
2 Reviews
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Sam Was Here (II) (2016)
Its one of those movies that is understood only by its own creator/writer
26 April 2017
And that's literally everything that can be said about this movie. Its some nifty piece of abstract art with absolutely no meaning behind it aka "make whatever you wanna make of it".

The worst part of it is the fact that it builds up and acts coherently till the last minute. Then turns around and undoes everything it has built up. Its 70 minutes of trolling and nothing more, and you will only realize this in the last minute.
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A film about logic and philosophy with complete disregard for both
4 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The concept and the basic idea of the film was good, but it is quickly and unmercifully ruined by logical fallacies, bias and personal disposition. A film about students at the last day of philosophy and logic class, voting in a politician in the bunker because "she can make decisions". This coming from a film that advertises the students with the tags "smart" and "talented". At WHAT exactly? Because surely not at making decisions.

The film scarifies an extreme amount of sanity and rationality, just to try and get across the script writer's beyond awesome conclusion. Amongst the many: - Not being able to figure out a 5 digit password in 364 days. Even though the film begins with the example of a monkey reciting the Hamlet's complete works, given enough time. - Voting on who dies, because drawing straws (Which wouldn't make anyone a murderer) is too obvious. - Not being able to decide whether they are the only people left alive on earth or just one group amongst many, hiding in bunkers - Teacher shooting people at random to antagonize himself, then explains his presence as "wild-card" meaning he could be just as easily a sociopath as god himself, then wonders why he is left to die... - Ending up at the final "**** it all conclusion" which is completely fine with everyone as it turns out, but i guess you had to go through the whole "lets quickly decree 10 people to death so we could enjoy 364 days of holiday before the end of our lives".

Its just extreme. Watching the film left me with agonizing pain, mental scars and the realization that "philosophers" as the title, as well as every hint at school and logic were meant as irony, since you will find only its absence in the film.
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