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Cloud Chamber (2013 Video Game)
Cloud Chamber : Review
13 August 2014
From the beginning Cloud Chamber has introduced me to a new form of gaming, it's an immersive play style that captivates its players into an intelligently designed world. The community as a whole is great, I doubt you will find many other communities that present themselves to be this "unified" and who have achieved so much in such a brief time.

The developers (Investigate North Aps) have expressed a keen interest in involving themselves within the community, to the benefit of improving the game, through integrating the thoughts and ideas of community members. I was surprised that the development team did work so effectively and efficiently in such a short time to overcome any quandaries that community member have faced and have already began to make improvements to Cloud Chamber.

The creative team behind all this is also very active within the community, answering questions, discussing improvements. I have found that they are not only working for the progress of the game, but also express an extremely friendly and dedicated passion towards the entirety of the community. Investigate North have proved that they are not money orientated nor avaricious, I truly get the feeling that they want to please us in any way or form they can and believe me, they do.

The game can be slow or fast-paced, it can be tailored to your play style, and it's whatever you make it. For instance whenever I find a new clue, I'll drown myself into research about said clue, while others go through it at a much faster pace, you can play this game the way you like. That being said I find that the game urges me to play more and more as I progress, as with this type of game you would believe that it can become repetitive, however through every single event of playing Cloud Chamber, I have felt that the story has only pulled me in deeper and deeper.

Personally I stopped reading comments from other players, first I write my own speculations down and only after that I start reading what other players have to say. Which is often jaw-dropping due to the higher levels of intelligence I have witnessed within the community. I have witnessed that everyone has their own unique way of developing and concluding the ideas and evidence they have found from the events within Cloud Chamber, not only this, but I find that it is beneficial being able to compare and contrast my ideas with that of others, making the communal aspect of Cloud Chamber an integral but also distinctive part of the game.

This is not your average gaming experience, trolls, racism and swearing do not exist here, instead Cloud Chamber pertains to a much more mature audience, in which I can work together with people who also want to dedicate themselves to an enhanced gaming experience. That's something I rarely see in any type of game and it's what sets Cloud Chamber a universe apart(pun intended) from the rest.

In the end I'd like to suggest this game to any person that likes to think, re-think and think some more. Space enthusiasts, Indie lovers, sci-fi fans, fantasy geeks, daydreamers, philosophers and just most gamers in general are up for a treat with this little gem.

Storyline (so far) 9/10 (I'd love to give a 10, but there's always room for improvement in any game). Graphics/Visuals 8/10 Original, never seen anything quite like it. Audio 8/10 It's either your taste or it isn't, nonetheless it's great and really adds to the experience. Community 9/10 As mentioned before, the community is one of the best I've ever encountered. Innovation 10/10 For an Indie developer to take such "risk" shows balls, and it turned out they've put their money on the right bet.

As a last note, the game requires Quicktime (mentioned on the storepage) which many people didn't realize.
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