
240 Reviews
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Horrible - annoying, impossible to stomach watching this
23 January 2023
OMG was this horrific! First off it is not remotely horror unless you mean the horror of wasting 90 minutes of your life. This whiny subpar actress grated on my last nerve. Along with her older creepy pal. The whispering and dialogues. Who wrote this crap? There are a lot of ways you can make points about the loneliness this generation suffers, the social media woes and disconnects but this was just not effective. It should be a message for everyone to stop watching crap and spending all their time on social media in fantasy world. I put this movie on while I was doing other things and had to fast forward through the most annoying banters. I should have just put on the stereo. I just can't believe how horrible movies have become.
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Sick (2022)
Covid Propaganda
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you want to be reminded of how utterly ridiculous Covid was in 2020 this is the movie for you. Wear your mask! Particularly when hanging out with your friends. This appeared to be a typical slasher story and then hilariously threw in the motive for the mayhem was of course Covid! You are an asymptomatic spreader! Didn't you listen to Fauci and quarantine yourself ALONE! As a result a young person that literally has a .001% chance of dying died and we must seek revenge. They managed to jam in every CDC recommendation. I can't believe anyone likes this. It isn't even subtle anymore when they push their ridiculous agenda.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Unoriginal standard plot story
27 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Seems nothing is original any more. We've seen this plot of passing evil in a chain way too often with evil always winning. The only way to stop the evil is to commit evil. Tedious and predictable. There is never any explanation of the origin of this evil or a way to defeat it with faith or even self sacrifice to save the ones after you. This movie was particularly off putting with the way it ended. I don't understand the great reviews. Movies used to be far more original and entertaining. The way everyone reacted in this movie was hard to believe too - the characters were all off putting and their decisions and actions didn't feel plausible.
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Barbarian (2022)
Engaging first 30 minutes then slowly turned into a silly mess
27 November 2022
I had no idea what this was about which would be the best way to see this movie. The first 30 minutes were great. Edgy and ominous wondering where it was going. Then the story turned into your typical 'horror' plot we've all seen so many times before. Silly, unrealistic, gross and fraught with bad acting and weird decisions, People that should die of their injuries don't and all the usual that comes with stupid horror plots.

It could have gone a totally different way but it didn't. It would have been a lot better if the film just ended after she got out and had her driving off into the sunset.
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LONG boring stupid and predictable
25 October 2022
There are less than 10 characters in this movie and all are ancillary except 5. Figure out the plot. Very poor acting. And just a ridiculous story too. I can't imagine ever leaving a friend in a bar with strange weird men and walking off into the country alone. This has way too high a rating and was one of the worst movies I've seen this year. It has a lot of ridiculous and silly dialogue on top of the poor acting. They also act like the women are far out alone in the country but you can see the road and a car going by. No attention to any detail on top of the poor plot. Very low budget and unwatchable.
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The Thaw (2009)
Pure propaganda and predictive programming
27 September 2022
Interesting intro considering what has transpired the last several years almost as if it was all planned. Go figure. This is your typical 2009 Global Warming or MAN is going to kill us all BS drama. Of course we all need to sacrifice, stop using fossil fuels and electricity to save the planet but the elites can continue on with their jets carrying all their vehicles, their yachts, their 60,000 sq foot mansions on the coast since they are so fearful of sea rise (also note none of them has solar panels) etc. It is you little guys that will have to sacrifice and if not hell maybe we will unleash something to eliminate you. Of course we can't talk about actual clean energy or any real solutions. Just scare tactics that if you don't give up your life you die. Complete garbage.
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Boring, predictable, nothing original
1 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We've all seen this type of thriller a thousand times and this one is no different and follows a standard formula. It is a long movie too - almost 2 hours. There really is no twist or surprise ending. It started out promising and went the standard route. Add in all the irrational decisions, the minute anyone locks you out of the world a sane person would realize it was time to get out. But in these types of movies that never happens and hence the two hour BOREfest. The best part of the movie is the scenery. None of the characters are very appealing with the exception of the BF who is the only one with any integrity so you can guess how his character arc goes.
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Not at all like the movie - and 'teens' today are gross
17 August 2022
Ugh, tattoos everywhere, gay themes all over, a horrible story and totally unlikable characters. Basically they all want to have sex together too at various points - very classy (not). And the story itself makes no sense. Hopefully not renewed and thankfully only 8 episodes which was 8 too many.
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Better than most films made today, no wokeness
14 August 2022
Entertaining and I liked the 70s throw back. I disagree and didn't need to know why the villain was who he was. Evil is what it is.

I loved how when the kids were in class they were actually learning about real science like we did in the 70s. It really captured what life was before the Internet. Make more movies like this please.
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Prey (I) (2022)
It was made well but totally woke and ridiculous premise
14 August 2022
Right a 12 year old little girl is the hero and all the tough manly males fail. Ridiculous. It wasn't badly made but the agenda is always in your face to put women over men and now children over men.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Overrated, very violent, predictable
20 July 2022
Pretty much guessed the twist as soon as that character was introduced. Although it isn't woke, it is just a very violent movie and often boring (really most of an episode of 8 running around the woods). Now it looks like they are moving toward a season II since so many think this was so great. Whatever. The only interesting aspect is do people realize now the entire military is being forced to take a EUA medication with lots of side effects - is this how they should react when they get hurt.
