
2 Reviews
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Extortion (2017)
Disaster of a disaster!!!!!
19 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are those movies where at the end you either slowly, mindlessly walk out of the theater or sit in your chair watching the credits with a blank stare and when you snap out you go online to Cabelas to find the gun you want to shoot everyone involved with the film, but especially the writers and director because ultimately in all bad movies it usually falls on them. THIS is one of those movies and I guess I am being so harsh because of the rash of films lately where people are put or put themselves in deadly situations due to absolute stupidity!! I mean the one where they dive off their boat out to sea without putting the ladder down so the rest of the film is dog paddling around the boat hoping for someone to come by while dealing with all the elements........... I mean SERIOUSLY, yet most of the time at least ONE of them makes it out alive and in this film, they ALL DO!!!! The one thing that really gets me in a lot of these films though is how when all is lost, end of your rope, situation seems impossible....................... THEY SURVIVE, I mean this guy should have been dead at least 3-4 times for sure, his son for sure and I can't even count the number of situations and circumstances that would NEVER have worked out for him in reality, I mean this was on the level of 2012 and John Cusack getting his family out of L.A. as the entire tectonic plate of Southern California is slipping into the ocean! Sorry but after watching that mess, just had to vent of the fantasy like results that follow the stupidest characters
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Law & Order: Dissonance (2000)
Season 11, Episode 3
Got his just desserts at the end of the meal
15 April 2011
I was not sure about Nora Lewin taking over as DA for Adam Schiff. I thought this could be a softening of the DA's office and their would be a lot of confrontations between her and McCoy which would lead to more sub plots about their working relationship and take away from the cases. I guess she proved to be better than I expected, I still like Adam best but Dianne has done a pretty good job and not tried to come in steamrolling like Gloria Steinem on steroids. The confrontation between Lewin (D.A.) and Wright (Judge) was great, I have wanted this POS to get it in the ass for a long time ever since his unbelievably irresponsible rulings in season 8 "Damaged". He never did another L&O except 1 Trial by Jury which I don't count so it was basically like Nora got him removed from the bench. Good Riddance to one of the most cancerous judges on the series.
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