
10 Reviews
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Chicago P.D. (2014– )
Enough Hailey
11 February 2024
Good lord I'm sure the actress playing Hailey Upton is a good actress in other things but she smirks when she should be sad, smiles when she should be angry, just turf her already. Time for a refresh of cast - boot Hailey and get a new female officer in for the cast to play against.

Torres was a good addition but truly there are times when the story says a character should die and someone in story doesn't have the guts to do it and another miraculous recovery happens. Learn to shock for a change. The show would be better for it and would remain fresh and revitalise the audience at the same time.
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Wolf (2023)
Missing the point
11 August 2023
So many critics here are missing the point. This is surreal, almost dada-esque, black humour mixed with crime. The acting is superb, even those criticised as being cardboard are doing so as part of their character in this series. Haven't read the books so cannot make comparison but then I don't like to with anything I've read and seen.

Damn thing is glorious and makes a great change from the usual chaff. Loving it. Truly hope the BBC continues to be experimental rather than pushing out the usual crime shows. If you don't like it, you won't watch it, and they'll get the hint and not try that experiment again but for goodness sake, let them try something new.
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Bay of Fires (2023– )
Very Australian sensibility
30 July 2023
Watched Deadloch - loved it. I'm an Aussie living overseas so I watch most Aussie shows with promise.

This one definitely has promise but I think they sell themselves short by not including comedy in the description because it is damn funny. Looking forward to more.

We have a fairly high standard of what we watch very few US shows because they are either bad or very plastic and mass produced, complete with canned laughter. At least Australian shows (not the mainstream, soapy, ones) manage to avoid that and have a more UK sensibility about them (one of the few things to be thankful for with our association with the UK). Living in Canada with a Canadian and they were stuck with US shows in the most part.

Love to see Australia producing its own drama/comedy/mystery/whatever shows and feeling confidant for a change.
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Chicago Med (2015– )
Sticking with it like gum on a counter
31 December 2021
Bingeing because it is easily binged.

Season 1 we have a Nurse calling time of death.

We have infectious patients that aren't quarantined, no barrier wear for the staff etc.

This show is so full of implausibility and that's before forgiving some of the most woeful acting.

The good parts are good, the good acting is good, some of the storylines are good. Otherwise just a knock off of 5% House, 20% ER, 50% GA, and yes, that leaves a lot that really probably comes from a high schooler's essay.
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Annika (2021– )
Hope for a Season2
24 September 2021
So great to have a detective with some character that isn't just drinking at the pub and disappointing the missus. Norwegian folk lore and Classics education a very nice change.

Others have said they don't like the main character addressing the camera and I found it off-putting the first time. Turns out to be a clever device allowing us access to her complicated inner world.

The relationships seem real instead of forced and there is just enough mystery to hold the hour. Any longer and it would flounder.

Loved it. Really hoping for a Season 2 (and yes, in our house we've seen pretty much everything with Nicola Walker, forever known as Ruth here).
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Van der Valk (2020–2023)
Prepared to hate, but...
3 April 2021
Look, being honest, I am old enough to remember the original, which I loved. I approached this with trepidation but the combo of the team behind and Marc Warren in front ensured I would check it out.

Loved it. Very true to the feel of the original and the wit carries through. Doesn't matter that it is in English although I would happily watch it even with subtitles. Great acting helps, of course.

The nod to the theme music at the end of the episodes is also appreciated. Such a catchy theme and I still remembered it after all these years, even without hearing it again, which in my mind makes a good theme.

Awaiting Season 2 with glee.
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Suburra: Blood on Rome (2017–2020)
6 December 2017
Thoroughly enjoyed this series. Between this and Romanza Criminale one feels like we are getting to know the grittier side of a large city without it all being about "just the Mafia".

Enjoyed the acting - even the newbies had a gaucheness that suited their characters.

Please, please, let there be a Season 2.
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11 March 2013
Great photography; really enjoyed the use of penguin-cam, egg-cam, rock-cam etc.

Narration was wonderful - the best of Mr. Tennant and his natural voice.

Altogether wonderful documentary following the life cycle of three distinct penguin types, including one that breeds in a desert!

Not to be missed.

Only wish the BBC had made more episodes. Don't know what they would have covered, only know they would have been just as good. My kids (6 and 8) really, really enjoyed this show, too.
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Single Father (2010)
17 January 2011
This is one part brilliant drama and one part melodrama but being only four episodes, let it take you on its journey.

The writing is very good; not perfect, but very good. But it wouldn't be enough without good acting and I must say, David Tennant excels at portraying grief. Never have I held my husband's hand so tightly! Having experienced loss through sudden accident, the character of Dave certainly echoed my experience - an experience that led to PTSD rather than love but my life wasn't TV. Perhaps it is because we cry 'in the same way' but Tennant's portrayal of stiff upper lip and hidden, catastrophic grief did it for me. My husband was wary of watching the second episode because he was feeling fairly traumatised by the first!

The child actors are great, the character of Robin is portrayed by Mr. Heap in a suitably dithery manner that makes one love him, and the visceral hurt felt by the satellite of supporting characters rings true.

The ending was fairly convenient and a diminution of what had gone before but, well, it was hard to imagine any other outcome after some subtle twists and turns.

All in all - time well spent.
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Troy (2004)
31 July 2005
OK - so the guy can't direct anything with Gods in it so he takes them out. Fair enough. He assembles a cast of a thousand accents. Fair enough.

But Brad Pitt's accent? Give me a break. I've seen Pitt (and not just for the flesh) and he can act so what happened here? His voice is SO completely wrong it was hard to concentrate on anything else. The story "inspired", rather dragged from, the Iliad lacks any sort of emotional power without the gods and the hinted-at homosexuality.

If you like sword & sandal flicks you may get into this, otherwise, beware.

p.s. Eric Bana and Peter O'Toole shone in a lacklustre casting
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