
6 Reviews
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The found footage genre is practically dead.
17 April 2023
The found footage genre has been done to death and it's the typical trope of a whole lot of nothing until the last ten minutes where still nothing really happens.

I watched the first one a while back and I managed to sit through it but felt the same in the way in the structure of how these films are done, it's just boring and offers nothing new and the ending to this one gave away less clues than the last one and hints at a third which in all honesty must be a cash grab as these films cost little to nothing to make but make a decent profit from it so I can't knock the hustle.

The only ones I can say have been generally impressive over the last couple of years are dead stream, the incantation and host. This really isn't worth your time and unless you're willing to watch the next five films to piece together what's actually happening (just as paranormal activity did and even that was tripe) it's better left unanswered.

I gave it three stars as generosity, I don't mind a bad movie as long as it's not boring, I was bored throughout and a boring movie is worse than a bad one.
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Unwelcome (2022)
It's definitely not as bad as people say - maybe the hallow instead
4 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's definitely an interesting movie, I was never bored and to me a sign of a bad film is if I want to turn it off and I didn't.

Like every other review has stated it is definitely flawed, the beginning scene is pretty bleak and the couple just can't seem to get a break. The dude was an absolute wet wipe, however I didn't think the acting was bad or at least as bad as people are making out.

The movies biggest flaw imo is that there isn't enough red cap screen time, I thought they looked great and they were funny, for example when he hits one with the pan and it turns and says "don't hit, silly billy" I genuinely laughed out loud. They just weren't utilised in the best way they could have been, I feel like the home invasion should have happened sooner in the film and then the rest of the film was defending the baby from the red caps.

If you want a better version of this horror film watch "the hallow", pretty much the same concept. Just done a lot better

Ending was odd though, still not sure how I feel about it. It gave me a lot more questions than answers.
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Thoroughly enjoyed
27 August 2021
Fun feel good film, stumbled on it by pure chance and I'm not a huge John cena fan by I actually really liked him in this film. It's got a few laugh out loud moments and a few emotional ones too. It's not like a sandler level of stupid comedy if that makes sense which is kind of what I was expecting. Have you seen the story a dozen times? Yeah probably but It's been one of the better buddy comedies of 2021

Also take into account when watching that nic cage was going to play John Cenas character (found this hilarious imagining him in a few of the scenes)
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Fell asleep
29 July 2021
Nap was good, would recommend if anyone is looking for a good nap, other than that nap was good.
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It's definitely not a 1 but it's also not a 10
3 September 2020
It's a fun series and doesn't need to be more than that, I didn't expect this to win any awards but I expected to have a good time and I have, Maisie williams is always a pleasure to watch, and I also enjoyed the mum in the series a lot, the brothers are where I find the major faults as others have stated, I don't think the acting is awful but I also don't think it's amazing on their behalf. The police are fine, pretty stereotypical. There are a few moments that had me laugh out loud and I don't often laugh out loud (whenever the man in the diner makes an appearance) and I liked the premise of the prank of two weeks to live however I can see a plot hole or two in the raising of Maisie's character but overall good fun, go in with an open mind.
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Not a minute feels wasted watching this amazing anthology series
15 March 2019
Honestly it just appeared on Netflix so I thought why not give it a try? and I am so happy I did. Every episode is so beautifully animated and the stories keep you interested from beginning to end! The most impressive and immersive thing Netflix has done in a little while, you aren't wasting you're time. believe me.
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