
83 Reviews
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Corny, but I loved it
13 August 2023
They did a good job with this movie.

Pull on your heartstrings stuff.

The 2 pretty boy leads were convincing enough. I enjoyed them a lot. Eye candy for sure. They did a good job casting them. The Prince very English looking and prim and proper. The President's son, brash, in your face, Texas A&M his strong suit, yet tender.

I liked it the Equerry had a thing going with the President's aid. Too funny.

The supporting cast were very good in that they made the story all seem believable, you know, Royal stuff, Presidential stuff, etc.

Movie was not gay preachy, at all.

More movies like this are needed of the Gay Genre.

Best of all, 1 of the gay leads did not get killed as you usually get in these Gay Romances.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Good but a little preachy with a butch hygiene challenged Ambassador
28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Many plot twist and turns which made it interesting but I have to say they made out all the men to be subservient vassals of women.

Basically, this show is what would happen if women were in charge and plain to see, they would not do any better than men.

I like Keri Russell as an actress but her Ambassador character just a little too butch for me. Hillary Clinton jumpsuit acolyte. And the personal hygiene scenes, well, unnecessary unless they were going for that female earthy cachet.

I liked her attache character, Stewart, he played the part very well and his character essential to many of the plot changes.

The drama was beautifully shot, kind of like a rural Britain travelogue even in London. The Louvre scenes were very nice to watch.

Hopefully they did not blow up the Ambassadors husband, her clever lap dog.

Looking forward to Season 2 minus the vassal and lap dog stuff and esp. The hygiene scenes.
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Life Like (2019)
Too hot to handle
15 August 2022
Sofie character worthy of contempt but necessarily so (and strangling as one other Reviewer observed - with whom I agree).

Drove her husband away and eventually into a bathroom meeting with Henry the robot.

The bathroom scene between Strait, the robot, and Van Acker, the husband, was very, very sensual. Too hot to handle for me.

I do not know how those 2 did it but they made that scene seem natural and real. Not to mention the 2 of them have natural, non-steroid induced builds that makes the rest of us guys look bad. And they are both eye candy, even a guy like me can see that from a mile away.

About the nature of love, lust and love lost. Kind of like Romeo and Juliet plus Other where Other does the ultimate sacrifice. Convenient for the 2 humans.

The robot too human and a lesson of giving oneself unconditionally for the 2 humans and the audience.

Good show, sensual, philosophical, I liked it a lot.
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Balled my eyes the last 15 min
10 August 2022
I did.

Heartbreaking story of mental abuse and enforced isolation.

I too was abused but at least allowed to go to school. At times I too wanted to kill my father for beating me and my mother, yelling and mentally abusing me as a child at all my inadequacies, so many, many times - too many to count or recount here. My outlet was school and some neighbor friends. I cannot imagine having had that taken away from me and what I would have done. Age 10 I begged my mother to take me away to somewhere else, I could not take it anymore. She never did.

Anthony you could see at the very end was beginning to be himself, cope with freedom and integrate with society all of which he had been denied for his entire life. He was making the effort.

I understand him well, I wish him all the best. He will do well I think. I did, and expect he will too. At the very end his sign of emotion said it all to me.

Why I cried.

Mirror. Mirror.
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James May: Our Man in... (2020–2024)
As an Italian, a real one, I love this guy!
22 July 2022
He showed the modern, scientific Italia and the classical in a very light hearted way. Italiani take a shine to him immediately as did I. He has a way and style that are all his own.

Quintessentially English but wide eyed like a child seeing something with love for the first time.

Not crazy about his gelato or pizza ideas but you know, he is comic and that was alright.

He oozes personality, wit and charm. And he is funny. I found myself laughing so many times during each episode - I think a lot of asides to us Italians that will view his Series.

I liked it that he threw in some Italian eye candy in the persons of Paolo and Guia. And some celebs like Chiellini. Nice touch.

He captured our Bel Paese with an eye seldom seen in most Series about Italia.

Beautifully done James. I loved your Series!
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Rumspringa (2022)
I was in a sentimental mood
29 April 2022
And this movie, as offbeat as it was, ended up pulling on my heartstrings.

About finding oneself. And that the answers are within and not outside oneself.

