
4 Reviews
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Jaws 2 in underwater caves
21 February 2022
I just finished watching "47 Meters down: Uncaged" and boy was it ever clear! I mean the video footage itself, at times it is really bright and vibrant; I'd imagine it would look fantastic on an 8K TV. If I am being honest, I quite enjoyed it. Competently shot, good sound and set design. Score was good but there is one song that was a bit irritating and went on a bit too long. Never seen any of the actors before (except for the mean girl who has a bit part, she is Stargirl on the CW) and none of them are gonna win an Oscar for their performances, but they did a decent job.

The real star here is the special effects. Some of the sequences are really, really subtle and well done. That being said, you can absolutely tell they ran out of money when they got to some of the more ambitious sequences towards the end. For the type of movie it is (underwater, claustrophobic, shark attack porn?) it does not disappoint and is superior to the original in a lot of aspects; especially the ending, I did NOT like the ending of the original. This one did get a LOT over the top at the end, where it is revealed that apparently great white shark bites are just a minor inconveniences. Nothing to worry about, just a flesh wound. If you can look past some of the goofier aspects, it is an enjoyable horror flick that actually got me to jump once...and I am so desensitized by a lifetime of watching horror flicks, that is no easy feat. I give it a full 7 chum buckets out of a possible 10.
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Pleasantly Surprised
30 August 2017
I kicked back to watch a movie tonight and stumbled upon this little gem. I really liked this film a lot. The effects were quite well done (except for the creatures, they moved so awkwardly) and the acting was outstanding. Especially from Teagan Cross (the little girl). I had never heard of her but after a quick search I found out she's been cast as 'Raven' in the WB's 'Teen Titans' live action show. Great casting choice 'cause this girl can really act. So can her co-stars of course but she truly shone. The story was original, but showed its influences throughout. Don't expect non-stop action, I won't say much about the story other than that.

SFV1:OC is better than a lot of the big budget flicks coming out of Hollywood these days. It has a lot of heart and I honestly preferred it to something like 'Independence Day 2' or 'Jupiter Ascending'. The editing and breaking it into chapters was different; I liked it but it took a bit of time to get used to. My only complaint is that I didn't really get a sense that time was of the essence. I didn't feel as if the characters were in a rush even though they are clearly supposed to be. I found I was more worried about time than they were.

What you need to take away from this review is that SFV1-OC has above average production values, effects, story, acting and directing. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who wants to immerse themselves in a quality science fiction experience.
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Quirky & Strange but oddly enjoyable
27 August 2017
I didn't take this movie quite as serious as some who've reviewed it here on IMDb. Their views are perfectly valid and insightful and I for one appreciate their efforts; I guess I just assumed this movie was going to be offbeat (due to the title) and went in just hoping to be entertained not to have a life-changing experience. Guess what?! I really was (entertained that is)! In my opinion, it was just the right amount of nostalgia for Batman The Animated Series (BTAS) of the 90's with a bit of modern WTF & OMG thrown in for good measure. I was genuinely shocked a couple of times (you'll know when you get to THAT scene) and laughed out loud at others (keep your eyes out for the Batusi!!) Thought I must admit, I really missed Arleen Sorkin's voice as Harley. Not sure what happened there WB?! I mean, it seems like a no brainer to bring her back if you bring everyone else from BTAS back (just sayin').

One way you might be able to enjoy 'Batman & Harley Quinn' more is if you just look at it as a really long "lost episode" of BTAS, not an addition to the DC Animated Universe. That's what I found myself doing. I didn't love every single episode of BTAS (gasp!) but I did love the entire series overall. There are people who will trash this film, stating that it somehow destroyed their childhood, but honestly, if that's the case then they took it WAY too seriously. It was exactly what the title implied; a crazy hybrid story that intertwines Batman (and Nightwing) with a Harley Quinn story. My suggestion is this: if you are hankerin' for an animated film, want to be entertained and maybe kill 75 min., watch this quirky, sometimes shocking flick.

Lighten up people, or as a great clown once said..."Why so serious?!"
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13 Sins (2014)
Surprisingly Good
19 July 2014
I was looking for a decent horror/thriller to watch tonight and this fit the bill perfectly. I'm not sure how it did in the theatres, but the premise of this film is every bit as worthy of a sequel as "The Purge" and I for one would like to revisit this "Game". It was well acted and well written (in my opinion). My only complaint would be the voice of the (for lack of a better term) Game Show "Host"; he sounded a little too hokey for my taste (and a bit like John Forsythe of Dynasty and Charlie's Angels fame). I nearly watched "Dark Feed" but wisely checked out the reviews on this site first...this may have saved me a painful couple of hours. Kudos to the creators (of 13 Sins) and to those (on IMDb) who recommended it.

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