
18 Reviews
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Worst "Mental Hospital" Movie I've Ever Seen
14 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The entire premise of this movie is ridiculous. First of all, he would have never been admitted to a psychiatric hospital in the first place. No parental consent and the ER doctor knew he was not truly suicidal. It's not easy to be admitted to psych. You need to be deemed a harm to self or others and he clearly was not. I know it's a movie, but as a medical professional, all the hospital inaccuracies did actually bother me, but even more so than most movies or shows in a medical setting. Starting with having adult and pediatric patients not only mixed on the same floor, but sharing rooms! Give me a break right there. They should have chosen one or the other. Do a movie about a teenager's experience in an adolescent hospital or focus on Zach G's character (which to me was actually the more interesting story line, but they didn't fully develop his character which was a shame). Also, they take your shoelaces, but allow you to lock your door - and the doors to the stairwell are open. How nice of them. The biggest issue - the main character doesn't even belong there because there's nothing wrong with him! Clearly no one did research at an actual psychiatric floor because this is about as far from reality as you can get. You could have tried some accuracy and still had a "comedic" albeit darker tone. Would have made a better movie. Additionally, the kid is annoying. Yet says one thing to his "mentally ill" roommate who always sleeps and miraculously gets him to leave the room. He should get a job there! He can be the unit manager. I think it's a "teen" movie aimed solely at teens. That's the only accounting I have for the high rating here. Lack of life experience. I actually found it insulting. It trivializes mental illness - ie the "Under Pressure" scene. And how he's magically cured of his depression after 5 days there. So much can be done with this type of storyline (reference One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest or Girl, Interrupted - I know they are both intense dramas, but still). If you are over the age of 17, nothing to see here.
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Gabriel (I) (2014)
Finally, a realistic portrayal of mental illness
4 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is the type of movie that people should be watching, but aren't. A subtle and perfectly acted portrayal of mental illness, probably one is the most realistic portrayals I've seen. Not over the top and not exploitive, and real. Rory Culkin nails this role and at a very young age had the insight to play a "mentally ill" person without acting like a "crazy person", like so many other actors assigned a role of this type of character often do. It's a character study, not a thriller, but keeps you interested and you become truly invested in what happens to Gabe. It's also interesting to see the genuine although misguided compassion of his smothering mom, and the struggle his family makes in their attempts to get him help. The last scene with Alice also shows that it is possible to show compassion for the people who live on the fringes of society. That's just about the only part of the movie that is not realistically portrayed. Most people who suffer from mental illness don't get this type of compassion from others. If you're looking for a fast paced thriller, this isn't it. If you want to see something totally engrossing that provides a lot of feels, this is a great movie. Sad it's probably seen by so few.
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Bizarre movie, but is it good or bad?
30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm still trying to figure out what I just watched. Giving it a 5 because I still don't know if it's incredibly innovative or just plain awful. The last scene with them both playing the cello at the same time was what made it a little cheesy for me. And what happened to the little girl? The scenes in reverse were done really well. It definitely gives you something to think about.
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Not just a movie
7 May 2019
An enduring piece of art that will change certain aspects of the way you think for the rest of your life. That's all.
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What Would You Do?
7 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A thought-provoking documentary that makes you wonder... if my only living child not only murdered by other child, but admitted to having planned on murdering me, too, what would I do? I admit that at the beginning of the film, I was perplexed and irritated to see them supporting their son who clearly still does not show an appropriate level of emotion when discussing the case around his dead sister and the savagery he himself inflicted upon her. He is clearly a sociopath and I have no qualms stating that. However, these parents demonstrate unwavering support of him, knowing he murdered their child, and that is unbelievable and fascinating to watch. I personally don't think I could ever choose the stance they maintain. They chose something much braver than I personally could ever do. I respect and admire them and their losses are palpable throughout this film, especially those of the father. My only complaint about the film is that the victim Jennifer is barely discussed. I would have liked to seen more photos of her and known more about HER life as she is the one who paid the ultimate price for her brother's callous and evil intent. I also felt like this kid had a troubled past and that wasn't touched upon too much so although the motive is clear, it's not really understood. That being said, as a documentary, it's hard to hit every point. I appreciate the interview of the aunt when she spoke of not being judgmental of the parents. It is very passionate and emotional. Also they don't lay the whole story out in the beginning which is a good thing. There are some twists that are introduced throughout the story. It's a sad documentary, but worth watching.
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The Silence (II) (2019)
Why bother making this?
12 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's really difficult to judge a film with almost an identical plot to a better film that was literally just out the year before (A Quiet Place). Blind creatures who hunt and kill by sound? Check. Deaf daughter? Check. Sick person who needs antibiotics from the abandoned pharmacy? Check. Noisy thing putting you at risk of getting eaten (dog vs baby)? Check. Guy who sacrifices himself to save his loved ones? Check. I could go on. And I love Stanley Tucci and actually think he's great in this, but he's good in everything. But seriously, does Jim (John Krasinski) have some kind of a lawsuit here?
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The Student (I) (2017)
Lifetime Movie Reject
27 March 2019
There's really very little to say about such a terrible movie. I don't know what possessed me to invest any time in this other than it served as a background distraction for getting ready in the morning. The acting is absolutely terrible. The "plot" is ludicrous. I can sum it up by saying there were only 15 minutes left to watch the conclusion - and I turned it off.
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Dating Around (2019–2020)
Interesting. Avoid Sarah episode at all costs.