The 2 leads ma;e actors were very charismatic. The rest quirky and fun. And the female actresses very nice too, believable.

It was just a sweet story about a young Amish man off to Germany on his Rumspringa that is beginning to find himself and because he is Amish, the new World around him that he discovers, is amazing.

I liked it. I liked it a lot. Tenderly done, gives hope to us all that no matter what age we can find the answers to our lives and they can be sweet. Ever so sweet.
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Revenge of Mother Nature's Unaspired
20 April 2022
Every company has a target market segment they sell to. A&Fs was being unabashed about that, reflecting it even in their stores.

If you don't like it, don't shop there. Stay away from things you don't like. Life is much simpler. Why subject yourself to something that makes you feel bad?

The "left out" of the A&F target market, e.g., Mr. Trifecta, can't leave well enough alone and indulge in ego trips to have their way and/or sue in court to have the same and get rich.

I never bought there, not my cup of tea.

This show was an assassination of A&F plain and simple.

Catering to the people that know little about marketing practices and turning a clothes retailer into some Martin Luther King afront meanwhile trying to make themselves more famous and/or wealthy.

There will be always people that are others aspire to be. Mother Nature's Natural Selection. Reproduction, seeking a partner that will give your offspring the highest chance of survival.

Yet another Netflix SJW PC special. This was one as whiny as they get and ignores basic reproductive survival of the fittest biology.
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I am Italian and had to rewind many times to keep up with Eduardo...
15 April 2022
Yes, a real one that lives in Italia and can speak Italian.

Talks a mile a minute but man, Edoardo packs a lot of intelligence into a sentence.

Mind boggling at one point. How that man's mind must race at light speed. And surprisingly, his mouth can keep up. Why he is so skinny.

A lot of layers to this movie especially if you are Italian. The poverty he was born into, super intelligent but in the end works at a refinery. Some hope in the end with IT. A lot of nuance if you are Italian and know the history, social stratas, social commentary of the times (and troubles).

A youth way too intelligent for his age trying to find the answer to the age old questions of who am I? Why am I here? And if so, what should I be doing? And well read to say the least in that pursuit.

He fell into his lot in life not by choice but by society and poverty.

Yet a happy guy and OH SO FUNNY in Italian. Real wit. There were too many scenes to talk about like that. The English captions in Netflix not bad, but you know, English is NOT a Romance language still, from reviews here his humour and wit came thru nonetheless.

Watched it on a lark (prefer English movies, TV) but not disappointed. Quite the opposite. A real gem of a movie from Italia.
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In the mood for corny and love
15 April 2022
They over did the Polish hick country folks and I like it.

They end up together. Adversity to get there. Fall in love. He sacrifices to get his gal They lived happily ever after. Nothing new here.

Countryside nice, acting OK, both leads delicious in physical appearance. Supporting cast were Polish country hick hilarious. They made the movie to me. Near slapstick at times.

The male country hick costumes looked very uncomfortable to me especially the pants.

Worth a watch but no more than once. I like corny and this movie had plenty of it.
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FF and OK
15 April 2022
Slow moving and annoying death countdowns in the movie.

I FF to the part that looked interesting or important and then on to the end and presto got what the movie was about.

Read reviews here and looks I did not miss a beat.

Sort of like Ghost but meanders here, there, everywhere. Both leads looked to me decidedly disinterested in each others character for the most part. The girlfriend was good in this but in a supporting role you can only do so much.

Ok to watch. Do not have high expectations and you will be fine.

In a rush, FF thru it like I did. You will be fine again.
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Metal Lords (2022)
WHAT a fun show, made me add Metal to my songs
8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The 3 kids were great in this. Greensmith as Hunter was fantastic, possessed. Determined at a Metal band beyond all reason and common sense, a natural at comedy. Martell as Schlieb the ultra sincere nerd without a passion until he finds metal and drums. And Hainsworth as Emily the consumate possessed pretty girl in frump frocks that can rock a cello and Olympian javelin throw a clarinet.

If this sounds good to you, watch it. I did laughing throughout the show esp. The Crusty the Clown segment...played perfectly by obsessed Greensmith and his plastic surgeon implant fondling laissez faire dad played wonderfully by Gelman.
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Human Resources (2022–2023)
Took me 20 minutes but...
22 March 2022
Once I figured it all out, the show is a laugh a minute.

