
5 Reviews
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The Flash (I) (2023)
The intention wasn't to make the faces look perfect
18 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When people mention the CGI, they're mentioning the speed force people. If you saw how the versions of his mom, Zod and Supergirl look, they look exactly like the throwbacks to past DC films. The stylistic choice was an artistic one and simply something they added to make those closeups look interesting. The only issue is that they used close ups of a few of them and if those versions of them would have just stayed in the background, like the other ones, no one would be talking about the "bad cgi".

As for using dead actors, the studio would have to reach out to the families of the actors to make sure it was okay.

Everything else was great, except for the other Berry who really brought it down for me.

Edit: another complaint I've heard is that it's "just another multiverse movie" and it's not. It's a time travel movie. It just so happens that whenever you time travel, multiple versions of the universe are present as well.
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Y'all are being silly
13 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
People who are saying that they can't like this movie because it ends in a cliffhanger are silly. Plenty of books and pieces of media that are objectively and subjectively enjoyable end with cliffhangers. It's interesting because some of the people who complain about this film ending the way it did also are giving praise to Empire Strikes Back- a movie that ended in a cliffhanger. There doesn't need to be conclusion to a film to enjoy it and have fun. There's a lot of character growth, a good story, a lot of interesting ideas and the art direction is beautiful and revolutionary. There's plenty in this film to satisfy movie goers and fans alike.
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It's funny seeing so many adults rage voting on something clearly geared towards children
19 May 2023
My son loves this show, and for good reasons. The colors, voice acting, animation and sound are all great for a younger audience and the stories and messages presented in each episode will really resonate with him and other kids whenever gets a little older. As adults, we should get rating this show based on how children will react to the show and enjoy it. Of course any good show has to be entertaining to their parents as well, and I can confidently say that there's a plethora of very annoying and mindless shows for children out there and this show isn't one of them. I obviously won't watch it by myself, but I'll have no problem turning it on for my kid.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Great episode, but bigots will bigot
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe I read a comment on here where someone said that they were watching this gory-depressing, R rated show with their family and kids and "had to turn it off" whenever the third episode played. So that's where they drew the line... Not people being murdered, getting drunk, doing drugs, bodies burning, planes falling from the sky... but their being two gay people.

LGBT+ people are just apart of life and always will be. Them being included in a story/ movie/ show is showing diversity and not including people like that is what's unrealistic. There's no "agenda" no "brainwashing", just ill tolerant individuals who are afraid of things they don't understand.

As if including human beings with different ideas, sexualities, opinions, etc. (like real life) diminishes the quality of a piece of media.
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Hitman (2016 Video Game)
Best Hitman Game
3 July 2018
This game is, by far, the best Hitman game I've ever played (second to Blood Money). You'll see/hear a lot of people complaining about how quickly you'll die, if shot at, or that you can't really assault rush any missions - that isn't how you're supposed to play. It's purely stealth, 100%. Another complaint people will have is the lack of missions. Each missions, if you take your time, will take awhile. There's tons to collect, explore, and discover in this game. It's truly a snadbox stealth game and definitely worth buying if you're a fan of stealth, or just gaming in general.
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