
8 Reviews
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Project X (2012)
... I don't get it.
22 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I even begin with this? The characters! They're horrendous! They're nothing but the lowest forms of teenage stereotypes I've ever seen. Seriously, this film must make teenagers look ABHORRENT! Please... If you're reading this... Teenagers aren't like this... The Writing! If this is a comedy, THAN IT'S NOT FUNNY! Gratuitous swearing and sex references alone will get you nowhere. There is no wit to this movie. It also fails as a crime movie because the plots aren't put together well enough. There are a few sub-plots in this movie. Many of them go absolutely nowhere, and contribute almost nothing to the overall plot of the movie. And the subplots are stupid anyway. And the message... OOH the message... Hey kids! Social rejection got you down? The solution is simple! Gather a bunch of untrustworthy strangers and invite them all to a big party, absolutely DESTROY your house, possibly putting your family into bankruptcy, cheat on your girlfriend (who gets forced into the plot during an incredibly pathetic "Emotional Climax" by the way...), and DON'T HOLD BACK ON THE DRUGS AND ALCOHOL, and you will SKYROCKET into popularity! This movie is just an attempt to pander to teenage boys. And a TERRIBLE attempt at that.
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Mega Babies (1999–2000)
Worst Kids Show ever made
25 November 2014
This show is disgusting! And when I say disgusting, I MEAN DISGUSTING! This show is filled with Puke, Drool, Snot, Feces, Urine, Mucus, Vomit, Saliva, Teeth, Puke, Drool, Snot... See what I mean when I say Disgusting? I'm not going to lie, I find this cartoon EXCRUCIATING to watch! And, you know what? That's not the ONLY problem with this VILE ABOMINATION! The Mega Babies themselves? I despise all 3 of them! Even if you get past the constant gross-out, what is there to like about this show? These kids are ANNOYING! They're spoilt little pests that constantly scream whenever they don't get what they want, and yes! They're the source of most of the dreaded gross out in this show! And as for the character design? WHAT SPECIES ARE THOSE THINGS?! Because I know for CERTAIN that THOSE are NOT humans! All I can really say is don't watch this. In fact, don't make the same mistake I made: Don't even TRY this show! If you have kids, DON'T show them this! They deserve better than this!
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The Room (2003)
A Masterpiece of Failure!
25 November 2014
The Room is a movie with cringe-inducingly stupid dialogue, Unlikable undeveloped characters, abysmal acting, low production values, a repetitive as all heck and predictable story, unnecessarily long and awkward sex scenes, badly paced and facepalm-inducingly dumb scenes, low production values and is all around an objectively terrible movie! But you know what? I absolutely love this movie! If ONE movie is the definition of "So bad it's good", it's The Room! It's not easy to make a movie that's so bad it's good. I mean, other bad movies are well, just, bad! But this Movie managed to move my emotions in all the right ways. It made me happy, sad, and laugh. Oh man did this movie make me laugh! Every aspect of this movie is mixed together in perfect harmony to make what I consider to be the best worst movie of all time! I highly recommend this movie to anyone wanting a good laugh.
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Cinematic Masterpiece!
25 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is easily the single greatest piece of media I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing in my entire life! Being a children's movie, entering a topic as sensitive as the wreckage of the Titanic is no easy task, so it's sure a good thing that they didn't even try to show any respect on the topic, it just allows them to focus more on the outrageously hilarious mischief of the completely necessary talking mice! This film may lack a sense of pacing, but who needs pacing when you have a heartwarming and TOTALLY NOT FORCED U GUIZE romance plot between Jack and Ros- OH I MEAN William and Angelica! But don't worry, we've still got some emotion in this movie about one of the greatest marine disasters in human history! Sure, the movie never suggests that anyone dies... BUT... everyone looks miserable! That counts right? And of course, the main characters live happily ever after! Sure, that's unfathomably insulting to the families of victims that perished on the Titanic, but THIS IS A CHILDREN'S MOVIE! WE SHAN'T BE HAVING ANY HISTORICAL ACCURACY HERE!
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The Problem Solverz (2011–2013)
Cartoon Network, What the heck were you thinking?!
25 November 2014
THIS SHOW WAS COMPLETE AND UTTER GARBAGE! The Character designs are HIDEOUS! I... I don't even know what Alfe is supposed to be, Horrace haunts my nightmares, and Roba just looks flat out weird! The Animation, well, lets just say if you're prone to seizures, then this show is NOT for you! Then again, it's probably not for anyone with a functioning brain, so, yeah. But I digress, OH GOD THE COLOURS!!!! The Writing? OH IN THE NAME OF ALL THINGS THAT DON'T LIQUIDIZE YOUR BRAIN, I OFFICIALLY DECLARE THAT THE WRITING IN THIS SHOW IS REPUGNANT! The Humor is almost non-existent, the Characters are obnoxious and unlikable (especially Alfe), The stories are contrived, nonsensical and stupid, and some of the things these characters come out with... Needless to say, avoid this show at all costs. It's terrible, terrible, terrible! Say what you want about shows like Johnny Test, Uncle Grandpa, Teen Titans GO!, Heck! Even Secret Mountain Fort Awesome! They are all masterpieces compared to the Problem Solverz!
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Hilarious, and surprisingly epic!
3 October 2014
This movie is a prime example of how to bring a beloved cartoon onto the big screen! The Spongebob Squarepants Movie is a generally fantastic movie that any fan of the sponge should absolutely love! The movie is filled with funny moments, many of which make me laugh to this day! The animation is stepped up from the TV show, and it looks really nice! The Soundtrack is brilliant and does an excellent job of setting the mood, and the songs in the movie range from happy and silly, to downright Awesome! If you are a fan of Spongebob Squarepants, or cartoons in general, and want to see a funny and epic movie, I would highly recommend this to you! It'll probably take you pleasantly by surprise!
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Yep... They did it!
3 October 2014
Birdemic was an absolutely terrible film! Some people consider it to be so terrible that it's kind of fascinating in its own special way. No one expected a sequel, especially considering how poorly received the movie was and how preachy it was. But, with the compelling box art this movie got, and the $40,000,000 budget, you've got to think, they could make this work! It might actually be decent! But no. This movie... managed to be WORSE than the first one! I wasn't aware this was possible but hey, I guess if you give it your all, anything can end up being absolutely diabolical. And that's exactly what they did! With this movie's huge budget, how they didn't seem to learn or improve on ANYTHING, I can only assume that this was done purposely bad. The first birdemic movie was cute, a failed attempt at an amateur movie which you're just... fascinated by. However, Birdemic 2... has no excuse. This is just... sad.
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I don't even...
3 October 2014
This movie is absolutely horrendous!

It doesn't give a damn about consistency, The characters are so bland that I have homicidal thoughts about all of them just to get me through their many many boring and uneventful scenes, The writing is mind numbingly stupid, the two songs make me want to pour corrosive acid into my ears, The plot is all over the place and makes no sense, the lines these characters come out with are either utterly useless, utterly boring or flat out ridiculous, THIS MOVIE IS Bizarre, PAINFUL AND BORING!

This isn't even a film about the wreckage of the Titanic, It's a stupid, boring, horrible film about Atlantis and it's horrible inhabitants!

The main protagonists are the same as they were in "The Legend of Titanic" except considerably more bland, The king of Atlantis is flat out evil, trying to keep people in his kingdom for all eternity with no way of escape, Tentacles, oh sorry, 'Audie' is only a minor character in this movie, Pingo is an annoying gay stereotype, and The evil mice group are actually the ones in the right.
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