It's hilarious and irreverent.

Basically, take all the human emotions that there are, make them individual characters along with similar work mates and have them advise humans.

What could possibly go wrong?

I hate to admit it but my faves are the sex bugs or whatever they are, the logic guy and the love bugs. Honorable mention to the Corp. Owl.

The show is too funny. Moves quick and steals your attention away.

Before you know it, along comes another fun episode.

Great escapist humor.
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5 only because I liked the costumes, stark scenery
10 March 2022
Black Ambassador to Scotland. Asian lady in waiting. All in the Queen's Court of England.

They don't even have that now.

Maybe Thomas Randolph wore Blackface to Privy Council & Scotland like Canada's PM Trudeau does at partys.

Then the gay thing.

Like someone else mentioned it is unlikely that a Catholic Queen of Scotland was that hipster back then (Sisters?). If so, she should have worn a plaid shirt and a tocque (beard optional).

David Tenet as Calvin was cool but you could only make out his nose.

And what;s up with all the Black costumes for men?

I though they had kilts in Scotland. Apparently not.

I much preferred other historical accounts of the story. This one got distracting because of all the PC, SJW, name it, nonsense.

Funny thing, IMDb asks if the review contains spoilers. We all knew Mary would get beheaded but we're not supposed to say so. Go figure.
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Tree Huggers Under Water
16 December 2021
See Puff.

See beautiful Coral.

See things get eaten.

Then see dead Coral.

Puff sad.

Not as sad as I am to hear and watch Netflix Eco Warrior can't leave well enough alone and leave people alone so they can just enjoy visual delights.

Just STOP IT for the Love of God Netflix.

If you want to Eco Advertise, give discounts on your charges. If not JUST STOP IT.
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15 December 2021
Se sei un italiano come me (che in realtà vive in Italia) e che ama Napoli e la sua gente... allora adorerai questo film.

Torna Fellini.

Laugh. Cry. Hope, last to die.

"A Mediterranean Paris. Such is Naples"
  • Goethe.
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Knew that kid was evil...
1 December 2021
...from the word get go.

Beautifully filmed period piece. Fine job to me of American Old West early 1900's.

Cumberbatch was great as the oaf some bully with a higher ed degree we find out later.

The kid sly as they come.

The rest a back drop to the kid and Cumberbatch's character. I liked it they threw in some sexual tension between the 2 of then...of course, evil kid exploited that in the end.

Really enjoyed the film including the vista's and wide open spaces.

Dolby Vision great colors and Dolby Atmos a treat to listen to with this film. Thanks for that bonus Netflix!
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Matthias Schweighöfer Hilarious in this, Sexy Geeky
29 October 2021
He made the whole show.

Sexy in a geeky way, obsessed with opening safes modeled after Wagner operas and a virtuoso at that.

The rest were really in support of acting here and is was very good.

Light hearted show (tranquillizer darts in a bank heist), very nice European scenery and our safecracker geek gets the girl...well for awhile anyway.

Matthias screamed like a girl in the bike down stairs chase...too funny. Fun comedy in the show.

And at the end, he may well get his dream shot at:


German is SUCH a mouthful.
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
S3E6 14:20 to 15:20 1 minute...
19 September 2021
The entire season was a slow burn until it all exploded in this minute of violence and passion.

Some superb acting here by all in this scene.

I have no words to describe my emotions...electric, incensed maybe?

By far the best season, MINUTE, so far of The Fall.

I'd give it 11/10 if I could for this 1 golden minute of cinema.

Thank you to those who created this minute.
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The Old Ways (II) (2020)
2 Jumps & I'm a MF Bruja
25 August 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed this show.

Rare I get chills and goose bumps during a horror movie, getting But oh no, they made me jump. Twice. Loved it all.

The actors were great in this, spot on. They got right into their roles.

Some good old Spanish Exorcist minus the vomit, well OK a bit here and there + long hair strands (eeeuuuch), plus Goat Milk, some great visual effects, add in some fine music and this show is a winner.

More please who ever you are that wrote, created and produced this.

I need more.
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20 yrs ahead of its time - Thankyou Netflix
16 August 2021
Anglade, the young man, mesmerizing in this as was Mezzogiorno. After awhile you could not take your eyes off of Anglade. He exuded sexuality and became desireous to Mezzogiorno's character.

