes movies less real and barely watchable, this movie is no exception. The movie plot is just okay, we've seen it already, don't expect something new, don't expect something extraordinary, watch it if you're an horror enthusiast, but if you're someone who can't stand poorly made horrors, just skip this movie and find another one to watch.
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Don't let the bad ruin the good.
10 July 2018
What I learned from the reviews is that I should never skip a movie just because people hate it or didn't understand the movie or didn't even watch it but they left a negative review and now the movie should be thrown away in junk. I really like this movie and I actually enjoyed watching it , even if you think this movie isn't suitable for the kids, it still teaches us that no matter what life throws at us and how many problems we have, we must stick together and don't let anything ruin our little family, after all, we're a family and we're the happiest around our family members, even when we have problems and even when we're not getting along pretty well - we should NOT GIVE UP on our FAMILY ! If you ask me , that's a pretty valuable lesson which should be learned even before people decide to have their own ...
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Decent Movie
6 September 2016
When I saw this movie first on IMDb list , I thought this is just a new crap cyber movie, just a copy of Unfriended (2015) but it's nothing like Unfriended (thanks God) This movie contains jump-scares, decent plot line , good acting and a pretty dark story behind all that. If you're searching for a decent new horror movie, you should definitely add "Friend Request" to the list, you won't regret. At least I didn't , and I'm usually harsh with new horror movies because they're so bad I can't even watch them. Friend Request is not one of those crappy movies, it has something special and it will keep you in front of the TV screen till the end.
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