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Leprechaun 4: In Space (1996 Video)
Leprechaun 4: In Space, is the Greatest Space Movie Ever!
23 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A movie that received, very poor reviews by professional critics. But I find to be very underrated. Its true that the space affects, like what it looks like outside the ship are pretty bad, but those are the things that make this movie so awesome! What is more cool then a Leprechaun, in space trying to get it on with a hot space princess? Nothing. I love how the Leprechaun uses that lightsaber like thing, and just killed the space soldier! Then for a reason I never understood, the space princess reveals her breasts to a bunch of the space soldiers on the ship as a punishment. Pretty awkward, but funny and erotic moment. I love how the Leprechaun focuses mostly on the princess, but eventually tells her they need to go back for his gold! Still sticking to the series plot. And it had perhaps the greatest kill in movie history. When a male soldier is getting it with a female soldier, he gets an erection. And because he earlier had blown up the Leprechaun, then pee'd on it, the Leprechaun explodes out of penis and says one of the greatest movie lines of all time, "Let that be a lesson to you lads, always wear a prophylactic!" It was the most gross and funny, and awesome kill scenes I have ever seen in my entire life. The only problem with this movie that I have this is the one movie in the series in which the Leprechaun does not rhyme. In all of the Leprechaun movies he has a habit of rhyming for no apparent reason and its a great thing, but he for whatever reason just does not do that in this movie. Disappointing. But overall, this is the second greatest film in the series, and perhaps one of the greatest horror films I have ever seen in my life. I love this film, I recommend it to everyone in the world, this film is a 9 out of 10.
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Leprechaun 3 (1995 Video)
Las Vegas is the perfect place for a Leprechaun.
23 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Warwick Davis again reprises his role as the evil rhyming Leprechaun with a hunger for his gold, but this time... He's in Las Vegas! Vegas to me seems like the perfect place for a Leprechaun to be. He does a lot of humorous things in this film, that it leaves out a bit of the horror, but it is still a great instalment to the franchise. Where do I begin to start. Well for instance the new fact that if you have a coin of the Leprechaun's and you can make a wish if you have it is new, and I find it to be a very good thing, guy wishes for a winning street and wins big in Vegas, how fun is that? And what about the sex robot? I know it probably could have looked better, but I still find that it gives a thrill there and I got a laugh out of it. And another twist is that if you get Leprechaun blood on you or mixed with your blood... You yourself become a Leprechaun. I would say that makes a lot of sense, and it is funny to see the second main character (The first being the Leprechaun) turn into a Leprechaun and be tempted to take the gold for himself, plus it was funny when the Leprechaun flipped the other to mains off. But without a doubt, the greatest about this movie is when the Leprechaun stops to play Craps at the Casino while still looking for his pot of gold, it just seems like the thing that he would do, and when I saw him do that, then those guys come to try and make him stop, then he shoves a token down that guys throat and makes him spit out a lot of coins like a slot machine. I fell on the floor laughing! This is a great film, again it is a bit more comedy then horror, but I find that to be for the better, I recommend this movie to anyone that wants a bunch of laughs, this is your movie. This movie is an 8 out of 10.
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Leprechaun (1992)
The Best Horror Film Ever!
23 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Leprechaun is both great in horror and humour. Getting Warwick Davis to do the part of a rhyming, killing Leprechaun may have been the greatest decision in horror history. Despite that it is low budget (But that doesn't really matter) Leprechaun gives you scares, like when the cop it resting against the tree and the Leprechaun drops on his shoulders and snaps his neck, and it had its very funny moments like when he is looking for his pot of gold in the cupboards and it finds a cereal brand called "Lucky Clovers" he says "Bad!" and reaches inside and takes some of the cereal out and eats it. He chews for a moment, then spits it out. It was funny! I mean this is the film debut of Jennifer Aniston, and she is just terrific as a a stuck up city girl, who is spoilt by her father. I found it very entertaining to watch the man child interact with the smart mouth kid. And it has a creative kill! The Leprechaun bounces up and down and this shop keepers chest with a pogo stick! Never saw that in a horror film before. But over all this movie is great in both humour and horror, and is one of Warwick Davis's best films and I would recommend it to everybody it is a 10 out of 10.
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Leprechaun 2 (1994)
Good. But not amazing like Leprechaun 1.
23 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Leprechaun 2, lacks the kind of humour that was in the original. I find that it makes up a bit in horror, but it tries to hard to be funny! And when it should focus on letting the funniness just happen itself. Warwick Davis again is great in the part, I especially like the part when he gets drunk and tries to use his powers, but fails! Another creative kill is when the guy thinks he is making out with the girl he wants, but is being tricked by the Leprechaun and really kisses a fan and his face is cut to pieces and he dies. That being said, this movie lacked the good acting from the original. I did not care one bit for the acting of the young actress that played Bridget and I did not care for acting of the guy that played Cody. The only really solid acting is from Warwick Davis himself, as he does a good job working with such bad work. The major problem I have with this movie is just that it completely misses the comedy! For Leprechaun with Davis to work it needs comedy, but like I said it tries to hard.And when you try to hard to be funny, you fail altogether. THe only really funny part in this movie is when the Leprechaun is drunk and tries to rhyme. That actually made me laugh pretty hard. But other that the, the film was a total bust. Chartacter and writing wise. Overall, if you want a cheap laugh, go see Leprechaun 2. Its not amazing like Leprechaun 2, but its not terrible. Its a 5 out of 10.
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A Giant Middle Finger to Fans.
22 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start. Lets start with the kids, for one Cathy and Chris are Way.... Older in the movie then the novel, and I found that to be a big disappointment because they start out so innocent in the Attic that after three and a half years, their innocence has been shattered to pieces. Plus Kristy Swanson and Jeb Stuart Adams were not at all how I pictured Cathy and Chris, don't know why that were chosen. And the grandmother! She is so evil, and I just do not like it one bit. In the novel it practically stated that she is evil, but there is a sense of humanity in her. Which the movie completely leaves out and just makes her so you wish her dead every minute. Changing the poison doughnuts to poison cookies was just ridiculous! Them changing the time in the Attic to one year instead of three I found unnecessary. The ending was the second biggest hit to the gut, because instead of just leaving they accidentally kill there mother, leaving absolutely no possibility for a sequel! They just screwed themselves over with that decision. And the last thing is they leave out the incest. I'm not stating that I enjoyed the incest cause I did not. I am stating that it was a huge part of the novel, which is what shocked and captured millions of people and when they take that out... The film is hollow. No passion. I find it to destroy the whole film all together. I am very disappointed by this adaption and give this a 1 out of 10, I do not recommend this movie.
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