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A self-indulgent Whine-fest, and Meghan's story doesn't hold up against actual facts.
17 December 2022
For a couple who keep saying they want privacy, especially from the sadistic, carnivorous, wolf pack that is the media, Why is she, and I do mean, Meghan here, continually urging her husband to expose themselves through the same media they claim to hate?

For years, Meghan's narrative has been continually fact-checked, and many things have been proven to be false. There are records, receipts and reports by witnesses that reveal Meghan's true story, and is nothing what she portrays. She started to get caught in these lies when they lived in England, which is part of the reason why the media lost their admiration for her. Meghan is a narcissist who will say whatever it takes to make her appear as a victim.
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The Long Call (2021)
Stellar performances by Ben Aldridge & cast, but...
1 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love the books. And for the most part I'm glad I watched this series-Ben Aldridge and Juliet Stevenson, as well as Martin Shaw and Anita Dobson gave gripping performances about some very important subject matter. The problem was directing and the editing. For example, the arrest scene at Dennis's house in episode 4 was rushed, poorly edited and just didn't make sense! Why would they send Matthew to their house *by himself* if he knew an arrest would be made? No seasoned DI would do that! And the violence was contrived and very poorly edited.

I would watch it again and but if there is a season 2, I hope they learn from their mistakes here. These stories need to be told, and need to be told WELL.
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A fair and balanced view of the Windsors of the 20th Century.
23 November 2020
I'm afraid I must disagree with knshealy, at least as far as this documentary series involving Diana is concerned. I found it to be balanced, and this has been the first documentary I have seen that referenced so many personal letters and accounts never seen before!

I remember those days, from the day Charles and Diana's engagement was announced, and stayed up all night on that terrible August night in 1997, when she was killed. During those decades and well beyond, "the real story" was being touted by various articles, books and even movies! All were biased, and mere speculation!

Charles and Diana were both complex people with strengths and weaknesses and they both blew it in their marriage. Just before her death, Charles and Diana's relationship was cordial and she did tell a friend that he was "an excellent father."

I also believe that the Queen was right to stay in Balmoral for several days after Diana's death, because as traumatized as the nation (the world) was, no one was more devastated then William and Harry, and they needed her more. I'm totally fine with that.

But these accounts of the Royal Family throughout the generations, as I said before, involve personal letters, diaries and accounts written by those who were actually present and involved at that time! Each generation had their problems and their foibles, and this series is unflinching with its facts.

***And as far as that interview with Martin Bashir, Diana DID regret it, and we now know that Mr. Bashir manipulated facts and falsified documents to convince her to do it.
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Chicago Med: I Can't Imagine the Future (2019)
Season 5, Episode 9
Once again, they blew it.
23 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, writers? I like angst and drama as much as the next person, but you've wrung out the Will/Natalie thing till it's nothing but a moldy, damp dishrag and not many people even give a s**t anymore. The end of this episode was just stupid, and if the melodrama-for-it's-own-sake doesn't stop, Chicago Med's going to follow Chicago Law into obscurity.

And you've only yourselves to blame.
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Chicago Med: In the Valley of the Shadows (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
I quit.
19 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched every episode from the beginning, so it pains me to say the premiere of Season 5 pushed things right over the cliff. Ava's big reveal as the psycho and murderer was over before anyone had a chance to say, "I knew it!" What the hell was that?

But the Natalie/Will thingie... I've given up hope and feel like we've all been strung along way too much. I just don't have any interest, anymore. It didn't get much better in the next two episodes, either. The "Infection" Trilogy was the only reason why I watched Episode 4, but after that, I'll pass.
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I wanted to like this, but...
11 February 2019
John Malkovich. Agatha Christie.

Should have been a great combination, but I kept waiting for it to get better... oh, what a disaster! This was terribly written!
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Instinct (2018–2019)
Great cast, great idea, terrible writers
6 May 2018
I want this to work - badly! I love Alan Cumming, and anyone can see he's doing his best, but the both the writing and direction is so predictable, I wince. True, there are a plot twists, but the dialogue is awful! It's just awful!

The cast deserves better. Jim Patterson's work deserves better.
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