4 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A positive about the show is the backdrop of New York. Also watching people who can't hold their liquor act like idiots - priceless. And that's about it. However, I generally can't stand people and this show fuels the fire. Most of the daters are just so irritating and vapid, it's hard to stomach. Especially the millennials or whatever the latest vernacular is for those unfortunate people born from the mid-eighties on. That guy Justin from the Gurki episode had to have been planted. What a jerk! The first episode, I actually liked the blonde girl he ended up dating in the end. Very genuine. The most annoying girl on the show - Sarah. Constantly complaining, indescribably annoying and I don't know how these men just didn't run like fire from her. The one guy left her at the bar she was so rude; good for him!! Her personality is fake, fake, fake. Thinks she's cute and "edgy". Sarah... you're not.
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Truth or Dare (2017 TV Movie)
Should be R-rated!
28 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm very surprised this movie is PG14 due to the graphic violence. It is an extremely gory movie and it pretty much seems to rely on that to carry it through. There's not much of a plot and the plot that there is doesn't make much sense. Do the dare and you die, don't do the dare and you die? And during the Russian Roulette scene, the card didn't say you had to point the gun at your head. You'd think as a med student, he would have been smarter. The best character in the movie is the woman who survived in 1983. I was looking for her to go back to the house with them to help them "outsmart it". But they gave her that one tiny scene and we never saw her again. As far as the ending, as others have said, terrible. Makes no sense at all. Do they both live? Are they both dead? Does one live and one die? Per closed captioning, after the scene ends, they BOTH gasp. So what does that mean? Please don't waste your time.
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I'm Sorry (2017–2019)
And the award for the most annoying actress goes to...
26 February 2019
How on earth does this show have 7.7 stars? It is literally unwatchable. Not funny. Tries to be witty and it's not. Mind-numbingly dull dialogue. The actress and her character provoke an ire inside of me almost to the point where I want to throw a brick at my TV. She is an annoying actress and the character is totally unlikable. The character is the epitome of every vapid PTA mom that you ever met. I'd rather watch Adam Ruins Everything and I cannot stand that dude so that says a lot! Cancel this garbage and replace it with reruns of World's Dumbest!!
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Fyre (2019)
Needed More Footage of "Influencers"
31 January 2019
Would have been exponentially better with more footage of the disgustingly vapid "celebrity influencers" moaning about having to essentially what is for normal people called CAMPING for a night. Actually, it was glamping. I loved the comparisons from a few them to a "refugee camp" (utterly shameful) and "barbaric" accommodations. Tents on a beach. How horrifying. Yes, they were ripped off, but please. These people spend more on a pair of shoes. I have no sympathy for any of these people. I'm sure they have more footage of the "celebrities" (I didn't even know who 99% of these people were), but didn't incorporate it into the doc because these fakers didn't want to look like idiots and after all, their jobs are to "influence" and no one wants to upset the little whiners. That's a shame because it would be awesome to see a bunch of spoiled brats complaining about their cheese sandwiches while people are freezing to death in real refugee camps in Syria. Glad this guy is doing jail time though because seriously... he deserves it. Slime.
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I Feel Pretty (2018)
Watch it for Michelle Williams
24 January 2019
First of all, I'm not a huge fan of Amy Schumer. But this entire movie is worth watching only for the performance that Michelle Williams gives as Avery. It's really a shame they didn't incorporate her into more scenes, because she kills it as the seemingly flighty make-up heiress. Every facial expression, every move she makes, is fascinating to watch. She totally nailed it. She's funny and sad at the same time. I like the movie because it does have a good message and again, Michelle Williams rocks it. Amy Schumer's role could have gone to 100 different actresses with a cute face who weigh more than 115 pounds and would not have made a difference.
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Adam Ruins Everything (2015–2019)
I'd rather watch that same episode of Impractical Jokers for the 514th time
14 January 2019
Not only is Adam one of the most annoying human beings I've ever heard speak, many of the "facts" he presents to his very gullible audience are WRONG. In comparison, Alton Brown would be considered enjoyable.
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Mother! (2017)
Can I give it a zero?
20 September 2018
I second everything that movieexclusive wrote. I can't state it any better, except I would give this a zero if I could. Actually one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. It is free on Amazon Prime right now so if you've gone all this time without seeing it, continue to spare yourself the agony and don't hit "watch now". My day is actually ruined because of this movie.
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Paterson (2016)
Get a job?
5 August 2018
I have 45 minutes left of this fairly interesting movie and all I can think about is how or why does Paterson's girlfriend not work? It's actually really distracting. At least establish some way of her making money in order for them to afford their home, her black paint and Estaban guitar lessons.
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Reasonable Doubt (2017– )
26 July 2018
Unwatchable since they replaced Melissa with the extremely unlikable Fatima Silva. She has the personality of a toaster oven.
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The Woodmans (2010)
Woodman is a good name for this phony couple
23 July 2018
Her parents are absolutely awful people. I was interested in Francesca's life and work and the film focuses mainly on her parents, who are just self-absorbed, truly abhorrent rich people ("artists") with no hearts. Brother is pretty bad, too. They aren't ashamed to express jealousy over the posthumous success of their dead daughter. Her dad even attempts to copy her work and not in a honorable kind of way. The comment the dad made about how he would "hate" his child if they weren't interested in art basically shows you what kind of people they are. "There's a little coffin. I'm afraid some poor child has departed" is one of the last lines of the doc, spoken by George as he sees a casket go by in Asia. What kind of weird comment is that? So flippant. I hate to say this knowing the outcome, but no wonder she suffered so much in life. I would, too, if those people were my caregivers who were supposed to love me and instead viewed me as an object secondary to their sculptures.
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37 (I) (2016)
Awful Movie
5 May 2018
Historically inaccurate and terrible movie. Could have done without the whale music towards the end as well. It's so bad, I can't even bother to elaborate any further. Please don't waste your time.
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