
9 Reviews
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New Amsterdam (2018–2022)
Great show with a few caveats...
6 March 2023
For the most part, this is well written, the characters are engaging and intelligent & it seems to not get lost too often with the character interactions and their responsibility to their patients. Max is a bit too unrealistic in his portrayal of Medical Director in that a lot of the things he does are completely unrealistic for a hospital of that size and responsibility. My biggest issue, however, is with Dr Frome. He has an attitude that anything people dream up is ok and the world around them should change to accept their view of it & not the other way around. No Psych Dr worth his salt would act like this guy.
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The Brave Ones (2022– )
Great potential, but...
18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Admittedly, this is a bit too soap opery for me, a lot of melodrama going on, but I like the characters. My biggest gripe, really, is the lack of focus this has. The writing could definitely be better, but the storyline jumps around way too much. It should be about the moving of Illana to build the casino and Ntsiki's new found power(s). The sick child is more of a distraction than anything else & they should have saved him or let him die much earlier in the season, IMHO. There are several "whys" throughout the story thus far, that should have been dealt with up front, not dragged out as if they plan on going back later, doing so leaves the characters a bit flat and personally, I'd like to know more of their back story up front. However, I really like the idea and hope if they get a second season, they will deal with these issues.
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The Sandman (2022– )
I had high hopes, but...
7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This series seems to fall short just about every episode of the potential presented. The characters are likable and I want to root for Dream, but his portrayal is wooden and lifeless and I never got the sense of urgency or even real commitment from him in the finding of his "Dream Tools", though he expresses he is basically nothing without them. I could have done with a little less politically correct as well. Overall, it's just a distraction and I probably won't bother to watch a second season if there is one...
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How/why do movies like this get made?
16 December 2021
This movie could be worse, but I'm not sure how. Troma films had better acting, the script could have been better written by a 6th grader and the plot is just dumb and illogical. None of these people could pull off the robbery of a 7/11 much less a sports arena. Don't waste your time on this disaster.
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Excellent, heartfelt documentary of a B movie director's life and death
10 November 2020
Easily one of the best documentaries of a life I have ever seen. The interviews were incredibly well done, honest and loving portrayals of their friend. Even folks that are not horror fans will enjoy this great piece of work. I have seen several of his movies, but I will definitely go back with my new knowledge of how they were made and enjoy them a second time.
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Riot (I) (2015)
Not the worst movie I've seen this year, but...
1 July 2020
I watched this because I saw Dolph Lundgren was in it. He's completely wasted here, but the only bright spot in the entire film. It's pretty much one poorly choreographed fight scene after another, the acting is horrendous and the script & plotline are abysmal. This is an action flick, but it makes movies like John Wick seem like Citizen Kane...
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Constant Lost Potential
1 December 2019
This sounds like a great premise and it is, but the episodes seem to miss the point every time. The first couple were worth watching, but after that, it just feels like the writers lost their way. The remaining shows are...well, dumb... in many cases. You occasionally see a flash of light and then they quickly snuff it out. So much potential wasted.....
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Ugly Delicious (2018–2020)
Truly unfortunate this show isn't about food
23 April 2018
The food and discussions about food take a complete back seat to the host and his friends incessant whining about immigration and immigrants in the food industry. It's irrelevant if I agree or disagree, I want to watch a food show about,, oddly enough. If Mr Chang wanted to do a political opinion show using food as a backdrop, that's fine, but this show is all politics with the food as window dressing. This show had potential but really misses the point, I think.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Pilot: Incredibly bad, script, acting and plot line
12 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've been watching Star Trek since Captain Kirk himself, was running the Enterprise. Some of the subsequent shows and movies have been good, some not so much for a variety of reasons. This new iteration is without a doubt, the most contrite, preachy, politically correct, over the top trying to please what's trendy hot mess ever presented. Gene is surely spinning in his grave. I understand what they were/are trying to do, but seriously. This Captain seems to have less passion or personality than did Captain Sisko of Deep Space Nine, if that's possible. In the pilot, she is seemingly incapable of making any decision without input from everyone around her. The premise of the "big, bad" Klingons, their devotion to a "radical type of religious"cause, (Not certain if they are denigrating Islam or Christianity here) and the non-noble born who stands up for a faith not his own. The most ridiculous is the obvious dark coloring of all the noble born Klingon and the VERY white skin tone of the outsider. I was waiting for Captain Planet to appear. Want to watch a better Star Trek like show that's not Star Trek? Watch, The Orville. it's better written, funny and delivers on what's it's attempting, unlike this disaster.
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