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Boring, and hardly a mystery as ShowTime listed
19 March 2022
A wealthy girl comes to vacation and befriends a townie with issues. They spend most of the time partying, drinking and hanging out with boys. An incident happens, and they struggle to over come it and it ends with a very unrealistic ending. A pretty boring and pointless movie.
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Leatherface is now immortal
20 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you watched the original movie and sequels you'd know Leatherface was part of a freak family but they were all very much human and did not have supernatural strength or immortality. Now at 70 plus years old he can't be hurt or killed and he can rip off hands with no effort. Setting that aside this was a ridiculous script full of wokeness, insulting stereotypes and unlikeable characters. Of course every one makes stupid choices and the story twists and turns are not interesting. Typical of franchises that sell out.
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Nothing special - annoying cast
4 February 2022
If you watch horror movies you've seen versions of this. A group of 'friends' that all have issues with each other go on trip and of course get deterred and ride off into the woods and get stuck. The area is known for witches. Everyone makes bad decisions. Unfortunate events happen. The end is non eventful. I'd skip this.
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Okay, #Alive had same concept better execution
4 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Man wakes up to the world gone and everyone is a zombie. Most of the movie is watching him survive while becoming somewhat unhinged as the water, power and everything else ends. He was a troubled loner before so he handles it better than most. He knows he can't stay in the building forever and tempts fait several times drawing the zombies with noise. Nothing much happens and the ending leaves it all wide open for you to decide how it goes for him. Okay if nothing better is available.
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Duh it wasn't meant to be a documentary
1 February 2022
Idiocracy is here, of course this wasn't a true story. They took a short marriage Aileen had in the 70s to a wealthy older man that lasted only 9 weeks because she beat him as was portrayed in the film. However, they obviously made it a more colorful and somewhat comical story. Probably one of the better of these types of movies released lately.
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The Alpines (2021)
Poor acting, obvious plot
28 January 2022
A group of friends summoned go through a bunch of drama. It isn't a movie like Identity where you have no clue what is going on. The culprit is pretty obvious. Nothing memorable.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
Review after finale - Should have left sleeping dogs ...
10 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yikes, this wasn't horrible in the beginning episodes although yes it had some big woke factors, misrepresented guns, etc. But overall given TV 'programming' this was relatively interesting and then went off the rails towards the last episodes ending with turning Dexter into your average killer with no code acting completely not like Dexter would have acted, begging his son to save him. Spare me. And why did the son have to leave Alaska?! And how did Mary Kill whatever die? When? Etc. Way too many unknown left open story lines, sloppy and stupid. I was okay with the last ending, this ruined the series.
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The Guilty (2021)
All around the most unrealistic and annoying movie ever
21 December 2021
Wow was this just HORRIBLE. First off no 911 operator would be able to behave this way. Being horribly rude to callers, running around to different rooms with no protocols, barking orders and screaming irrationally at everyone. And then you have the crying and barely understandable conversations on the phone. I've never seen anything so poorly acted and badly done. There was no payoff, it was pretty obvious where this was all going.
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Rare Exports (2010)
Wasn't the best but entertaining
7 December 2021
The kid was endearing and the spin on Santa was interesting. Otherwise it wasn't a super original story but it was entertaining enough. I'm not sure about the cult following other than there just aren't many options like this out there that have a fairly happy ending.
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Violent, pointless and stupid story
4 December 2021
Gross violence with a psychopath and a story that is not remotely interesting. If you want to see people viciously killed for 90 minutes this is for you. There really is no surprises or twists either, ends ridiculously.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Entertaining if you ignore the woke angles and ridiculous flaws
30 November 2021
Sort of a Sopranos of Montana but you get inundated with lectures about one man shouldn't own this much land (how much is allowed?), assuming land was all stolen, constant mentioning racism of white towards Indians and none vice versa. And then there are also a lot of scenes people that actually know what it is like to tend land would laugh themselves silly over. Like lighting your field on fire at night in the wind. Overall it is entertaining enough but hardy a 10.
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You (2018–2024)
Gross on every level
25 October 2021
Stalking and murder sexualized and glorified and then you get to season three and they have propaganda on steroids with anti-vax crap, political comments and over blown sexual situations that are so inappropriate it is just over the top. Completely valueless and gross.
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The Manor (I) (2021)
Generic felt like a TV movie
15 October 2021
You've seen the story plot a 100 times before. Nothing unique, not scary or really horror. Acting was subpar and annoying at times. Overall it just felt like a very cheesy production and a subpar predictable story. The tree creature was hilarious.
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Entertaining enough
15 October 2021
Good cast and decent pace. Overall the story wasn't particularly unique but it was entertaining enough and better than most of the standard fare out there today.
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