
2 Reviews
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Lucy (I) (2014)
conjectures on being or drug trips?
4 October 2014
This film is enjoyable if you like the idea of none linear time and of the complexity of actuality being a human construct. Although Lucy draws from and plays with ideas on what is reality, how does that interplay with perception. What does that mean for a person who no longer take micro seconds to perceive be coping with on a emotional and physical level. bridging off of these idea of higher being the film dives into a more fantastical realm and completely becomes fictional. It does not stick to the pure facts of what we know Yet they are using actual theories and philosophical debates. I find the fantasy used to exaggerate these notion to be done well and in thought provoking ways. how does one come to terms with understanding more then ones self, not only that but in seeing past the conjecture of basically everything. This is some allegory of the cave sh!t up in here but there is also the question of if this movie is supposedly what happened to Lucy or if it was just her tripping out on drugs.
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Resistance (2011)
Not what I was looking for.
4 October 2014
The romance of melancholy is the best way I can describe the tone.

This dreary film would of been fine if I was looking to feel contemplative on the idea of existence as a whole showing how meaningful it is through single life and the glorification of the mundane interaction that such a singular life must undertake. But I was not looking for that. I felt mislead by the description, it would be perfectly fine and enjoyable if this was what I wanted.

That being said the discussion of the humans condition being consistence (and repetitive) regardless of cultural differences is some what over done these days. It is a notion that needs to evolve in its functional use for story telling. Hopefully where it is not longer the core of a story but an assumed trait perhaps. This is only a personal preference though and I acknowledge that not everyone thinks it is an trope that has become unreasonably popular.
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