
5 Reviews
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So not worth it.
16 September 2024
Well this was a disappointment !

I am usually a fan of Susanne Bier and have been since The one and only. But this left me sitting with a feeling that I just wasted several hours.

The story is a mess that is all over the place without ever making any sense.

Too many close ups for my taste.

Disappointing acting from several of the cast, but I guess that's what happens when they don't have enough "meat on the bone".

And I'll say it straight up; I've had enough of Kidman!

I can't help but focusing on her strange mask-looking face and ever protruding lower jaw, which distracts from the movie/show.

Her acting has come to a standstill, everything she does we have seen many times- the raspy voice when serious, the same look in her eyes when mysterious, the same facial expressions when angry etc etc. She's just not that great anymore.

This is something I'll never want to watch again.
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More kindergarten than documentary
19 March 2024
I have just waisted an entire evening watching this.

I kept hoping it would come up with something of any value to the case.

It did not!

Indrani, her daughter Vidhie, son Mikhaik and her defense attorney seemed like a bunch of spoiled, dramatic narcissists.

And not too bright I may add.

Like a big, ridiculous kindergarten.

I actually couldn't help myself from laughing out loud several times when they were caught in an obvious lie.

This is straining to watch, or tiresome and it doesn't need 4 episodes to come up with nothing whatsoever.

Better not waste your time, it's definitely not worth it.
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Candy (2022)
Boring and slow.
16 May 2023
It's boring and slow.

I wasn't impressed with most of the acting. It seemed stuck in the same low gear and several of the actors weren't convincing.

Even they seemed bored..

It seems to me that Biel is stuck in a certain type of acting, same expression, same voice, same style - just a new character The story isn't told very well, and the light is horrible.

I know it's the new thing to make the viewer "feel the 70'/80's" but it's getting a bit much lately.

I love watching true crime stories and I never fall a sleep while watching them but I did with this one, and that says a lot!

I won't be rewatching this.
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For teenagers it's perfect..
26 February 2023
Unfortunately I looked at the IMDb overall score and not the reviews before I started watching this.

I cannot believe why anyone finds this so impressive and all the 10's.

I kept thinking that only teenagers would find this good/funny/cute and well acted.

It's a joke!

I'm a huge fan of Asian period pieces , especially Chinese and Japanese.

The Korean ones often tend to film/act as if the viewer is a complete idiot that doesn't understand the slightest hint. And this is no exception!

Beautiful costumes tho.

The actors/tresses are not convincing and it's either moving too fast or way too slow, and it's very repetitive.

A big no from here!
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Hilma (2022)
Lasse Hallström created a masterpiece.
27 November 2022
Lasse Hallström has created yet another fantastic movie.

I watched this movie and was in awe, of the magical Hilma, of the way the movie is filmed and the magnificent cast.

As a spiritual person, an artist myself and someone that attended a Rudolf Steiner school it made a huge impression on me!

Hilma was indeed a gifted person, and I am happy to see this movie show her ability and art in such an artistic way.

It is sad how the biggest minds and artists in this world of ours have so often been misunderstood and not appreciated until after their death.

I for one am happy I have become aware of Hilma.

I really recommend anyone with an open mind and eager to learn to watch this movie.

It is mesmerizing,
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