
10 Reviews
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Tomb Raider (2018)
Really and truly awful.
17 June 2021
The Tomb Raider movies with Angelina Jolie were far from masterpieces but they at least captured some of the feel of the games. This iteration is mess. Give it a pass.
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The Outpost (2018–2021)
30 seconds...
14 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
That is all it took for me give up on this mess. This show gives new meaning to the word "mediocre".
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UFO (2018)
1 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In 2017 we are supposed to believe that they do not have video coming out of their asses from witnesses cell phones? Really?
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Occupation (2018)
16 October 2018
I made it through both iterations of Red Dawn, but after fast forwarding through much of the first 3/4s of this film, I found myself unintentionally laughing out loud at things that were supposed to be serious. I couldn't repeat that feat (the Red Dawn thing) with this miserable excuse for an alien occupation film. This movie instantly qualifies as a candidate for Mystery Science Theater. What a train wreck.
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Creature Features (1971–1984)
Bob Wilkins was a cultural icon...
29 May 2018
For many of us in the early '70s and watching Creature Features was a weekly ritual for myself and all my friends. No one since in television has ever achieved a similar purity of nerdhood to Bob Wilkins. RIP Bob.
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Future World (2018)
When I was a teenager, on Saturday night friends would get together....
29 May 2018
Sometimes get high and watch Creature Features with Bob Wilkins. (Look it up, there is an IMDB entry on it). The premise of the show was to present the worst horror and Sci Fi films ever made and then, to utterly rag on them. Wilkins predated Elvira by a decade and Mystery Science Theatre by two decades. The first offering on the show was the truly abysmal, "Horror at Party Beach.

That show is where this film belongs. Rest in peace, Bob.
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The Rain (2018–2020)
I don't quite understand the hate...
6 May 2018
I have only watched the first two episodes but I am finding it reasonably engaging. The complaints about the acting are absurd. There is nothing wrong here in that department. Perhaps the haters should watch some other Danish television for perspective. Also, compare it to the crap SyFy was putting out during the aughts. This acting is just fine as far as I am concerned.

The other complaint seems to be that the characters do stupid things, but having suffered though the first six seasons of The Walking Dead before I gave up over the stupidity of the writing, (I only made it through one season of Fear the Walking Dead) I have so far seen nothing that is inconsistent with what kids, locked up when they were quite young, would do when they were released into a devastated world.

I plan on continuing watching. It is far better than much of what is currently available on TV or streaming, in the sci fi genre.
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24 February 2018
I managed to watch perhaps 5 minutes of this atrocity before I gave up. I'm not certain how I lasted that long.....
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Tales of Morrissa (2017–2018)
5 seconds in....
18 February 2018
I could tell this was going to be some of the worsts acting and worst script writing I have seen in a very long time. 5 minutes in, I gave up.
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Happy! (2017–2019)
Spectacular show!
10 February 2018
The highest praise I can lavish on this show is that I have never seen anything remotely like it. It is unique. Funny and scary at the same time. The bad guys were silly AND really creepy. It's so good I'll likely watch the whole thing again in a year or two.
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