
4 Reviews
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An Entertaining Action Flick with a Great Villain.
8 May 2006
I went to see M:i:III over the weekend expecting an entertaining action flick, and it delivered. This adrenaline rush of a film will keep you entertained from start to finish with little flaws.

Personally, I think the Mission: Impossible sequels fell far from the original. But where M:i:2 lacked in originality it made up for it in explosives. What M:i:3 lacked in originality it made up for with Philip Seymour Hoffman.

The first time I *noticed* Hoffman was when he portrayed the annoying reporter Freddy Lounds in 'Red Dragon'. But looking back on the roles he has played through the 90's till now, he has proved he can play any role, not just well, but magnificently.

Rarely does an actor deliver the intensity that he did as a villain. This film is centered around Tom Cruise's character "Ethan Hunt" but the true star is Philip Seymour Hoffman as "Owen Davian".

Overall: 7/10
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How this inspired Tim Burton still puzzles me
13 March 2006
Me friend works at a videostore and recommended this movie to me saying it was the film that inspired Tim Burton to make films. I decided I'd give it a fair chance, as I do with most movies, but I honestly couldn't do it.

I expected a somewhat bizarre movie, but this movie seemed to have no point. I turned it off half way through, so I can't comment on the conclusion (which means, no chance of ruining it) but here are a few things that caught my attention in the film. WARNING: the following 4 - 5 lines may be considered a spoiler by some, although I highly doubt it.

Some of the women in the movie were played by horribly cross-dressed men. A guy who was killed in one scene came back to life in the next. All of the women in the Forbidden Zone run around topless. The first scene in the movie has nothing to do with the film and serves only to mention that the house was once owned by a pimp.

My friend who recommended it has watched it three times and still cannot find any hidden symbolism or purpose to the film. The acting is horrible (as can be expected with a low budget film), the sound effects are corny and the plot is nearly non-existent.

My Recommendation: Don't waste an hour and a half of your life, don't watch it.
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Demon Keeper (1994)
Worse than expected
2 November 2005
When I rented this movie I was about 14 years old and me and a few buddies had rented it with several other "B" horror movies one Halloween.

My honest opinion of this movie. BAD. We were turned off within the first 20 minutes by the terrible plot, acting and, well, basically, everything else. Although it has been several years, I still remember wondering how any film could be worse.

My advice, DO NOT see this movie. If you're looking for a bloody horror movie stick with the Return of the Living Dead series, or for a funnier spin, Braindead (aka Dead Alive). If you want something that will scare you, I personally recommend movies of the style of The Amityville Horror (both the original and the remake), The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original or remake, but not sequels) or The Exorcist. For a good serial killer movie, the Halloween series or Nightmare on Elm Street series are good.
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Wedding Crashers too funny
30 July 2005
I went to see Wedding Crashers expecting to see a funny movie. What I got was something much better. It was jam packed with appropriate (and inappropriate) jokes, the lead up to "the" wedding crash is just long enough to entertain and reveal a little character in both Wilson and Vaughn.

While Owen Wilson puts on a performance of slightly higher caliber than in his previous films, Vince Vaughn is at his best in this film. Almost every line out of his mouth sends the audience into huge belly laughs.

I'd love to say more, but I don't like making reviews that contains spoilers.

My Recommendation? Fill a couple of car loads of your closest friends and go see Wedding Crashers. As a university student with exams soon pressing, this was a great 2 hours of entertainment before I start exams.
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