Proves you don't need to spend the whole day in the gym and take multivitamins and Lord knows what else to be so attractive and sexy at the same time to defy words. Also, Anglade in this defined brooding, still waters and smouldering desire all at the same time.

The scenes between the the 2 were electric to me. Even at the fateful end.

Hard to believe this gem of a film got passed over for so many years.

Not what I expected. So glad I watched it.
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Boy next door looks...criminal genius
3 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I hate to say this but during the show I dreaded when the Police would catch up with him. After all, he is a Drug Lord.

Good looking innocent teen and behind that pretty boy face lurks a criminal mastermind.

How he pulled it off for so long without being detected is testament to that kids brains. Smart guy. He can be anything he wants.

Dedication for sure. Holed up in his small bedroom working day and night for years and not going nuts in the process is impressive.

Steely will for sure. Good show I enjoyed it.

The last indictment I doubt he was involved. I mean why would he set up shop again in Leipzig?

That would be stupid. Not his style. The Lone Ranger at heart is what he is.
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Mascarpone (2021)
Nice story about life after a relationship, becoming one's own man
8 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Poor Antonio, doting stay at home partner to high school sweetheart Lorenzo that dumps him. Few job skills and finds a roommate to rent from, totally uninhibited Denis that sets him up with a job with his FWB Luca.

Basically, Antonio goes thru the stages of lost love and in the end decides to live his life for himself instead of for someone else and that he will settle again when he is ready.

In other words, he matures. Becomes his own man.

The story is not over the top gay and other than Denis at times, quite normal really.

The actors were very good. Passion Italian style (I am one living in Italia) and this was nice to see.

I picked up a few new words in Italian after watching the movie that I dare not mention here.
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Passengers (I) (2016)
CGI great, story morally reprehensible...meh
6 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lonely guy woken up during a interplanetary trip 90 years too early. Decides to wake an attractive woman for company. Condemning her to death before her reanimation at the end of the 120 yr flight to another planet.

She said murderer. I agree. Then they fall in love, save the ship with the help of another crew member woken up by error.

Other crew member dies. Lonely guy almost dies trying to fix the ship, woman saves him in an Autodoc.

Autodoc can save one of them. Incredulously, she opts to stay with him.

I would have gone back into the Autodoc if I were the woman. They guy is selfish beyond words that he takes away the dreams and life of another person to satisfy his loneliness. No dilemma here.

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250,000 copies per year...
19 May 2021
Since 1951. 65 million copies sold.

Catcher is a great book and Salinger's story just as good.

Hoult, Spacey and the rest of the cast were very good. The movie felt so real even though they tried to make it surreal at times during his war years. At the end of the movie you feel as if you know him be it an acquaintance that leaves an impression days after.

Salinger was an amazing man, true to himself and his writing. I liked it that he was spiritual as well.

I see reviews here less than the 83% Google says liked the movie. I am one of the 83%, enthusiastically.

Some of the garbage people write here about the movie and the man gives testament as to why Salinger was one of the great American writers. When compared to the drivel you read here. Not knowing him but reading him I can say the movie brought him to life for me.

A movie personal about Salinger, his successes, failures, adversity then rebirth. A story well told, then again, Salinger makes a good story in any time.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Half the show untalented her pining for similar him
24 April 2021
Endless outtakes about less than gifted lead actress pining for less than gifted supporting male actor.

The story is OK but the lead actress is as heart warming as a refrigerator with less charisma. Her childhood "friend, crush" is looks and body and little else. Pining material. Good thing they put some clothing on him mid-way thru the series or I would have said this was a soft porn fantasy.

The other characters were very interesting in the fantasy (Freddie, Jesper, and exotic side sick were v. Good, not enough of them) but insufferable pining in this show by 2 less than capable actors was annoyment beyond words.

The supporting cast by in large are an order of magnitude better than the 2 leads, more talented with the little time they had in the show and more of them would have made for a better story.

Ben Barnes great as usual, the little of him we got to see. Heaven forbid a good character and great actor would get in the way of:

Her pining for Him ALL THE TIME like some Teen coming of Age epic.

6 only because of the idea and supporting cast. A 3 for the 2 piners.
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